Membership status: Member
About Me:
My name is Rachel, but lots of my friends call me Rae. I've been a fanfiction reader probably since about 2005 or 2006. I originally got into reading Supernatural fanfiction and then found other stories, and I have to admit I think the Spuffy fanfiction available online is the richest there is, there's every kind of story you could possibly want if you look hard enough, and SpuffyRealm makes that search a little easier. Soon after I began reading fanfiction I found stories here on SpuffyRealm, and can I just say it’s an amazing site and Pari is an absolute legend for looking after it the way she does. I suggest anyone posting their first fanfic should come here, because the people have been so supportive and helpful, even when critical and that’s the best thing to find as a writer.
As I say originally I read Supernatural fanfiction, so that’s where I started writing, I posted it first on an lj and posted links on shipper sites, but I eventually found it much easier and much better received on fanfiction.net. If anyone wants to read any of my Supernatural fanfic they're all posted there, along with my Spuffy ones from here getting in touch on my twitter
I love writing Spuffy, but at the moment I only write longer Spuffy stories, which is why I haven't written as many. As I said I find the characters very rich and its hard for me to take them somewhere and just leave them. I get too involved with where I'm going and so enjoy planning longer story arcs. I've completed my story 'Protect Me From What I Want' and I'm very proud of it. I have to talk about Placebo, my ultimate favourite band and the inspiration for all of the Chapter titles, lyrical quotes and for a lot of the later themes of that story. I'm currently writing a sequel called 'Protège Moi' which carries on from the last Chapter and the style and Placebo theme will be continued in it. In between I wrote 'All These Things That I've Done' and the quirk to that story was that I had a go at making story banners for each Chapter, something I've never done before. I'm very excited about these stories and can't wait until they're all finished to see what people make of them. I already have another story idea in my head for when I'm done!
If anyone wants to contact me please do it on twitter, I just opened an account specifically for the readers of my fanfiction! http://twitter.com/AngelelauraRae