What Might Have Been by Allana
Summary: My Story starts at the end of Angel as in the very last episode "Not Fade Away" Some things have came right out of it with some changes to fit my story and it continues from there.
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 7 Completed: No Word count: 12167 Read: 12630 Published: 10/07/2005 Updated: 11/22/2005
Chapter Eight by Allana
Not even realizing the change she softly sobbed into what she thought was Xander's chest. 'Why am I doing this to myself..or better yet why is he doing this to me? Sending me such a present after not only disappearing on me but telling me that there was no us.' "I just love him so much.." she softly whispered as she continued to sob.

"I'm here now luv, Im here." Spike repeated and Buffy jumped clear out of his arms nearly knocking herself on her ass.

"What.." cutting herself off before she asked what he was doing there. "Where'd everyone go? When did everyone go?" {Not to mention, the fact of how I came to be in your arms when I fell into Xanders.}

Smirking, "I guess everyone felt ackward once I came in and left, which was about 15 minutes ago and I exchanged places with Xander only moments after your collapse."

"But how did you exchange places without..Woh wait a minute, I never asked that part..least not out loud." Buffy said becoming very nervous. 'Oh my god, oh my god..' was all she could think.

"Huh? But I heard you ask what do you mean you didn't ask it out loud?" A confused Spike asked raising his brow.

"I uh .." Buffy started but not beleaving it herself felt ackward saying it. "Well Im pretty sure I thought it." {no no I know I thought it, what the hell is going on?}

{What the bloody hell is she going on about, Think it my ass, I bloody well heard her ask it.}

"I am going on about how your able to read my damn mind. What the hell is that about, and you didn't hear me ask it you heard me think it!"

"Now hold on a damn minute..You are obviously the one reading minds here." 'Now then how did this happen?' Waiting for her to respond he got nothing. {I said how did this happen?}Trying harder for her to hear him.

'How the heck should I know.' When she noticed Spike still waiting on a answer she tried agian. {How the hell should I know?}

"I think it only happens when we try or think things we want the other to hear or rather we normaly would of just said."

"Ok this is just creepy and we still don't know why." Buffy said. There was a soft knock at the door.

"Buffy are you ok?" Giles asked as he opened the door slightly.

"Yeah, I think. Come on in Giles." He walked in the room looking kinda nervious. "It's ok really, I think tho I think I know how to make you more comfortable if ya up for some research." She said with a smile.

"You know I am what's up?"

"Well we seem to have a slight problem." She said glancing at Spike who stood being way to quite. "Or rather a odd thing." Looking a little confused she continued. "It seems me and Spike can now sort of send mind messages to each other."

Looking rather confused himself. "Mind messages..Care to elaberate for me?"

"She means we can hear each others thoughts, but only when when we try to let the other hear." Spike said with a shrug.

"Ahh Thank you Spike. How and why I guess would be for me to research I assume?" Buffy nodded at him. "Very well then I'll grab Wes and we will get right on this, You know where to find us of course." Giles said with a nod and left the room. As he exited the room Xander and Dawn entered.

"Hi guys."

"Everything ok Buff?" Xander asked

"I'm not sure. But I think so." Spike looked like he was about to leave the trio. { I am so not done with you don't you even think about walking out that door.} "Would you guys mind giving us a few more minutes?" They nodded and left the room.

"Touchy, I wasn't leaving leaving you know." Spike said as he walked closer to her wraping his arms around her. "Say it agian..." Spike asked

"I love you." She said knowing what he wanted.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't of le.." Buffy cut him off

"I know you shouldn't have." Pushing him playfully. "But least you know that now." She said with a bright smile as they embraced. "Just don't leave me again."

"Demons couldn't drag me away." He said and then kissed her deeply. Pulling away he reached for her hand taking the necklace from her and putting it around her neck to do the clasp.

"It's beautiful, thank you." Spike smiled and pulled her close kissing her forhead then her nose and finally her lips. Deeping the kiss as they wrapped their arms around each other. Reluctuatly Buffy pulled away. "We probably outta let everyone know, everything is ok." Spike nodded and they left the room still holding each other.

The last chapter of this story can be found here: http://www.bsdiaries.com/display.php?sID=022297&chID=9

As It is too short for the 1000 word min on this site.
The last chapter of this story can be found here:
This story archived at http://https://spikeluver.com/SpuffyRealm/viewstory.php?sid=14722