What Might Have Been by Allana
Summary: My Story starts at the end of Angel as in the very last episode "Not Fade Away" Some things have came right out of it with some changes to fit my story and it continues from there.
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 7 Completed: No Word count: 12167 Read: 12625 Published: 10/07/2005 Updated: 11/22/2005
Chapter Seven by Allana
Buffy was going about her usual daily activities, Work at the club, lunch and then off to the office to see which new big bad was about. When she entered the meeting she was surprised to find the room empty and dark. As she turned on the lights she was greeted by literally everyone she knew jumping from behind furniture shouting at her.

"SURPRISE, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUFFY!" Suddenly a banner was lowered which said it also. She had been so caught up in everything else in her life she had forgotten her own birthday. She started laughing uncontrollably. Everyone looking at her like she was crazy she finally calmed down.

"Sorry all just.. Well you wouldn't believe just how big of a surprise this is. I had kinda forgotten what day it was." They all joined in then laughing with her. She was quickly embraced by her sister and then Giles, followed by Willow and Kennedy, Then Angel and Gunn, And lastly Xander who she hadn't seen sense they parted outside sunnydale. "It's so great to see you all. I've missed you so much!" Illyria, Wes and Connor came through the door carrying a very large cake and they all began to sing. As they all sat down to eat. Buffy noticed the looks between her younger sister and the human vampire son she had only just learned about a few months before. Still hadn't grasped it all but accepted it and liked the boy. But it was making her uneasy with the looks she was seeing. But before she could give it much thought Angel announced it was time for presents. Angel and Nina had gotten her beautiful picture of a wolf. Buffy giggled a bit at that one.

"Well couldn't resist really." Nina commented.

Gunn, Wes, Connor, and Giles had all gotten her appliances of some sort of another for her new apartment. Illyria had gotten her a new sword. Xander had made her a new weapons trunk sense the first one he made got destroyed in the battle with the first. Dawn had gotten her plane tickets for anytime to come see her. Smiling at her sister she noticed there was one more gift and no one left it could of came from. It was a small box and she looked questionly at everyone who shook their heads in that unknowing way. Careful ripping the paper from the small box as she opened it. It was a small heart-shaped locket with a little cross in the middle of the heart. She turned in over in her hands a few times then spotted the markings on the back. Which said. 'With love.' There was only one person she knew it could of came from and it made her heart skip a beat. She quickly opened the locket, On the inside she found two small pictures one of her and one of human Spike. Looking like his usual self smirk firmly placed on his face. She felt the tear roll down her cheek. Angel promptly tried to get everyone's attention but only the ones that already knew paid attention everyone else was worried and quickly began gathering around her. Before she could snap it shut Xander had seen.

"For Christ sake! Even in death he..."

"He's not dead." Buffy said quietly interrupting.

"What do you mean he's not dead!" Xander shouted. Buffy sighed.

"Xander please." Willow pleaded.

"So what? Who cares he still butting in your life." Xander said to Buffy ignoring Willow.

"This is Buffy's life and I don't think you should be butting in either." Angel said standing.

"I know its Buffy's life, the reason I'm saying it he needs to stay out of it."

"Xander just calm down." Giles said still not sure on the whole matter himself but could tell he needed to be supportive to Buffy.

"But.." Xander started.

"Please just stop." Buffy said barely above a whisper.

"Why? Your not seriously thinking about this are you!" Xander shouted agian.

"I love him." Buffy agian said softly. Xander looked dumbfounded for a moment.

"That's just great. Just damn great." He said throwing his hands up and turning away.

"STOP IT JUST STOP IT." She shouted at him standing up. "I love him and damn if I care what anyone thinks anymore. I loved him back then and I love him now and for the damn record he is human now not that, that is any of your damn business. Did I say anything when you fell in love with Anya? " Xander cringed at the mention of her name. "Did I tell you to stop loving her when she became a demon agian? No I bloody well didn't, and I supported you least till I thought I had to kill her , and do I really need to bring up the fact that I killed Angel again and even after the
trying to kill her I still supported you. I'm Sorry Xander maybe I shouldn't of said that but damn it Don't I deserve the understanding of my closest friends! I can't have the man I love but the least I can hope for my friends to at least be supportive and maybe give a damn what I want." She shouted at him.

Xander crumbled. "I'm sorry Buff, really I am but he hurt you! Do you not remember that?"

"Yes I remember that, But I also remember him loving me and me being cruel and heartless to him and pushing him to that point and for some stupid reason I thought I couldn't possibly love him and because I thought he wasn't capable of love being a soulless vampire but I was wrong on both accounts, He didn't need his soul to love me or to love period. I told you before Xander he knew what he did was wrong and he hurt from it also and he went and fought to near inch of his life to get a damn soul because of it. Which in turn made him crazy. Yet through it all he still loved me and be damned I loved him. Then I lost him in the battle and when I finally thought I had him back he was made human and tore from me agian. And I am done arguing rather I should or shouldn't love him. I shouldn't have to not with one of my best friends. Not with you! Specially sense none of this matters he is gone, I don't know what this means but he isn't here and I just need him here." She said waving the necklace about before collapsing into Xander's waiting arms.

"I'm sorry Buffy. I'm so sorry.. I had no idea." He said as he held her. Everyone else just stood around not knowing what to say or do. But Angel sensed something and started to leave the room as Spike walked in said nothing and walked up behind Xander carefully tapping his shoulder. Xander gave him a dirty look but stepped out of the way and Spike took his place.

"I'm here now luv." He said and everyone filed out of the room quietly. "I'm here."
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=14722