Walking in your shoes by Omaira
Summary: Buffy and Drusilla switch bodies, and some wackiness is ensured. Takes off from Season 2 ‘Lie to me’ and on from there
Categories: General/Canon Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Completed: No Word count: 4623 Read: 7219 Published: 09/23/2006 Updated: 11/12/2006
Out of my mind by Omaira
Author's Notes:
: Hi guys, thank you sooooooooo much for all your reviews. I know I haven’t updated for a while, but I got my final exams, so been busy studying. Anyways…..here’s the forth chapter, hope you like it.
Chapter 4

Oh it was wrong, feeling the things she was feeling when the evil fiend was…. yes, she didn’t deny it, but at the same time it was soo right, and so good, it was actually much better than she ever imagined it would be, however she didn’t have any past experiences to compare to last night’s acts. It was strange, she didn’t really hate him anymore, in fact it was a messy pool of emotions and she knew that if she tried to sort her feelings out she’d just drown in them.

She quietly slipped out of the bed briefly looking over to her right to see her ‘enemy’ sleeping, he looked so peaceful and innocent, and well surprisingly breathing the unnecessary oxygen. A small smile formed on her full lips as she glanced at him once more before walking out of the room.

It was couple of hours before sunset, she could feel it, almost taste the darkness, more importantly she craved it. Walking around the grim factory she slowly took in her surroundings and ignored the bodies of the innocents with ease.
This new existence was much easier, there was no worry about the world ending, no need to sulk and flown about her burden, this was simple and selfish, two words that were almost non existent in her vocabulary.

“Mistress you shouldn’t be walking, Master Spike will get quite angry” Said the geeky looking short vampire with glasses that emerged from the shadows. Buffy had to bite her tongue not to laugh at him.

“He’s asleep and I’m bored” She replied her gaze focused on the wall as her thoughts carried her away. She wondered if it was a good idea to reply to Spike’s minions, after all most likely they knew this Drusilla and if they smell something funky they would report back to Spike and then all hell would break loose.

“Drusilla, are the stars speaking to you again?” The vampire questioned in full seriousness.

‘My God, just what kind of loony is she?’ Buffy thought. But her reply was a slight nod as she decided if Drusilla was really mad enough to talk to the stars the minions wouldn’t find it strange if she just ignored questions and their presence all together.


Emerald eyes gazed deeply into his brown, muddy pools, but all she felt was hate and disgust. His all tortured act wasn’t fooling her, and the fact that he had a shiny soul stuck inside of him, didn’t cross out everything what he’s done in the past centuries.

More than anything Drusilla wanted to bash his head in, to make him suffer, to torture him maybe even play those mind games that she’s gotten so good at, but something inside her told her, No, and if she did go through with it, she’d be no better than him. So instead she listened to the pixies that were chanting to her.

“Who’s Drusilla?” She quietly asked, she needed to hear him say it.

“Do you love me?” He asked, instead of answering her question.

“Don’t answer my question with a question.” She replied her voice dangerously low.

“Buffy, you have to understand that I’m not the vampire I used to be. I did a lot of unconscionable things when I became a vampire. Drusilla was the worst. She was …an obsession of mine. She was pure, sweet and chase.”

“So you turned her,” Drusilla stated flatly. Before she would’ve been proud of her ‘Daddy’s’ work, how he made her a master piece, but now hearing him say it made her want to hurl.

“First I made her insane. Killed everybody she loved. Visited every mental torture on her I could devise. She eventually fled to a convent, and on the day she took her holy
orders, I turned her into a demon.” He continued as if he was talking about the weather, he seemed almost unaffected about his acts.

She knew that saying anything else would be pointless, so she just pushed past him gripping her stake tightly, ignoring him as he called out the Slayer’s name… her name.

She knew that walking through a graveyard wasn’t the brightest idea but it was something. After walking for over half an hour she was getting bored. As she continued walking through the rows of tombstones she heard someone fighting not too far away. Moving smoothly she kept to the shadows and advanced slowly.

She watched her own body punching the vamp and then quickly staking him before he could recover. She was about to step out and sort out what the hell was going on, but was stopped as she saw a hulking figure of a man dressed in black stepping out from the shadows.

“Leave me alone” The female said flatly.

“Buffy, we need to talk. I know I lied about Drusilla, but I was only protecting you” Angel replied.

“Protecting me? I don’t need protection, I’m the Slayer.” She replied, anger and hate blazing through her green eyes.

“Don’t you think I know that Buffy?” He asked heatedly.

She watched the scene unfold before her brown eyes, but she couldn’t watch it for much longer, instead she swiftly turned and ran towards the factory.

After running for over ten minutes she tripped and fell. Her now dirty hands reached out to brush her hair aside. The tears were falling form her eyes and there was nothing she could do to stop them.

She was so sure that the crazy Drusilla was gonna blow her cover fast, instead she was…well all Slayer like, leaving the crying woman beyond confused. Her mind trying to think of the rational reasons for everything, yet rationality was long gone.
Maybe she was Drusilla after all, suffering from an insane episode of thinking she was the slayer. Just how crazy was she to think that the slayer switched bodies with her, and ok…even if that did happen, wouldn’t all her friends be dead by now, that is if she had friends.

None of it was making any sense, her clouded mind was making her crazy or perhaps crazier, she wasn’t sure of anything anymore.


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This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=21683