Plan The Perfect Murder by Spikesonlychilde
Summary: Buffy Summers was a normal teenage girl. She was in highschool, loving life. She had friends, a boyfriend. Everything was perfect. Until February 27, 2001. The town turned their backs on her and her family. Can she ever fix her reputation? Clear her name? Finish her English essay by monday? All the while solving a murder?
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Buffy/Other, Character Death
Series: None
Chapters: 15 Completed: No Word count: 23976 Read: 14205 Published: 03/15/2007 Updated: 02/07/2008
Sick Love by Spikesonlychilde
Author's Notes:
Yay chapter 10!! hope you like it - probably a break for a bit. Harry Potter comes out OFFICIALLY today - so I will be reading that like a fiend! I also want to get a banner going - I am working on that. Any suggestions are welcome :)
I stayed in the computer lab for a bit longer. Just staring at the video - at Riley’s face. I’m not shocked - Riley is just the type of scum to do this. But it doesn’t make it anymore sickening.

I surprise myself by going to my next and final class. I didn’t really pay attention. How could I? I just found a clue as to who could have raped me. I kept playing the video repeatedly in my head. I also tried to recount every memory I have of that night.

When it is nearing the end of the class, I approach the teacher. I say I volunteered to sort the recycling in the caf. And ask to leave early. The teacher agrees and I make my way out of the class and then the school quickly. Lying - not so big on the scale of things today.

I swiftly walk to the parking lot and immediately start searching it. I finally find the car I was looking for. Riley’s. It is a stupid car actually. It’s expensive of course; the whole front line of the lot is filled with the elite’s cars. These cars cost more than my house. Riley’s car is tiny in comparison to the others. Why would a person so big in body mass want the tiniest car?

The school bell rings. Students start pouring out of all exits. I lean against the hood of the car. I set my stare on Riley, as his bulky form exits the school. He smiles at me and quickly approaches.

“Decided to take me up on that offer then Summers?” Riley says as he steps closer to me.

What is it with this guy and personal space?

“Nope,” I push myself off the car and move away from him, “I just want a simple answer to a simple question.”

“And what would this question be?”

“Who gave you the rohypnol the night of Cordelia Chase’s party?”

Riley looks shocked. I just stare at him, making it obvious I’m not going to leave until I get an answer.

“I - I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Riley finally stutters out.

“I’m sure you do. If you don’t tell me - I will ruin your life. Apparently, you said something about me yesterday in the locker room. Please try to remember I used to be Amy’s close friend. And unless you want a rumour to get out about your um…abilities or lack thereof, you’re gonna tell me who gave you the roofies,” I continue to stare at him, almost hoping he won’t tell me. Just so I can destroy him.

“There weren’t any roofies. It was GHB,” Riley stammers out, “It was Conner. Conner McDonald. He gave it to me.

I do not say anything. I just walk away from him, towards my own car. I hear Riley call out from behind me,

“So we’re okay right? Summers?!?!”

I just keep walking. Conner had GHB? Dawn's boyfriend was somehow involved in my rape.


I scan the parking lot quickly again. It is harder now as students are starting to leave. But I know I can’t miss Conner’s car. A bright green hummer? I couldn’t overlook that one even if I wanted to.

As I scan, I try to hold the bile rising in my throat down. The thing about being roofied and raped: you may not remember the who, where, when or why, but you know the what.

The ‘what’ disgusts me. Some one purposely drugged me - poured shots down my throat - then took me into the guest room and raped me. How anyone could think that is okay makes me sick. I will destroy whoever did this.

Conner - I have him pegged now for murder and rape. This boy is sure aiming high for how many years he is going to be someone’s ‘buddy’ in jail.

I finally spot the Hummer. Lucky for me it hasn’t left the parking lot. They seem to be preoccupied - cheerleaders all around. Cheerleaders with low self-esteem - how could they leave?

I approach the environment-wrecking car. Looks of confusion and disgust and thrown at me. Just smile and keep walking towards them. I barely flinch when I see Angel’s face. That’s how much I have had to practise. Can’t show that there is any sort of emotion left. I am a different girl now.

I walk directly in front of Conner. He looks shocked and confused but manages to cover it up, “Look Buffy - I told you already. No - I won’t give you Angel’s sweater so you can smell him every night before you go to sleep. Try some sleeping pills or something.”

“Damn - but that’s not what I’m here for.” I don’t let his comment make my position falter.

“Then what are you doing here? Cause you’re surely not welcome,” Conner says as he leans forward, laughing.

“I actually wanted to talk with you,” I point at him and smile slightly.

The crowd surrounding him makes a variety of noises. Most of them laughter and puking sounds.

“Well, I don’t want to talk to you - so scatter a long. Stalk from a far.”

“Well - I wanted to talk to you about Cordelia Chase’s party. But if you don’t have time - I’ll go and see what Riley has to say.”

This stops him. He looks at me quizzically - like he doesn’t believe that I know. I turn around and pretend to scout for Riley. I hear him behind me, “Fine - you’ve got 5 minutes,” he steps away from the car and attempts to quiet the cheerleaders, “I’ll be right back.”

He approaches me and we walk far enough away. I can see Angel looking at us from inside the car. I turn my attention back to Conner.

“So Conner - I heard you were the one with GHB.”

“That was like a while ago…I don’t have any now…” He puts his hand in hair and messes it up, a sure sign he’s hiding something.

“Damn - I was going to spike your juice box and have my way with you. Well where did you get it?” I ask impatiently.

“L.A. We got it in L.A.”

“There was a ‘We’?”

“Angel and me - we bought it in L.A. with some other guys,” Conner confessed.

“And putting it in random drinks at a party seemed like a good idea?”

“I didn’t do that - I mean some of the other guys gave it to their girlfriends to you know…loosen up. But not me.”

“So did you happen to see me at this ‘loosening up’ party?”

“Well ya - everyone did. You were kinda hard to miss.”

“Oh? Please remind me - cause you know…the details are kinda fuzzy.”

“Well you were pretty out of it - can’t hold your liquor can you Summers?”

“Obviously not - since people were holding it for me. Pouring it down my throat,” I accuse, looking directly at him.

“That was just some fun - I mean it was all Riley and Parker’s idea. You seemed up for it.”

“Riley and Parker? What else did they decide I was up for?” I question.

“I just poured a few shots - then Parker lifted you out of the chair and carried you away from the pool.”

“See where he took me?”

“Ya Riley followed him - he called to me to bring more tequila. So I did - I just thought they were moving you inside. They put you in the guest house though.”

“So - Riley Finn, Parker Abrams, and you put me in the guest house.”

“I just brought the tequila - your issues are with Riley and Parker, not me. They were horrible to you,” Conner quickly put in, as if I would be less mad.

“Well, I’m just sorry you had to witness it. That must have been awful for you,” I ground out as I quickly turn around, walking away.

I stop abruptly and turn back around. Conner looks at me confused. I approach him once again, “You said some other guys bought GHB with you and Angel? Who are they?” I question.

“You probably can figure it out.”

“Well I’m feeling a bit disgusted right now - so why don’t you help me out.”

“Fine - but you could have asked nicely - it was me, Angel, Scott Rayne, and Spike Giles,” he said in exasperated tone.

I was shocked but quickly voiced my question, “Spike Giles? He didn’t even live here then.”

“Correction: He lived here he just didn’t go to school here yet. We met him at the gym - invited him along. He was pretty stoked about it too,” Conner informed.

I turned and walked away. An absent-minded expression across my face. I didn’t stop and ask another question. I had thousands of questions running through my head though. Spike had GHB? I was drugged with GHB and then raped. He immediately started hating me and now has just started to like me. Did Spike rape me?

All these questions run through my head as a drive away from the school. I quickly pull over to the side of the road. This last question gets me. I open my door and proceed to throw up. I had a make out session with my possible rapist. I throw up again.

I’m not going to work today.
This story archived at http://