A Silk Dress by Minx DeLovely
Summary: Based on the Kate Chopin story “A Pair of Silk Stockings,” but with less timeless prose and more freaky vampire sex. It's Season Six between the episodes “Double Meat Palace” and “Dead Things.” Buffy gets some extra cash and buys a dress she can't really afford to feel more like the girl she used to be. Her one goal is to avoid Spike's place, but she's been less than goal-oriented lately.
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 7 Completed: Yes Word count: 12735 Read: 12675 Published: 11/10/2010 Updated: 11/15/2010
Chapter 5--The World Is Safe Again by Minx DeLovely
The memory came to Buffy in a flash. A deep, red blush spread over her face which Willow misinterpreted.

“Angel never told you, did he?”

“No,” Buffy said, truthfully.

“I don’t think it was a love thing, I think it was a naughty, vampire thing,” Willow said.

“It doesn’t matter,” Buffy said.

“Yeah, anyway, so Spike’s changed a lot since the old days,” Willow said.

“He can’t change, not really, he’ll always be evil,” Buffy said, defensively. Willow looked at her friend a long moment.

“Has he done something? Did he start following you around again or declare his love?” Willow asked.

“No,” Buffy said.

“Then why are you all about Spike suddenly?”

“I’m just worried…about Dawn…getting too attached to him. He’s going to get sick of us eventually and move on. I just don’t want her to get hurt again,” Buffy lied.

Willow didn’t quite buy her friend’s explanation, but she decided to let Buffy decide if she wanted to tell her more. They were quiet for a second.

“Where are Anya and Xander?” Buffy asked.

Willow scanned the dance floor but didn’t see either of their friends.

“They have been gone a long time, haven’t they,” Willow said.

A cold trickle of panic slid around Buffy’s stomach. She wondered if Xander and Anya had been attacked while she was wasting time talking about Spike.

“I’ll go outside, you start checking the bathrooms,” Buffy said. Her voice had taken on a note of command.
Willow nodded in agreement and the girls went their separate ways.

Buffy slipped into the alley behind the Bronze. She froze when she heard Anya crying.

“Ahn, enough with the waterworks, I dusted the baddies, the world is safe again,” Xander said.

“That’s not the point. It just never stops and sure this time you were safe, but what about the next time and after that. You don’t understand what it’s like. Since I became mortal it’s like the only thing I have is you. When I was a vengeance demon I was like one of those career girls in the romantic comedy. I had my work and I didn’t need a man, just like Julia Roberts in ‘Pretty Woman.’ Now I have the shop, but it’s not enough. When I’m with you it feels like money has no inherent value,” Anya said.

“Actually, money doesn’t have any inherent value,” Xander said.

“I’m trying to be honest with you and you’re making enigmatic jokes. What I'm trying to say is I love you more than any of the material goods I could ever purchase with money and even money itself,” Anya said.

Buffy smiled, then whirled around and grabbed the vamp that was lurking behind her by the throat. Confusion registered on his distorted features before they turned to dust.

“I'd tell you to lay off the Old Spice but it's sort of a moot point,” she said.

Buffy shook the dust from her slightly rumpled, but still stunning dress, and went back inside the Bronze.
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=36906