...Well, I guess, I know! Because I wrote this, so feel free to follow your curiosity and read!
Thanks! :]
Rated: 15
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Action, Angst, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Buffy/Other, Character Death, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Completed: No
Word count: 4264 Read: 10308
Published: 05/13/2012 Updated: 05/29/2012
1. Chapter 1 - Finally. by HostilePoet_17 [Reviews - 2] (407 words)
2. Chapter 2 - Humanity. by HostilePoet_17 [Reviews - 2] (1147 words)
Okay. I meant to hold some chapters back, but the first one was so pitifully meagre that I'm giving you another!
3. Chapter 3 - An Unwelcome Surprise. by HostilePoet_17 [Reviews - 4] (428 words)
4. Chapter 4 by HostilePoet_17 [Reviews - 3] (857 words)
For ShyLyn, I decided that, yeah, Spike's hair wouldn't be a dark dark brown, but rather a dark blonde, as it had been as a human. So, yay! :D
Okay, sorry for my awful lapse in updating - I promise, Where Do We Go From Here? will definitely be updated eventually. Sorry, graduated on Friday, and the biggest exams of my life are starting the 6th of June. Fuck! But, I'll be finished by the 14th and then I'm all yours for the summer! :D
Something small-ish. I planned on adding more, but that'll go in the next chapter! Just a little look at Buffy and her husband.
5. Chapter 5 by HostilePoet_17 [Reviews - 6] (1425 words)
Whoa, yes, I posted ANOTHER chapter today. In case you guys missed it, Chapter 4 went up yesterday!
Quote is from Emily Bronte's "Wuthering Heights." As I was typing this up, a distant memory at the back of my brain suggested that the same quote was possibly used in a Twilight story. Damn. Well, I picked it ages ago as I was revising the book, and I think it suits the context.