William's POV

When William awoke his cheeks were wet. He didn't know when he'd fallen asleep. For a moment he wondered where he was. He looked around to see he was in a hotel room.

He heard it: Masculine growls. Feminine moans. A steady stream of curses. Gruff sounding 'fucks' alternating with high-pitched squeals of 'oh fuck' and 'fuck yeah'.

William blinked. In confusion. He raised himself on shaky legs, using the door as leverage. He spun around and looked.

They were at the foot of the bed. Face to face. Xander was seated on the edge of it, his legs dangling off. Buffy's legs were either side of him. Her hands were wrapped around Xander's neck. William saw Buffy's powerful calves ripple as she used the bed as leverage to bounce up and down in Xander's lap.

Xander's eyes were rolling back, but his hands had a firm grip on his wife's tiny waist. His fingers were interlocked around the small of her back, guiding her in such a way to allow their hips to thrust in sync.

“Oh,” Buffy moaned. “Oh god.”

His boss merely chuckled. Salaciously. William knew that chuckle well. He remembered the as look well. It was the same chuckle Xander would give in the boardroom everytime a hot young thing turned up. The I'm gonna get me a piece of that ass look, it was called around the shop.

“Yeah,” Xander said. “Fuck yeah.”

William found himself dazed. Transfixed. Neither his wife nor his boss took noted his presence. Suddenly, Xander stood. And in one motion, picked Buffy up, turned her around, slung one foot over his shoulder and began driving into her.

It was the kiss that broke the spell. When Xander and Buffy's lips joined in a desperate clash – of teeth and tongue – that was utterly wanton.

The bile rose up in William's throat and he found himself staggering away from the scene. Suddenly, he was on his knees, puking his guts out on the expensive carpet. The sounds of his retching were drowned out by the loud noises coming from the bedroom.

“Oh God,” Buffy was moaning. Over. And over. And over again.
William felt like he was being stabbed through the heart. He tried to rise again, but found his feet unsteady.

“Oh God, Xander,” Buffy was moaning. “Oh yeah, Xander.”
The sound of it made him ill all over again. Made him throw up again. William shut his eyes tight. Trying to block it out. But try as he might, William couldn't. His ears picked it all up. In excruciating detail.

“Oh God, Xander. Oh yeah, fuck me harder!”
“Yes, Xander. Yes Xander. Oh my God, Xander, I’m cumming, baby!”

William wiped tears from his eyes. At last, Xander spoke.

“So am I, Buffy,” Xander said. “I’m so close, baby.”

“I’m cumming, Xander, oh God, I’m cumming, Xander!”

“Oh fuck, yeah Buffy, so am I, baby, oh yeah, here it comes.”

“Oh Xander, oooh Xander,” Buffy was moaning.

“Oh fuck,” Xander gasped. “Oh fuck! Buffy!

Suddenly their voices broke. Buffy's high-pitched squeal came first. Then Xander's guttural growl.

And all that was left were the grunts, hisses and heaves and sighs that followed in its aftermath.

“Yeah,” he heard Xander rasp. “Fuck... that was...”

The girl in question was breathing. Heavily.

“Fucking fantastic,” Xander concluded. Chuckling.

“Mmmmm,” Buffy said. In agreement.

William couldn't bear to look. But he could practically see it in his mind's eye. Xander lolling against the pillow. Buffy stretching her lean, flexible limbs. Experimentally. Suddenly, Xander's voice broke through again.

“Come here,” Xander said. Amorously. “I'm not nearly done with you.”

“Stop that,” Buffy said. She sounded annoyed now.

William heard the sounds of bedsheets. Rustling.

“I need to use the bathroom,” Buffy said. Firmly.

This time, Xander sighed. Deeply.

A beat passed.

“Want some company?” Xander asked.

“Maybe later,” Buffy said. Her voice was clipped.

And then he heard the bathroom door closing and the sound of a lock turning. William closed his eyes. Felt his anger rise. And
Spike opened them.

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