Team Work by Lu82
Summary: : Spike and Buffy patrol together.. but are they just two “colleagues” ?
Categories: Serial Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Horror
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: Yes Word count: 4596 Read: 5912 Published: 07/03/2004 Updated: 07/05/2004
part 3 by Lu82
Are you ready for this story to get finally dark? :)
BuffyAndSpikeForever, thank you sooo much, I'm glad you like it! ;)


Finally, the week-end. Buffy came back home in the morning, being careful not to open any window, she went to her room, being sure that she ‘d have found Spike asleep. But Spike wasn’t there anymore, he had gone away and she was panic-stricken .

< Why didn’t he wait for me? What bloody reason had he to go ? So , that night didn’t mean nothing to him, sure.. for him I must have been only a replacement ..not to think ‘bout his bloody Drusilla…>

With all her paranoia , that night Buffy went to the graveyard to patrol, and she immediately noticed behind a tree an edge of that leather coat she knew very well.

“Don’t you know you’re a very ungrateful ? I helped you, I gave you my home ..”

< .. and my heart!>

“ ..and you paid me that way ?”

“What ? Bloody hell , I was sure I did a favor to you, setting your bedroom completely free if you had come back earlier to have fun with your sodding Captain America!! “ he answered back.
“What the hell..”
But, suddenly..a noise among the bushes warned ‘em.
“We’d better face our discussion later, pet! “ he suggested, movin’ instinctively opposite her to protect her, and that impressed Buffy a lot .

It’s enough just another weak rustle to throw the blonde vampire towards the demon, the one that last time had beaten him.
“Hey mate, let me advice you won’t end up like the last time, ‘cos now I’m really in a bad mood!” and he started punching him, then , mustering his vampire strength , he lifted him up by his tail and after several vortical rotations he flung him against a gravestone, in Buffy’s nearby.

“Hey, has your mom ever told you that you shouldn’t ever interrupt two people discussing ?" so she killed him easily, thanks by the blond guy’s intervention .
“Damn! I’ve taken my revenge!” he exulted, fixing up his coat. She smiled at him for a moment, then her face immediately darkened.

“Why the bloody hell have you mentioned Riley before? “
“I guess, I had touched your weak point , you already miss him, you ‘d like him to be here right now, instead of me!” he provoked her with a bitter tone.
“So, you understood nothing! If you really wanna know, I haven’t seen him this week, I avoided him as much as I could , I don’t love him anymore, but if I think over well I’ve never really loved him. Anyway, I gotta face him to tell him that now I love another guy:….. you !” and she approached him, looking into his deep blue eyes for a long time, pushing her lips to his for a sweet but passionate kiss.

Then she broke it first.
“Hey Spikey … maybe are you jealous ? “ she teased him.
“Maybe, pet ! Anyway, forgive me baby, but I can’t trust so easily in love since Dru.. “ but before he could end up his sentence she closed his mouth with a finger.
“Don’t even say that name anymore!” she summoned him.
“Uh, uh ! So, I’m not the only big jealous one… “ he smiled , starting to kiss her again.
“Anyway, there’s no reason why you can be jealous, now there’s you and only you , and not just now.. probably you were already in my heart since when we were mortal enemies… honey !”
“Oh, William!”, she whispered , holding him to her, kissin’ him hard, so much that they fell on the ground.
Spike hated his real name.. but loved it if it was her to call him that!

He was upon her that was feeling him kissing her lips, her chin, going down slowly to her neck , where he stopped, licking it, until she felt him biting it !
But she couldn’t react because he was blocking her, being upon her and holding her hands in his, but the strangest thing was that Buffy hadn’t even tried to react .

He was carrying on drinking from her, slowly.
“How can it be ? Your chip it was all a lie !”she said.
He suddenly stopped and his face became human again.
“No, I really had that sodding microchip, but last week, I found out it didn’t work anymore, I don’t know why..”
“So , you’ve carried on your scene.. good , so shrewd, and now you can kill me..”
She hadn’t a scared look, , but rather a disappointed one. But his look were even more disappointed .

“A scene? D’you really think so? You’re wrong! I’ve just preferred carry on patrolling with you , despite my discover, just to be close to you, ‘cause you make me happier then thousands bloody necks to bite! “
“Well.. it’s quite odd as compliment, anyway, thank you ! So, don’t you wanna kill me ?”.
He started laughing.

“Kill you ?! I’d be a fool if I did it. I just wanna make you mine..” and he approached her , vamping out
“ .. mine forever ! “ but the smile on her face amazed him.
“Hun, you can let my hands free! I won’t make any resistance, trust me! I’ve never loved someone the way I love you , so much that I’d even accept to follow you if you asked me; although the Slayer in me is screamin’ ‘No… it’s damn wrong, don’t do it!‘, but I don’t care! Really, I secretely hoped to become your Queen that night in my room, but I thought it was impossible because off the chip..”.

He couldn’t believe what he had just heard and smiling, he let her hands free, so Buffy took advantage of it.. . to caressing his back, simply, moaning his name while he was draining her .
When he felt that her strength was leaving her, he pulled himself away from her, biting his wrist and bringing that wound to her mouth, caressing her face with the other hand, putting carefully her head on his lap.
“Now, drink from me, my love, and we’ll be together forever!”
“Together .. forever !” she repeated with a faint voice, taking his wrist with a last effort , drinking few drops before falling again on his lap , senseless, apparently dead.
Spike took her on his arms and departed with her.

It had been three days since he had turned her, but she still laid on his bed in his crypt, without giving any sign of life.
But he knew very well that she was just sleeping and he watched her, setting the hair that fell on her face, waiting for her awaking .
Finally, she opened her eyes slowly, smiling when they met his.

“Hi, luv!”
“Hi, my sweet sleepyhead, you know.. you were making me worry ‘bout you.. how do you fell, sunshine? “
“I really feel fine, a little odd..most of all.. honey, I’m hungry!" she pouted.
"Of course. C’mon pet, I’ll take you hunting!“ he smiled, taking her hand and pulling her to him for a sweet kiss.
“ Mm.. I already know where I wanna go..” she whispered in his ear.

< On the phone Buffy seemed so vague.. she had disappeared for days, then she dates me suddenly at night.. and at the graveyard ! Why am I so surprised? She’s Buffy, so that is the place where she spends the bigger part of her time! Anyway, I gotta meet her, absolutely! > Riley thought, while he was going to join her.

He saw her from far. She was so beautiful in the moonlight, with that so short leather skirt …
“Riley!” she exclaimed, arising from a gravestone she was sat, to go towards him.
“Finally, you ‘re here! I’ve been waiting for you ..”
“Buffy, tell me where you had been, you’ve disappeared for whole days, everybody is so worried ‘bout you..”
“I have been .. rather busy! Anyway, the most important thing is that you’re here with me, now!” she whispered, getting closer to him, starting to lick his ear.
“Awww.. Buffy, you’re so different.. are you sure you are ok ? “.

She looked into his eyes, smiling lasciviously.
“I’ve never felt better!” she answered, grasping his shoulders, kissing his ear, going down bit by bit , so Riley closed his eyes to enjoy better that moment.
When she arrived to his neck she stopped.

“Hey luv, I think it’s time for it !”
“ What, baby? “ Riley moaned , his eyes still closed.
“I wasn’t talking with you !” she explained coldly.
Opening immediately his eyes, Riley realized that Buffy was looking behind him, so he turned and with his great surprise he saw Spike approaching her, smiling.
“It’s your first meal, pet.. so enjoy it!”
“I wanna dedicate it to you , baby!” she said holding tighter Riley, to prevent him from escaping.
Riley’s eyes were filled with terror.
“Spike?! First meal? !Enjoy it ?!Buffy, what the hell is happening ?”.

Her only answer , she began laughing evilly.
“You know Riley, times change, people change… “she said, vamping out for the first time.
“ .. I’ve changed !” and before Riley could say anything, she sank her fangs in his neck, drinking greedily , as Spike stroke her hair, watching her enraptured : she was so beautiful even with her game-face!

When she finished, her face came back human and she threw the corpse on the ground, with hart-heartedness, taking her blond lover by the hand and going away with him.
“I couldn’t stand anymore his damn blah, blah, blah ..I should have killed him before, really before!”

Spike was happy that his Queen was so perfect, but he couldn’t help asking her something.
“Sla.. ehmm.. Buffy, don’t you repent of your new life ..well, un-life , do you? “
“How could I repent? William, in my new life….. there’s you! “ she whispered, kissing him softly.
“Yummy.. sweetie, your lips still taste blood!” he smiled, deepening their kiss.

“No one will never manage to stop us , now that we are together!” he commented, nibbling her neck softly.
“Oh, yeah, my love..”she smiled.
”.. the only one who could have stopped us…. it was me !”.

p.s. I know, I know, the real Buffy would never make such a choice, but that’s fiction, after all.. :)
if you still like it, don’t miss their next adventures! :)
This story archived at http://