My Happy Ending by TammyAsh666
Summary: Buffy and Spike have been best friends their whole lives. What happens when their friendship changes and a romance starts?
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 33 Completed: Yes Word count: 24638 Read: 63109 Published: 03/03/2005 Updated: 04/17/2005
Chapter 4 by TammyAsh666
Chapter 4

Spike carried Buffy inside and lay her down on the couch. He sat next to her and rubbed her head.

She sat up to look at him. "You're so good to me, you know that? There should be more guys like you out there."

Spike shook his head. "I doubt that would happen, love. I'm one of a kind, after all."

Buffy smiled at him. She seemed to be studying his face.

Spike wondered what she was thinking, but he didn't have to wonder for long.

"Have you always been this cute?"

Spike didn't know what to say after that. He then noticed that her gaze was now on his lips.

Buffy moved closer and suddenly pressed her lips to his.

Spike did nothing to stop her. He found himself kissing her back, until he realized what he was doing and pulled away. "Buffy, we can't do this. I won't take advantage of you."

She moved her lips over to his ear and nibbled on it. "What if I want you to?"

He closed his eyes at the feelings she was stirring in him. "You don't know what you're saying, love. I think you should get some rest."

Buffy pulled away. "You don't want me?" she said with a pout.

Spike shook his head. "You have no idea how much I want you, but not like this. You would end up regretting it and I couldn't live with that."

Buffy nodded in understanding and moved a little away from him.

"Let's just watch the telly, all right?"

Buffy nodded again, without saying anything else.

Spike turned the TV on. He was watching some movie and then looked over at Buffy, only to see that she was passed out. He got off of the couch and picked her up. He carried her into his room and lay her down on his bed. He covered her up and took a moment to watch her, then pressed his lips to her forehead. He walked out of the room and sat back down on the couch, thinking about what he just turned down.

* * * * *

Buffy woke up the next day with a huge headache. She groaned and grabbed her head. She looked around to see that she was in Spike's room, but she didn't see him anywhere. She got up and headed for the living room, where she found Spike asleep on the couch. She sat down next to him and pushed him lightly, which was all he needed to wake up.

He sat up when he saw her there. "Hey, how are you feeling?"

"I feel like I have a million elephants tap dancing in my skull. Remind me to never drink again."

Spike smiled and then became more serious. "Yeah, looks like you got that alcohol by all of us. Why were you drinking, Buffy?"

She shrugged and looked away from him. "I just wanted to let loose for one night. It seemed like a good idea at the time." She looked back at him before she spoke again. "I didn't do anything really embarrassing, did I?"

Spike just shook his head and figured that she didn’t need to know the truth. "No, you were passed out pretty much the whole time since I took you out of the Bronze."

Buffy was relieved. "Well, that's good then. Thanks again for getting me out of there. You're a great friend."

Spike nodded in return. "That's what I'm here for." He knew something was bothering her and really wished she would tell him. "Is something wrong, love? I know you well enough to know when something’s on your mind."

Buffy sighed and just decided to come clean. "I saw my dad the other day. I was out running a few errands for my mom and I saw him at the store. He didn't see me, though."

Spike raised his eyebrows. "Are you sure it was him?"

She nodded. "I remember pretty well what he looks like. It's only been about seven years since I've seen him. I just know something's wrong. Why would he come back after all this time?"

Spike shrugged. "I wouldn't know. Did you tell your mum?"

Buffy shook her head. "No, I couldn't tell her. This is the last thing she needs. He was probably only in town for business, anyway. I'm sure he's already gone now. Just seeing him again brought back all these memories and I panicked. I know drinking doesn't solve anything, but for a while there, I forgot about him."

Spike put his arm around her and kissed the top of her head. "I'm sure it's nothing, like you said. I won't mention it to anyone."

Buffy gave him a small smile. "Thanks, I'm gonna go change. I'm thinking I might have to throw up, too." She got up and headed into the bathroom.

Spike watched her go. He hoped Buffy would be okay. He knew how much her father leaving hurt her in the past and he didn't want her to get hurt again. He really prayed that it was nothing, but he couldn't help the bad feeling that went through him.
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