Unexpected Love by TammyAsh666
Summary: William is a young Prince from 1880. He gets sucked into a portal one night and ends up in the present, where he meets Buffy. They soon find themselves with a love that neither of them were expecting.
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Completed: Yes Word count: 6887 Read: 9034 Published: 07/05/2005 Updated: 07/10/2005
Chapter 2 by TammyAsh666
Chapter 2

William was tossing and turning later that night. It was impossible to get comfortable on a couch. He sat up because he couldn’t sleep. He then heard someone come down the stairs and realized it was Buffy. She was wearing an adorable nightie. She was trying to be quiet, until she saw that he wasn’t asleep. “Hey, I thought you would be sleeping.” She said and he shook his head.

“I couldn’t get comfortable.” Buffy nodded and sat down next to him. He felt nervous, but tried not to show it.

“I know the feeling. I can’t sleep right now either. You’re from England, right?” William nodded and couldn’t think of anything else to say. “Yeah, I can tell from the accent.” She was quiet after that and William decided to speak up.

“You both live here by yourselves?” Buffy looked saddened as she nodded.

“Yeah, our mom died last year. Xander decided to get a job and gave up on college, so he could look after me. I’m still in high school. We have another sister, but she‘s living with our dad in Los Angeles. We don‘t get to see her much.” William felt for this young girl.

“I’m terribly sorry, pet. I lost my father recently and I don’t think my mother will be around much longer. I am hoping to go back home soon. She needs me.” He explained and Buffy nodded again.

“Are all British guys like you?” She asked him.

“What do you mean?” He wondered.

“I mean are they all really nice and proper? I was told they were all snobs.” William smiled.

“Yes, well a lot of them are. I’m not like that.” Buffy returned his smile.

“I can tell.” Buffy then reached over him and grabbed the remote. “You can always watch TV if you can’t sleep. That’s what I do.” She said as she handed him the remote. He took it from her and just stared at it like he had no idea what it was. She then pressed the power button for him and he watched as the television came to life. He looked at it, with a surprised expression on his face.

“This is quite astonishing.” He said as he moved closer to the TV.

“You don’t get out a lot, do you?” William realized his error and moved back to the couch.

“We don’t really have any of this back home.” Buffy nodded in understanding.

“I guess not. Well, you just push that same button to turn it off. I should probably head back to bed now. I have school tomorrow.” She said with a grimace as she got up and went back upstairs. William watched her go and then turned back to the TV. He could learn to like this generation.

* * * * *

Xander walked downstairs the next morning to find William engrossed in the TV. He looked up at him when he walked in. “This is a marvelous invention.” He said and Xander laughed.

“Yeah, that it is. I took off work today, so I could get you some new stuff. You wanna come with? It might do you some good to get out of the house.” William nodded as he stood up and walked over to Xander. “Did you see my sister leave for school this morning?” William nodded again.

“Yes, I believe she left an hour ago.” Xander sighed.

“That means she was late again. She really has to stop making a habit of that. Buffy’s not exactly a fan of school, but who can blame her.” He explained.

“I always enjoyed it.” William said.

“Yeah, I bet you did. So, you still at school back in your time?” Xander asked and William shook his head.

“I graduated from Oxford.” Xander raised his eyebrows.

“Oxford, that’s pretty impressive. What do you do in England?” William decided to tell him the truth.

“I was about to pick a bride, so I can become King. Then I was sent here. ” Xander looked surprised again.

“You were gonna be a King? So, you’re like royalty or something?” William nodded.

“My father passed recently and it is now my responsibility.” Xander smiled.

“That is so cool! It would also explain the outfit you were wearing.” William smiled also when he thought of something else.

“Xander, may I ask you a question?” Xander nodded.

“That depends on what it is.” William took a deep breath before he spoke again.

“I was wondering if your sister was by any chance courting anyone?” William asked.

“Courting? If you mean dating then no, she isn’t.” William smiled at that and Xander could tell what he was thinking. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. First of all, there’s something you need to know about Buffy. She doesn’t trust anyone, especially of the male variety. She’s been hurt too many times and has a hard time letting anyone in. Let’s not forget that you’re not even from around here.” William took in what he was saying and nodded. Xander patted William on the back. “Let’s get you some new clothes.” He said as he walked out of the house, William following behind him. He understood what Xander said, but he has never known anyone like Buffy before. He didn't understand how any man could hurt such a beautiful creature. There was something exciting about her and he was determined to find out more. He would get her to trust again.

* * * * *

Buffy walked into her house, exhausted from a tiring day of school. She put her bag down on the floor and walked into the living room. She smiled when she saw William standing there, with a bouquet of white roses in his hand. He smiled also as he walked closer to her. “These are for you.” She took the flowers from him.

“Thank you, William. This is very sweet.” She went into the kitchen to put the flowers in some water before joining him back in the living room. “You didn’t have to get me roses.” William nodded.

“I wanted to do something nice for you. To show you that some men are worth trusting.” Buffy nodded in understanding as she sat on the couch.

“I see you’ve talked to Xander.” William sat down next to her. She looked at him before she spoke again. “I have this problem with guys. They sometimes tend to go away. First was my dad and then three others after him. So, I figured that something was wrong with me and that I should just give up on the whole dating thing.” William felt for her as he caressed her cheek. She looked into his eyes.

“You are definitely not the problem, Buffy. You are a very beautiful woman. Any man would be lucky to have you.” Buffy blushed as she turned away from his intense stare, but he wasn’t finished. “Everyone deserves to be loved. That is the one thing I have always wanted. You deserve that, too. Tell me something, pet. Do you believe in love at first sight?” Buffy thought about it as she looked back at him.

“No, I never did.” William nodded as he cupped her cheek.

“I never did either, until now.” He whispered as he gently pressed his lips to hers in a sweet kiss. Buffy hesitated a little before she started to kiss him back. He then pulled away when they both needed to breathe and moved away from her. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.” Buffy felt a little hurt.

“Oh, that’s okay. I guess I’m not that great of a kisser either.” William turned back to her and knew what she was thinking.

“You were amazing, Buffy. That’s not it; I shouldn’t have done that without your permission.” Buffy smiled at him and felt a little relieved.

“You really are different. You don’t have to ask for my permission.” She said as she moved closer to him. “You can feel free to do that whenever you want.” William returned her smile.

“I will keep that in mind.” He said as he started to kiss her again. They spent the rest of their time talking and getting to know each other.

* * * * *

“So, Parker dumped me because I wouldn’t sleep with him. I swear, that’s all guys are after these days. If a girl doesn’t put out they figure that she’s not even worth it. I guess you can kinda guess that I‘m a virgin, but that‘s really nothing to be ashamed of. I mean I am only 18-years-old. I have plenty of time for that.” Buffy was saying later that night and William agreed.

“Yes, you shouldn’t rush into that. Your first time should be special and it should be with someone you really love.” Buffy nodded and decided that she wanted to know more about him.

“So, are you a virgin?” She asked and William nodded, even though the conversation was making him a bit uncomfortable. He was just happy that she was opening up to him.

“Yes, I am.” Buffy seemed a little surprised.

“Really? How old are you again?” William smiled at her.

“I am 26, but I’m one that believes in waiting for marriage.” Buffy smiled at him also.

“I believe in that, too.” She replied.

“That works out nicely then.” Buffy agreed as she let out a yawn. “Are you tired?” He asked and she nodded.

“Just a bit. I can’t believe we talked for this long. I really liked it though. It’s been a while since I’ve been with a guy that just wanted to talk.” William agreed.

“Yes, I enjoyed it also. You should get some rest now, love. We can talk more tomorrow.” Buffy nodded as she stood up. She placed a kiss on William’s cheek and gave him a smile before she went upstairs. He watched her go and touched the spot where she kissed him. William was falling hard for this woman and he didn’t think he would be able to stop.
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=12832