Categories: NC-17 Fics
Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Parody
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 16 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 162052
Great story. Very HOTTT... Can't wait to read more from this working man series. Thanks for the fic.
Wow. That was intense. Never read anything like it. I can't wait to read more. Awesome start.
This was one of my favorite stories of the spuffy realm. hope there's more
thanks for the sequel. liked the ending.
Please finish this story. It is too good to give up on. I think it is one of your best. Please don't abandon it for much longer.
Love your writing. Please one more story. I would love a triology
Oh, what a good story. Can't wait to see how it all turns out.
I hope there is more where this came from. I really like the story. It is really great so far.
I love the story. Please finish it.
Great story. I am so glad things ended well for them.
Loved both stories. Please keep writing. I look forward to it.
Oh, I absolutely loved the ending. What a good story. It had me worried here and there but ending perfectly.
That was an unexpected ending but I liked the turn of events. I got a big chuckle outta that. Great job-loved the entire series.
I loved the story. Soooo gooood.
I loved your story. It was so great!! So glad you shared it. Muah!!
I absolutely loved this story from beginning to end. It was wonderful. Thanks for posting such a great fic.
Sequel please? So Sweet. That's what should have happened in the series.
finally a story where the scoobies keep their mouths shut about spuffiness for the most part. thanks for the great fic!
That was like wow. Can't wait to read the sequel.
Great story. I loved every minute of it. Great twists and turns. Never knew what to expect. Glad it was spuffy in the end.
I can't believe I never read this fic before. I came across it on one of my fav author favs. It is so awesome. I love your take on it. Truely an alternate universe. Glad Buffy finally had to walk in Spike's shoes for a while which made her recognize her own and her own mistakes. Great Great story. Def in my fav file.
Great story=it was one of my favs in the spuffy verse.
Author's Response: thanx so much...I really needed some encouragement to complete my other fics.