My Happy Ending by TammyAsh666
Summary: Buffy and Spike have been best friends their whole lives. What happens when their friendship changes and a romance starts?
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 33 Completed: Yes Word count: 24638 Read: 63188 Published: 03/03/2005 Updated: 04/17/2005
Chapter 14 by TammyAsh666
Chapter 14

Spike walked over to Buffy's locker after school. He saw that she was already there and had her attention on something. He went next to her and noticed that she was watching Angel and Cordelia, who were busy making out.

"They have been going at it for like a half an hour. I don't even think they came up for air. I am damn good," she said with a smile.

Spike had to smile at her excitement, glad that she seemed to be feeling better. "That you are, love."

Her smile quickly faded. "Do you think we would ever have that?"

Spike raised his eyebrows. "You and me?"

She laughed and shook her head. "No, I mean me with someone and you with someone."

Spike felt disappointed, but didn’t let it show. "Don't know, suppose anything's possible."

Buffy agreed as she saw that Angel and Cordelia finally broke out of the kiss.

Cordelia looked at Buffy and smiled, then walked over to her and gave her a hug. "Thanks so much, Buffy," she said, pulling out of the hug. "He's really great."

Buffy graced her with a smile. "I'm glad you're happy."

Cordelia nodded and walked back to Angel.

Buffy turned to Spike, who was also smiling at her.

"You truly are an angel, Summers."

She blushed at the comment. "I'm no angel; I just think everyone deserves to be happy."

Spike agreed. "Yeah, so do you. Come on, let's get out of here." He put his arm around her and they walked out of the school together.

* * * * *

Everyone was over at Spike's house for a coed sleepover later that night, since Giles was once again out of town for the weekend.

They were all sitting in the living room and laughing about something that Xander said, calming down after a few seconds.

Cordelia whispered something in Willow's ear.

She smiled and nodded.

Cordelia then looked at everyone else. "All right, I think we need to have some real fun now. How about we play a game?"

They were all afraid of what she would suggest.

"What game would that be?" Xander wondered.

Cordelia smiled at him. "I think we should play truth or dare."

Groans filled the air and no one was thrilled about that idea.

"Come on, you guys. It would be fun, unless you're too scared of the truth," she said, looking at Xander.

He just shook his head. "Please, I have nothing to hide. I'm in."

"Who else is in?"

Willow raised her hand along with Tara, Anya, and Angel.

Cordelia then focused on Buffy and Spike, who had their hands down.

"You two especially have to play. You can't back out now," she claimed, giving Willow a wink.

Buffy wondered about that, but decided to give in. "Fine, I have nothing to hide either."

Cordelia smiled and turned her gaze on Spike.

He rolled his eyes. "All right, but no one is daring me to take my pants off."

They all laughed.

Cordelia rolled her eyes as well. "You don't have to worry about that. So, who goes first?"

No one said anything, until Buffy spoke up.

"Well, I think it would only be fair that you go first, since it was your idea." She really regretted saying that when she saw the smile on the other girl’s face.

"Okay, Buffy. Truth or dare?"

Buffy had a feeling she would ask her first. "I'll take a dare."

Cordelia's smile grew even bigger as she shared a look with Willow, then focused back to Buffy. "I dare you to kiss on the lips for ten seconds...Spike."

That got everyone quiet.

Buffy suddenly felt butterflies in her stomach. "You can't be serious."

Cordelia shook her head. "You wanted a dare, so you have to do it."

Buffy stared at Spike, who seemed to be avoiding her gaze. She then looked at the smile on Willow’s face. Buffy could tell that they planned the whole thing. She sighed and looked at Spike again. "All right, let's do this." She stood and pulled Spike up with her.

He still wouldn't say anything.

Buffy wondered what he was thinking about.

"I'll be timing you and since I'm so nice, using your tongues can be optional."

Buffy glared at Cordelia and glanced back at Spike. She really wished he would say something. "This doesn't have to be so bad. If it helps, you can just pretend that I'm someone else, okay?"

Spike finally looked at her.

She was confused about the expression on his face, but all he did was nod.

"I start the timer when your lips touch."

Buffy took a deep breath and moved closer to Spike.

He did the same and cupped her cheek, bending down a little to capture her lips in a soft kiss.

They both closed their eyes and continued their make out session.

Spike gently sucked on Buffy's bottom lip.

She slipped her tongue into his mouth.

He opened his mouth wider to allow her entrance, then started to massage her tongue with his.

Cordelia had a smile on her face as she watched them, keeping an eye on the watch. She looked back at them when the ten seconds were over. "Okay, you guys can stop now."

They pulled away from each other slowly, neither taking their eyes off of the other.

Xander waved his hand in the air. "That was hot."

They all agreed.

Cordelia seemed pleased with the results. "So, who's next?" she wondered.

Buffy and Spike sat back down. They pretty much tuned everyone else out after that. They just kept their eyes locked on each other, both thinking about the best kiss of their lives and what it could mean.
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