Turn Back Time by spuffyfan4eva
Summary: Why did Buffy wake up in Touched? For what reason did she wake up? Explores what could have happened leading to an totally differnt ending.
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 12 Completed: Yes Word count: 11733 Read: 19304 Published: 11/08/2004 Updated: 02/15/2005
Chapter 7 by spuffyfan4eva
Disclaimer: Don’t own a thing
Thanks for the reviews. I feel loved!


“You sure you’re gonna be safe luv?” Spike, leaning on the wall, asked as Buffy grabbed a few stakes from her weapon chest.

“I’ll be ok, nothing I can’t handle.” Buffy smiled at his worried look and gave him a chaste kiss.

“Well, remember what I said, scream really loud and I might be able to here you.” Spike said as she walked out the door.

“Oh, and if I see you following me, I’ll kick your pale butt all the way back to the house.” Buffy grinned as she walked down her driveway and towards the graveyard. Its gonna be a long night.


Buffy walked the familiar route that she took every night. After a few fledglings and a random demon, Buffy knew that she had to find the old lady. The only problem was, she had no idea where go. Its not like the PTBs hadn’t given her a map and instructions. Buffy looked around and the graves of people who had passed on. In the distant she saw a crypt with a light on. Looks like the PTBs weren’t that big of a jerk they thought they were. The blonde contemplated with running towards the light but she figured out that she shouldn’t waste her energy. Plus, she could have some time to think about what she would say to Angel.

Then it struck her, why was she following her dream? Probably cause it seemed so real. What happens if Angel never appears? What happened if Caleb had set a trap for her? Buffy never really got to answer her questions when she noticed that she had reached the tomb. She opened the door slowly.

“Hello?” She asked, her own voice echoed off the cement wall like a pinball. “Hello?” She asked again as she walked deeper into the crypt.

“So it is true.”

Buffy turned around when got in battle position when she heard the voice. She was surprised to find the old lady in her dreams standing there.

“Who are you?” Buffy asked, “And what do you want?”

“Don’t worry child, I do not want the scythe.” The old lady said, “It was destined, you are the one.”

“Look old lady, as much as I appreciated your feel good comments, you have to go.” Buffy said, “I dreamt of this and you were-“ Buffy stopped her sentenced when the lady fell to the ground, dead.

“Hello, Slayer.” Caleb grinned evilly as he and Buffy started circling, “Didn’t your parents tell you its wrong to steal?” With those words, he lunged at Buffy. They exchanged blows and both stopped for a breath as they circled again.

“Look at you, preacher gone bad. How disappointed you’re parents woulda been...” Buffy quipped back as they started fighting again. Buffy swung the scythe like there was no tomorrow. The preacher caught Buffy off balance and threw her hard into a cement wall.

“Have you received Christ as your personal savoir little girl?” Caleb smiled evily, stalking towards her “Cause even with his help, you won’t win.” Buffy gritted and jumped back onto her feet.

“Oh, and why’s that?” Buffy asked, as her scythe dug into the flesh of the preacher. He just laughed and ripped the weapon from his side.

“No mortal weapon can hurt me, I am the first.” Caleb laughed evilly before punching Buffy and giving her a free pass to the other side of the room. Buffy tried to get up as he walked towards her but it hurt to much. She eventually got back onto her wobbly legs.

“Say your prayers, slayer.” Buffy watched Caleb pull his hand back to hit her as he taunted her. There was no way she could block or dodge this, this was it. His fist was on his way but somebody stopped him.

“Oh no you don’t.” Angel said, throwing the preacher all the way across the room. “Are you Ok Buffy?”

“Yah, Slayer healing doing a marvelous job on my bones…” Buffy picked up her scythe.

“You’re loosing your touch Buffy…been slacking off?” He asked.

“Is that a potbelly, Angel?” Buffy quipped.

Angel opened his mouth to say something but was knocked across the room.


(**********MEANWHILE, At Buffy’s house************)

“Something’s wrong,” Spike said as he paced around the living room, “I can feel it.”

“Spike, you keep doing that and you’ll make a hole in the carpet.” Dawn complained, “She’ll be ok.”

“No, I’m serious. Something’s wrong.” With those words, Spike grabbed his duster and the car keys on the rack. He ran outside and hopped into the jeep. It wasn’t his Desoto but this will do. He backed out of the drive way quickly and drove way past the limit on his way to the graveyard.

“Woah….” Xander commented as he looked out the window.

“What’s so interesting?” Faith asked as she looked into the darkness.

“Spike just ran over a chipmunk.” Xander grinned at his childish comments.

What they didn’t know was that Spike was right, something was wrong. REAL wrong.

(**************************END CHAPTER*******************)
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