Letters From Buffy by jamies_lady
Summary: Letters from Buffy to her friends as she goes about her new life in LA. All Human, very different style
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 21 Completed: Yes Word count: 39602 Read: 21836 Published: 02/03/2007 Updated: 04/07/2007
Letters for friends by jamies_lady
Author's Notes:
Thanks to those who reviewed. it really made my day. This one seems to be writing itself. Hope you like the next chapter
Dear Mom,
Yes I’m eating. No I’m not staying out all the time, and yes I’m being careful. Have I answered all questions yet? I am very grateful that you are looking after everything while I’m away. How is Dawn enjoying having you all to herself? Don’t tell her, but I miss her. No one is stealing my stuff. That is really weird and gives me the wiggins. Talking about thieves (sorry Dawn), we had an incident in the dorm last week. Some idiot started stealing knickers (sorry panties, I’m in America now) from the washers then the rooms.. Pervert. It was the janitor, Snyder; I never did like the little toad. He was also found with photos taken in all the girls’ rooms. Except mine. Seems that Riley changing the locks was a good idea. Anyway the toad has been arrested, but I was thinking I might buy a house out here for the rest of the year, as it will save rent and get us away from problems like this.

There is a nice 3-bedroom place on Revello Drive for sale; Willow has said she’d share with me so I won’t be on my own. I think the constant noise and partying is disturbing her. Willow likes to study so she is really a very good influence on me. Sam can sleep in the spare room, rather than in the dorms, which are no place for a 26- year old, even if she is being paid to baby-sit me. I hope your headaches are better and it’s nothing serious. If there is a problem I will come straight home. No question. Always duty first Mom you know that.

Love always,

Oh Mom,
Good news. I think. Will’s band has been signed by a record label, Caritas records. The ones that helped with the Princes Trust concert we went to last year when we were staying with ‘the family’.

The band have had a make-over done on them, and I’m not allowed to laugh. It seems that dorky looking lead singers aren’t allowed. So the brown locks have been bleached blonde and the red and blue shirts are to give way to an all black wardrobe. He looks very hot I must say, but not quite my William. They are also changing his name from William Giles to Spike Devlin, sounds like a ‘big bad’ rather than a loving poet. But they are heading to the studio next week for at least 2 months to get an album done. I will miss him, however I can be good and get ahead in my studies. No playing the ‘missing the boy’ game for Buffy. The psychology course is really great. It will help with my management skills. No more slaying pencils when I’m cross Mommy. They now stay in one piece.
Take care for now.
Love Buffy

Dear Xander,
Yep, it’s me, writing from California. Could I commission you to make an art box for my Mom for Christmas? I enclose an advert for one I saw in LA and I know you can make a better job. No ‘mate’s rates’ either, Harris. A proper bill for the work. You’re a professional now. Or I’ll get you when I get back.


Dear Xander,

I knew you could do it. It is beautiful. Mom will love it.. The cheque is enclosed for the art box, and there are a couple of tickets for Angel’s Wings.. Hope you still like them; they are playing in Glasgow in January. So, enjoy. Think of then as an extra big thank you type Christmas bonus for everything you do to keep the place running while I’m sunning myself in California.
Many thanks,

Dear Mom,
Christmas is here and I miss all you guys so much. I hope the children’s party for the estate went well. Did you get all the gifts I sent? I hope Xander likes the couch for the apartment. The old one was dreadful. I sent Tara shopping vouchers for town so she can let herself go on ‘non essentials’ without worrying about the cost. I hope Dawn likes the clothes. Tell her she’s not allowed to steal mine now. And tell her I love her. Hope you like you gift mom.

Much Love

Couldn’t get you on the Phone. I have to get back To Britain NOW. Mom has been taken ill and it’s serious. The house is yours for as long as you want. Property taxes paid, utilities paid, just cover the phone.. Just let me know if you need anything. Giles knows how to get in contact with me; he has all the numbers, addresses and everything. I’ll be home. Traymour Castle, Traymour, Dumfries, Scotland. Please let William know I’m not running out on him, let him know what’s happened; I tried to get through to the studio but they wouldn’t put me through and although I left a message with a girl called Harmony she didn’t seem bright enough to understand how important it was. His mobile was on voice mail the whole time. I’ll phone you as soon as I have news. Giles is here to drive me to the airport. I don’t know how long I’ll be away.

Dear Giles, Willow and Anya, and Faith if she’s there,
Sorry it’s been nearly a month since you heard from me. Things have been chaotic here. Dawn is trying to hold it all together for me, but she’s in pieces. Xander, one of my dearest friends here is doing all he can to help as well. I don’t think we would have managed without Ms Calendar, dear Jenny. She’s done all she can for us all.

The news is as bad as it could get. Mom died yesterday, so I won’t be back. Sam will come round and pack all my personal stuff. I need to stay here and sort out all the business stuff. Dawn is in pieces as you can imagine. Giles, can you get through to William and tell him I really need to talk to him. I keep trying his mobile but get put through to voice mail again. Harmony just keeps putting me on hold and they won’t put me through at the hotel. It seems I don’t have the code word and I’m not on the list. I thought we had more than that going between us, I don’t think it’s him, but don’t have time to chase him at the moment.

The funeral will be next Tuesday when the King and Queen are free to come. Uncle Charles and Aunt Liz have been wonderful; James is on his way to lend a hand. Tell William not to believe anything he sees in the papers about him and me.. We were brought up together and he is like a brother to us. James has always been wonderful at calming Dawnie. I’ve been named Dawn’s keeper for the moment so she can stay here and keep going to the local school. I think Aunt Liz will be the legal guardian for both of us. I won’t be free until I’m 25, due to the title. Seems sacred duties mean you need to be watched.

I miss mom so much.

The estate is all on my shoulders now and all I hear about is duty and destiny. I don’t know how to cope. I just must. I wish mom were here. The estate manager is giving me the creeps. His name is Quentin Travers. And I know I’m not good with numbers, Giles, but I swear he’s stealing from the accounts. Even I can’t spend that much in one week. Do you know any really good law firms in Scotland? Even this soon after everything has gone to hell, I still have to put duty first.
Must go: Dawn is back with Xander.


Dear Sam and Riley,
Could you please go round to Revello Drive and pack up all the personal stuff of mine and send it on? I will not be able to come back to school. Mom died last week and the funeral is tomorrow. William is going to be here tonight. Thank goodness. I really don’t know how I’m going to cope. Quentin Travers, the estate manager, keeps trying to take over everything, says he’s just doing his job but I don’t trust the man. Do me a favour if you can and do a background check on him please?

I know it’s a bit of a cheek, but he gives me the creeps. There is something not right there I honestly think he’s skimming from the estate.
I’ll keep in touch; and thank you both for all the care you gave me over the last 6 months. I will miss you both. You will be welcome anytime you want.

Take care

My darling William,

I love you so very much. I love the poetry reading William and I love the bleached wonder, big bad Spike. I love every bit of you. I’m sorry I was all weepy over you and I promise no more running away.. No more hiding from the world. I will face it all. I miss Mom so much. She was my strength and my rock and I know that the gap in my life will always be there but I feel very privileged to have known her at all. The villagers have been very kind, but I think everyone is expecting me to be strong all the time and you are the only person in the world who expects me only to be me. I miss your laugh and the way you curl our tongue around your teeth. I feel life has pulled me out of heaven and away from you.

Thank you so very much for all the love, help and support you gave us both.

I do really understand why you had to go back to LA. Shall I confess a secret to you now? I think I should; well, please give Lorne my love and tell him thank you for the flowers. Everyone else sent them to Mom, but not him. He sent me bright yellow sunflowers to cheer me up.J I was the one that told him about your band, so I’m hardly going to sabotage your career, am I? That’s all I did, promise, just told him I’d heard a really great band; you guys did all the work yourselves.

Could you please tell that dipsy blond Harmony that I can speak to you and to put me through, or I’ll start calling you Blondey Bear as well.!! How’s that for a threat? Does it work?

I am longing to see you again so when have you got a break and I’ll try and get over.

All my love
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