My Happy Ending by TammyAsh666
Summary: Buffy and Spike have been best friends their whole lives. What happens when their friendship changes and a romance starts?
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 33 Completed: Yes Word count: 24638 Read: 63119 Published: 03/03/2005 Updated: 04/17/2005
Chapter 15 by TammyAsh666
Chapter 15

Buffy was lying in her sleeping bag later that night, finding it hard to fall asleep. She noticed that everyone else was dead to the world, so she got up quietly and walked into the kitchen. She just sat at the counter and was lost in her thoughts, when she suddenly heard a voice behind her.

"Hey, you can't sleep either?"

Buffy turned to look at Willow. "No, how about you?"

Willow shook her head and sat down next to Buffy. "I'm too busy feeling guilty. I'm really sorry, Buffy. We didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. We just wanted to help."

Buffy sighed. "How did you think that would help?" she wondered.

Willow shrugged. "I was talking with Cordy. We both think that you and Spike belong together and are just too stubborn to see it. We all think that, actually. We didn't know how to talk to you two about it. So, she came up with the truth or dare idea to get you guys to kiss. It worked, at least."

Buffy shook her head as well. "No, what you did was make things complicated between me and Spike," she said and got up.

Willow felt even worse. "I'm really sorry."

Buffy turned to look at her friend one more time. "It doesn't matter now, think I'm gonna try and get some sleep." She headed out of the kitchen, only to bump into Spike.

He looked at her in curiosity.

She just avoided his gaze and walked away from him, heading back to her sleeping bag.

Spike sighed and went into the kitchen.

Willow looked up when she saw him. "Are you mad at me, too?"

Spike sat down beside her. "I'll let you know. What did you bints hope to accomplish with that little stunt?" he asked her.

"I don't know. We only wanted to help. We all know how you feel about Buffy. We just wanted to help her realize it, too."

Spike nodded in understanding. "Well, I think it's safe to say that it didn't work. She can hardly even look at me now."

Willow felt guiltier when she saw the sad expression on his face. "I'm really sorry, Spike. I'm sure she'll come around. She'll realize that you're the only guy for her and that you two belong together. It just takes time."

Spike looked at his friend and graced her with a small smile. "I've waited eighteen years, right? What's a little while longer?"

Willow nodded, even though she could tell that Spike didn't seem so convinced. She really wished her two friends could find happiness with each other. They both deserved it.

Spike took a deep breath and stood up. "Thanks for trying, anyway," he told her and left the kitchen.

Willow sighed and decided to sit there for a while longer, when Tara then walked in and sat down next to her.

She grasped Willow's hand and gave it a comforting squeeze. "It'll work out, sweetie."

Willow gave her girlfriend a tiny smile. "I really hope so. They would be so good together."

Tara returned her smile. "Yeah, but they have to realize it for themselves. You know how stubborn those two can be, especially Buffy. You can't rush these things."

Willow had to agree.

Tara put her arm around her girlfriend. "Let's just try and get some sleep, okay?"

Willow nodded as they both got up and made their way back into the living room.
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