If I'm Not In Love by Spikelissa
Summary: 146 days have gone by and Buffy still hasn't got over losing but walking away from Spike's demise. Devastated she has found a way to be with Spike. Unknown to Buffy and Dawn...Spike is alive well, un-dead. Will she follow through or will Spike come to the rescue?
Categories: Spuffy Fantasy/AU Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 8 Completed: Yes Word count: 27763 Read: 16214 Published: 05/18/2008 Updated: 01/16/2009
Eternal Flame by Spikelissa
Author's Notes:
Sorry for the long awaited delay of this chapter...Life took over for awhile!
I just moved so the second part of this series won't be up for awhile...So enjoy this is the end of part one...Thanks for those who have commented...YOU are who inspire to me to keep writing! Have a great New Year!
Chapter 8 - Eternal Flame

Is this burning an Eternal Flame…

“Wake up luv, its time.” Spike gently nudged Buffy from her slumber.

Groaning she snuggled into his embrace. “No don't wanna.”

Spike chuckled and lifted her into his arms and made his way to the bathroom but glanced down the hall and smelled the heavenly smell of Willow's cooking.

“Make sure there is some coffee for missy here. You know how she bloody gets in the morning.” Spike chuckled as Buffy smacked him on the chest.

“Sure thing Spike!” Willow bellowed from the kitchen.

“Come on kitten, in the shower with you.” Spike said as he kissed her placing her feet on the ground.

“Alright, coming?” Buffy drawled as she undressed and smirked as she wiggled her rear in his view of sight.

Gulping Spike whispered, “Almost did just then.”

“What did you say?” Buffy smirked.

“Right behind you, luv.” Spike leered and followed her into the shower.

“No funny business mister. Just shower!” Buffy warned.

“I know, luv. I can enjoy taking a shower with you without ravishing you.” Spike sighed but loving their bantering.

“Ok. Wash my hair for me pl…Oh.” Buffy sighed in pleasure when he did just that.

Spike controlled himself even though it was so tempting, but he knew they had more important matters to attend to. This gentleness with Buffy and the simplicity of showering together was making him love her even more than he could possibly love her. Turning Buffy around he saw her green eyes looking up at him with tears.

“I love you more than ever too.” Buffy leaned in to brush her lips with his as they moved under the water pulsing down on them. The two of them entwined cried their tears and let their past go.

“Should I go and get Buffy and Spike?” Dawn asked as she opened the fridge to get the juice.

“Sweetie, you do know they’re showering, right?” Willow asked with a giggle, while Gianna and Conner snickered.

Dawn blushed and moved to the table beside Conner. Conner looked at her apologetically and leaned over and kissed her cheek.

Gianna smiled, “So after we eat, we should get moving this along, don't you think?”

Willow sat down and placed a chaste kiss on Gianna and spoke, “Sure thing as long as those two can come out and join us.”

They laughed and dug in.

“Hope you aren't laughing at our expense.” Spike strolled over to the fridge taking out a bag of blood and placing it in the microwave to heat it. He was followed by Buffy making her way towards the coffee. Placing a kiss to her head he set out a bowl of milk and cat food for William and then made his way over chuckling as he saw the others blushing and sat down beside Dawn.

Buffy sat beside Spike grabbing various breakfast items and dug in. Silently, they sat and finished their breakfast.

Conner observed them all. He had never felt this with his father and the others at the Hyperion. He knew of his fathers deal with the devil, and he knew if he saw him, it would not be a happy reunion. His father didn't give him a choice in the matter but just set him up with new people. He knew his father's intentions were to have a normal life, but he wasn't normal and this angered him.

Spike sensing Conner's anger cocked his eyebrow while petting the full belly of William as the girls giggled at him playing with the cat. “Mate is there anything bothering you?”

Conner came out of his thoughts and shrugged and spat out, “Just wondering about Angel.”

Spike sensed the fear rolling off them all, but he noticed the anger as well.

“Is there anyone here not angered at Angel” Spike questioned.

‘Spike' Buffy cautioned him.

‘Luv, I am sensing a great amount of bloody animosity towards Peaches. Bugger. Sodding Poofter is going to be a problem.' Spike countered her caution while looking at Conner.

Buffy sighed, “I agree with Spike.”

“Uh Buffy, you agree with what?” Willow speculated with a devious stare followed by a smirk.

“Oops.” Buffy blushed as she swatted Spike as he snickered.

“We can talk telepathically.” Buffy offered staring at them nervously.

“Oh! That's so cool!” Dawn exclaimed excitedly.

“Wait will we all be able to do this?” Willow questioned.

“Not sure Red.” Spike answered while sipping his blood and let William down who jumped right back up and curled in his lap.

Gianna smiled at the cuteness that was William and Spike but had remained quiet throughout the conversation spoke out. “Yes.”

The others turned to her startled and looked at her as if she had all the answers. Gianna nervously played with her food and glanced at each of them. Making the decision she started to push her insecurities away and really trust them.

“When we do the joining we will all be able to speak telepathically, but I can as well as Spike can, teach us all to block each other.” Gianna blushed and continued, “At inopportune times.”

The girls blushed as the guys choked and then smirked. Spike swatted Conner on the head and mumbled, “No dirty thoughts mate.”

Dawn glared at her brother-in-law.

“Hey, that's dirty pool Bit.”

“Do you see me swatting Buffy every time you think dirty thoughts?” Dawn angrily replied.

“Uh…” Spike looked at Buffy who remained impassive.

Spike grumbled and then sighed reluctantly, “Ok you win this time Bit, but just for the bloody record, I don't want to know about this. You're still my Bit.”

“I know Big Bad. You're still my brother, okay. I am growing up, you know.” Dawn reassured him.

Spike whined, “Do you bloody have to?”

Dawn laid a hand over his making him put the mug down and looked at him.
“I love you, Spike. Remember that but stop with the possessiveness. Look at Conner. Really look at him.” Dawn waited as she saw Spike look towards Conner but not before noticing the others do the same.

Dawn continued, “He is controlling his own possessiveness, but you can't control your own? I already love him. Please stop this. It's inevitable.”

“I love her too.” Conner interrupted.

The table was silent as Gianna and Willow glanced around and spoke, “We love each other too.”

Buffy had remained silent during Spike's over protectiveness of Dawn, but she wasn't surprised one bit by everyone's declarations.

“Ok then we should eat up and get to work.” Buffy demanded and glared at them to refute her demand.

‘That's my girl'

‘You know it!' Buffy smirked as she raised her mug and saw Spike genuinely smile. This warmed her heart.

‘I love you, William.'

‘I love you, Buffy.'

The rest of the breakfast went uneventful, and they prepared themselves for the changes they would be facing.


Buffy paced as Willow and Gianna finished setting up. Stopping right in front of the two she paused, “Are we all set?”

“Yup! We have the protection spell around the whole place, the circle is complete and the candles are in place. All we have to do now is sit in front of them. Buffy, you should know that we warned Vi, and she is coming over here to watch over us with her vampire mate Damien.”

Spike looked in shock and demanded, “Little miss Vi has a mate?? When did this happen and why aren't you bloody wigged by this?”

Spike frowned as he realized what he just said as the others snickered at his expense.

“Honey, do you realize you just said bloody wigged?” Buffy giggled.

Spike smirked and sauntered over to his mate and wiggled his brows, “Luv, do you realize you said bloody. You’re starting to bloody sound like me too.”

“Ok enough of that you two.” Dawn giggled.

“To answer your question, Spike, yes Vi has a mate and his name is Damien, and no, he doesn't have a soul. Willow didn't she say he was like 400 or something like freakishly old?” Buffy grinned as Spike looked back at her in shock.

Dawn walked over and closed his mouth and snickered. “Better close that mouth before you start catching flies, huh?”

“B-But…” Spike stammered in amazement.

“Yeah, we were shocked too, but it really is ok.” Willow chimed in, as there was a knock on the door.

Spike really rather interested in the soulless vampire had sensed him and made his way towards the door menacingly but intrigued nonetheless.

“Vi and Damien, please come in.” Willow said as she glared at Spike raising his eyebrow.

“It's true.” Vi said gob smacked before she flung herself towards Spike and hugged him. William hissed and growled at the girl who jumped at Spike. This caught Vi off guard but continued to hug the once thought really gone and dead vampire.

Spike more than heard the growl coming from behind her and patted Vi on the back awkwardly and looked anxiously at Buffy who giggled.

“Sod off, mate. Bloody hell. I'm not after your woman. I have m' own mate.” Spike rolled his eyes at Damien's possessiveness towards his woman. Letting go of Vi he made his way over to the vampire and had to credit Vi in her choices.

Damien's hair was almost as blonde as his, but he was taller and had light brown eyes that appeared almost amber like. If he weren’t mistaken he would have thought these were his demon eyes but this vampire Damien was calm and watching him as he sized him up. Spike nodded and put his hand out as Damien shook it and added his own nod before he walked back over to Vi.

“You bloody understand your job is to protect us while we are out for the count?” Spike questioned but only looked at Damien as he said this.

“Yes.” Damien simply answered.

Gianna moved towards everyone and interrupted, “We must get in position.”

“Here Vi, take the scythe and protect us should anything get by you. Willow and Gianna say we are safe, but you know what to do. If they are human just knock them out. Anything else, kill it.” Buffy said as she looked towards Damien who rolled his eyes in annoyance but nodded in agreement.

Vi and Damien took their stances outside the circle and watched as the others made their way towards their candles. Damien turned away from the group and bolted the door and spoke the enchantment Willow had asked him to speak as he locked the door. Feeling the barrier take hold, he walked over to his mate and kissed her and took his watch. Even as soulless as he was, he was in awe to be attending this moment and was more than a little interested in Spike, but he knew that would have to wait. Keeping his eye on the circle he let his senses out and was relieved that no evil intent was lurking nearby.

William glared at all the new people in his home and made his way over to his bed and curled up facing the group though occasionally lifting his head in curiosity at what his owners were doing. Stretching he took one last look at his favorite people and closed his eye’s for his very much needed cat nap.

Each of them sat cross-legged in front of their candles and picked up their lighter and each lit their mate's candle and spoke, “From here to eternity, I take thee as mine.”

The air began to hum as they joined their hands to form a circle.

As one they spoke.

“Destiny we are bound, from here to eternity.”

They felt a calming wind surround them as a gold light pulsed around them. As the light pulsed Buffy, Spike, Gianna, and Conner felt their fangs grow in length. Buffy took Spike's right wrist and bit into his flesh taking a long pull of his blood as he bit into her wrist taking a long pull. Gianna bit down on her right wrist and offered it to Willow as she took a long pull of Willow’s blood. Willow felt power run through her as she pulled on Gianna's wrist, but what she really felt was the warmth and love that had her head spinning.

Conner was nervous but he bit into his wrist and offered it to Dawn. He was surprised at her strength and determination when she drank his blood. Taking her wrist he bit gently into her wrist and drank. He felt elated. He was absolutely in love.

The air grew intense around the circle as Vi and Damien watched. A gold light shone brightly around the circle. Inside the circle however, the air was calm and serene.

Joining their bleeding wrists they said fiercely, “Destiny bound, we are bound forever from here to eternity.”

As they spoke the last word a bright white light shone and the candles formed a smoke mist around the circle.

Vi and Damien watched in awe as each of them slumped over into a deep sleep their hands all still joined.

After some moments Damien spoke, “Did the witches bind the other witch's power?”


“Then why do I feel a malicious force trying to reach them?” Damien snarled as William perked his head up and growled at the window.

“No…oh god they forgot about Giles. Shit!” Vi cried.

“He can't break it can he?” Damien asked warily.

“No I don't think so. Gianna placed a pretty powerful protective spell around this place but Willow also added to it.

“How long my sweet girl?”

“Four hours.” Vi answered.

“Sit with me, my love. I will sense if anything evil is about.” Damien insisted.

“Ok, Damien.”

Vi relaxed in his arms as she watched over the others. She felt honored to be witnessing this event just as much as she knew Damien did too.

In their mate's arms, they waited and watched.


“Four hours! You have got to be kidding me! Giles is going to interrupt them! He had to be a freaking fool with Xander and get so damn drunk, didn't he? But no he and that stupid ex of mine had to go and get turned didn't they!” Cordelia fumed.

“Cordelia.” Darla and Tara tried to get her attention.

“No! This is bad, very bad!” Cordelia cried out.

Darla walked over to the irate Oracle and tried to soothe the poor girl. “They can't get through with our power protecting them. They even brought the other slayer Vi and her mate Damien to help out. Although, that was quite a shocker if I do say so myself.” Darla mused while easing Cordelia's anger.

“Yeah, that was quite shocking wasn't it?” Tara chuckled looking down at Vi and Damien cuddled together watching over the others.

“True, but I have had enough of this. We need to advise the Powers that it is time to make our presence known.” Cordelia stated in fact.

“It has already been agreed upon Cordelia. We will go just before they are awake. We can't interfere.” Darla interjected.

“Yes Cordelia, we must wait.” Tara added.

Cordelia grumbled but finally relented. They only had a few hours to wait. She sat by the water glancing down at the damage that both her ex lover and the ex watcher did while they wrecked havoc. She knew deep within her that Giles was back to his Ripper persona and his magic had increased ten fold. She just about died inside as she watched them torture, rape, and kill two of the new slayers trying to take them out. She couldn't understand this. They were fledglings, newly raised. How could even her ex have so much power?

“How do they have so much power, Darla?” Cordelia shook in fear.

Darla thought for a moment and was struck with sudden anger and fear. “I knew that bastard was still around! Dracula had a brother. Mikhail Vlad. Oh no, this is not good. He is just as powerful as Dracula is. He is who turned the blasted watcher and the fool! This does not bode well for us. No!” Darla screamed.

“What?” Tara and Cordelia cried out in confusion while Darla shrieked in terror.

“We have even more to be concerned with.” Darla gravely said as she pointed to the water image before her.

They viewed the image solemnly and watched as the newly bound witch Sidera enticed an irate Angel into her home. Apparently, she knew who to go to, and had a spell placed on her, and she looked exactly like Buffy. They watched in horror as the woman bedded Angel. Sheer panic ran through them as they saw the soul leave Angel and Angelus sneered down at the blonde woman who resembled nothing like Buffy.

What amazed them was the fact that Angelus then turned her rather than play with her. Tears ran down their faces and tremendous fear coursed through their bodies as they saw Angelus open the door to a cooing Drusilla. They couldn't watch any more.

“You must go now.” The heavenly voice spoke.

Not questioning the voice, they appeared before Vi and Damien. The thoughts running through their minds were beyond dread. Not only did they have to deal with Mikhail, Giles and Xander; they would have to deal with Angelus, Drusilla and a newly risen Sidera. This was not good at all. They were petrified but they silently agreed together they would help them all get through it.

Damien growled and Vi stood with the scythe in hand, both on edge at who stood before them literally from thin air.

“Do not fear warriors, we have come because there is much to discuss.” Tara spoke gently but fearlessly.

“How do we know that?” Damien sneered.

“Damien.” Vi urged him softly but looked towards Tara and asked, “Who are you?”

Cordelia stepped forward like the queen bee she is and interrupted the others. “Ok here's the sitch. We are higher beings. Behind me are Tara and Darla. I am Cordelia; we are here to help not harm you. You two got that?”

Before the two could answer they heard someone reply very groggily.

“Vi and Damien it's ok. They are ok. Try not to get on Cordelia's bad side, kay” Buffy struggled to speak as she felt weaker than she ever had even when she went through the hell that was the Cruciamentum.

Tara shook her head and made her way towards Buffy who looked at her weakly but teary eyed but heard her whisper.


“It's me Buffy. Take your time ok. We are all here to help you.” Tara spoke as she laid a hand to Buffy's head then kissed her forehead but then did the same for Spike.

Buffy felt the warmth and her strength returning to her as she saw Cordelia and Darla do the same to the others.

“Wait should they be waking up? Has it really been four hours already?” Vi questioned.

“Yes it has been four hours. We are helping them, sweetie.” Darla assured Vi.

Vi stepped back and assured her mate that everything was fine. Damien still unsure nodded but remained alert. He would wait and watch. Buffy more than told them it was ok, so he would trust them, for now.

“Wow, thanks Tara I feel like a totally new Buffy!” Buffy beamed at the blonde who blushed.

“Your quite welcome Buffy.” Tara said as she laid a hand to Willow and Gianna's head.

“Glinda?” Spike questioned in awe as Tara winked at him while she worked her power for the two witches.

“Bloody hell, I feel like I can run around the earth two times and not feel a sodding bit tired! What did you do Glinda?” Spike raised an eyebrow.

“Oh no, no magic Spike. I swear. I am a higher being. You should know better.” Tara sternly stood her ground but smiled as he shrugged and smiled back at her in thanks. She continued to focus her inner strength on helping the two witches. Tara looked down at her ex lover with sadness, but she had to do this.

Tara stroked Willow's cheek and placed a kiss to her forehead. Willow felt warmth and her eyes fluttered open to see Tara's teary blues.


“Shh. My gift to you dear Willow is the strength to go on. Love her and love her well. You will always be in my heart. Embrace your gift and let go, so mote it be.”

Willow was stunned. She felt Tara move away and did as she was told. She let her go but kept her close to her heart.

“You will always be in my heart, too.” Willow whispered as Tara gave her a watery smile. Willow sadly smiled at Gianna and peered down into beautiful green eyes and drowned in their depths. She had fallen even more.

“Gianna.” Willow sighed and held her close.

“Willow.” Gianna sighed as she felt all of them in every fiber of her being. She never felt so at home.

After awakening Dawn, Darla held her boy in her arms for the first time. She cried as Dawn held onto them both.

The others held onto each other witnessing this precious moment of mother and son reunited.

“I love you so much, my boy.” Darla whispered and leaned down to kiss her son on his forehead.

Tears streamed down her face as his blue eyes opened to look back at her.
“Mom?” Conner said as a tear ran down his cheek.

“Yes, my boy.” Darla held onto him tightly as they cried. Darla laughed and cried while Conner shook and sobbed into her chest. They quieted as Dawn enveloped them both in her arms.

Not one had a dry eye, even Damien.

“Not to break up the moment but what the bloody well going on?” Spike grudgingly interrupted.

Tara cringed while Darla looked away fearfully. Cordelia just rolled her eyes and knew she had just been unanimously nominated without a word spoken.

“We have quite a few problems coming your way. I'm not going to lie it is bad.” Cordelia looked at them all in dread.

“Cheerleader, get on with it!” Spike growled.

“Fine, bleach boy.” Cordelia huffed.

“Look, there is no easy way to say this, but we are going to have six problems facing us. At the same time, I'm really not sure.” Cordelia went on and then turned to stare directly at Buffy.

“Giles and Xander have been turned by Mikhail Vlad.” Cordelia braced herself for an uproar but none came.

Buffy and Willow were shocked. Spike was not one bit surprised. Dawn whimpered and cried into Conner's shoulder. Conner held onto Dawn and waited. Vi was confused and Damien stood rather bored.

Gianna didn't know them well enough but felt a tremendous pull and panic fill her.

“Cordelia, who is Mikhail Vlad?”

Cordelia considered Gianna and then it hit her.

“No, it can't be.” Cordelia backed away.

Darla came over and wrapped her arms around Cordelia. “Cordelia, honey, talk to me. What's wrong?” Darla had never seen Cordelia this shook up and looked at Gianna. Darla really looked at Gianna and the pieces came together.

“Oh. My. God.” Darla backed up into Tara still holding onto Cordelia. “Tara, look at her.”

“Will somebody please answer me!” Gianna fumed as her eyes flashed gold.

“Oh goddess!” Tara realized in shock. Cordelia finally got herself under some control and looked over at Spike. She studied him and saw his eyes light up in realization of what they figured out.

Darla paced and looked back and forth from Spike and Gianna. She formulated a plan.

“Tara, will a siring effect the joining ritual?”

“No it shouldn't, why?” Tara inquired while her brain caught up to Darla's plan.

“Ok just hear me out.” Darla paced as the idea played out in her head.

“WILL someone tell me what you're talking about!” Gianna seethed but calmed as Willow grabbed her hand.

Cordelia walked up to the poor girl and flatly said, “Mikhail is your father, Gianna.”

“What? No.” Gianna gasped but held on tightly to Willow.

Spike kissed Buffy's lips and walked over to Darla. He knew exactly what was going on, and he knew what Darla was considering.

“Darla, I know what you're bloody well thinking.”

“Do you William? Do you have any idea what he can do to her when they all come together? He can control her. You know as well as I do that the only way we can change that is for her to be re-sired. She needs to lose that connection with him, and she needs to do it now.” Darla said as she looked at her hands.

“But she will lose her bloody soul!” Spike grounded out.

Tara came forward and laid her hand on Spike's arm and soothed his worry, “No, she won't. We have the power to make sure that doesn't happen, but because you are a living vampire she will be the same as you.”

“Darla?” Buffy asked biting her lip.

“Yes Buffy?”

“I know this is crucial to discuss Gianna and to re-sire her but who else do we need to watch out for?” Buffy contemplated.

“I promise we will get through that but Gianna needs to decide this first, okay Buffy?” Tara brushed Buffy's hair from her face and gently smiled at her before turning back to look at Gianna.

“Do it.” Gianna looked defeated but turned to Spike in determination. “Please Spike.”

Spike looked at everyone. He was horror - struck, and he knew without a doubt that Buffy was aware of why he was hesitating.

‘Spike she was sick. She wasn't as strong as you were. You freed her. We need to do this, or we could die or quite possibly lose Gianna to her father. Please Spike. I believe in you. This can't go wrong.' Buffy tried hard to reassure Spike.

Darla sensed Spike's inner turmoil. Carefully, she decided to help ease his fear, as she knew very well at that moment Buffy was trying hard to help him.


Spike looked over at Darla, completely and utterly lost. He wanted more than anything to help, but he was so unsure. ‘What if it goes wrong?' He really didn't want to be responsible for someone who meant so much to Willow and to all of them. It was too much to ask.

“Your mother was very sick, William. You were not to blame for a bad turn. Drusilla never taught you that a fledgling should never turn someone so soon after they have been turned. You were not to blame. You had good intentions and you freed her. Please, William. She forgave you, William. You saved her from her horrible sickness and what would have happened if you hadn't tried. Spike, you are the only one who can help with this.” Darla assured him the best she could and looked to the others for some support.

“Spike, please.” Willow and Dawn pleaded with him.

Spike shrugged and walked up to Gianna and laid a hand to her shoulder.

“Are you sure Gia?”

“Definitely, Spike.” Gianna took his hand in hers.

‘Buffy, luv.'

‘I love you Spike. I'm with you every step.'

“Ok, before we start, we really need to talk.” Cordelia got everyone's attention.

They made their way towards the table and looked over at the three messengers from the Powers that Be. Cordelia twisted her hands together and took a breath.

“Not only will we have to deal with Mikhail, Giles and Xander, but you will have to deal with Drusilla, Angelus, and his new Childe Sidera.” Cordelia braced herself for the explosive arguments but only one spoke out.

“Cordy, how did he lose his soul?” Buffy said gripping Spike's hand.

Cordelia groaned not wanting to tell this part, but she answered Buffy's as well as the others plea. “Sidera managed to get someone to perform a glamour to look like you and somehow bedded Angel. We know there was more to it, but it happened. We needed to warn you.”

“Ok so we know are threats.” Conner sadly stated.

“Yeah we do mate.” Spike offered his support to the boy who in his heart, he knew was hurting.

“Tara I really should begin. It usually takes between a day to three days to rise, but I'm bloody unsure how it works now that I'm a living vampire.” Spike said in confusion.

“Sweetie all your doing is a transferring of a sire or in Gianna's case her father's blood. It will take only a day.”

“Right then. Gia?” Spike walked into the living room grasping tightly onto Buffy's hand. Buffy squeezed Spike's hand and sat down on the sofa beside Spike as he vamped and grasped Gianna's shoulders. He was shaking but calmed as Buffy stroked his back. Gianna offered him her neck and felt his fangs ease in and drain her blood. Spike felt the fluttering of her heartbeat and knew when there was only a drop left. Spike felt the tiny fangs on his wrist and looked in awe at Buffy as she brought his wrist to Gianna's mouth.

The others watched but only Willow panicked. Willow moved closer and felt Tara take her hand as Buffy did the same with her other hand that wasn't holding Spike's wrist to Gianna's mouth. The Power surged through them all as they gifted a new life to Gianna.

Though the hours passed, Willow stayed close to her lover. The others stayed close by giving her the support she needed. Spike felt a lone tear escape down his cheek while filled with an immense amount of worry, but felt reassured by Buffy's love and Tara's guidance.

Destiny's Six made it through their first hurdle. They knew what was to come but for now they would wait. Wait for Gianna's new life. Wait for the promise of children. They were eternal and they burned for their destiny as they waited for a new day. While the others waited, William laid on the windowsill purring in content.

As William's purrs grew louder, a thought occurred and Buffy sat up rather quickly and exclaimed, “Spike, didn't you say you wanted to talk to Dawn and me about something?”

“Now you bloody ask?” Spike quipped and pulled her into his embrace as she pouted. William stopped purring and jumped off the windowsill and curled up beside Buffy and Spike. Spike stroked the cat's ears but grumbled as the others giggled while settling down to rest. He laid his head against the back of the sofa and sighed, “Tomorrow love. We'll all talk about it tomorrow. Just rest. We have a bloody lot coming our way.”

Then there was silence. The only sounds that could be heard were the rumbling purrs coming from Spike, William and surprisingly Damien.

As the group fell into a deep sleep three messengers to the Powers that Be wished them pleasant dreams knowing what lay ahead in their futures.
End Notes:
Destiny 2nd part of the Series to continue very soon! The Title is called Only Hope. Keep a look out for it!
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=31045