Plan The Perfect Murder by Spikesonlychilde
Summary: Buffy Summers was a normal teenage girl. She was in highschool, loving life. She had friends, a boyfriend. Everything was perfect. Until February 27, 2001. The town turned their backs on her and her family. Can she ever fix her reputation? Clear her name? Finish her English essay by monday? All the while solving a murder?
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Buffy/Other, Character Death
Series: None
Chapters: 15 Completed: No Word count: 23976 Read: 14209 Published: 03/15/2007 Updated: 02/07/2008
Size Me Up by Spikesonlychilde
Author's Notes:
Sorry for the delay - hit a big block in the road of writing. Hope you are all still interested. Pretty short chapter..but I'm trying to continue the story since I am really enjoying writing it.
I close up shop and head home. Before I was a social outcast, I would have walked home or gotten a ride from one of my friends. But this is now. Now means I have to drive myself wherever I go. My car isn’t the normal transportation for Sunnydale. It’s cheap alright? But it was the car my dad sent me as a little ‘sorry for the divorce’ present - and I can’t afford anything else.

Ah my dad, so much to say about him. My parent’s marriage was rocky at best even before Dawn died. They were always fighting, in private of course. On the outside they looked like the perfect couple with their perfect family. When Dawn died it only went down hill. They say divorce rates are higher when a couple looses a child. They weren’t wrong. Dad moved out a week after I found her body. They were officially divorced two weeks later.

I used to see my dad every other weekend. The traditional child with divorced parent’s life. One weekend he told me he wasn’t getting anything out of our weekends together and that he wanted to stop. He dropped me off at the house at noon on Sunday. I barely remember anything that happened after that but I do remember seeing his car drive away and feeling such abandonment. I never saw him again.

He used to send letters but they eventually stopped. The only thing coming from him eventually was the child support. That eventually stopped too. Last I heard he was in Spain with his secretary. He was starting a new life without me.

Mom took the divorce fairly well. She was the one who had asked for it. She said she couldn’t put up with all his lying and cheating. That his daughter just died and all he wanted to do was go meet up with his mistress. She had enough.

My mom is the strongest person I know. She has gone through loosing a child, her job, her husband, and her reputation. Yet she is still standing strong. She’s my rock. If it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t have made it through this time.

I finally reach my destination. Home. It’s not much - at least by Sunnydale standards. A little house on Revello Drive as I mentioned before. It’s nothing compared to where we used to live but it’s my home now. Our home.

The noise of me closing the car door echoes through the street. I lock up and walk towards the door. I’m not sure why but I turned around as I stood on the front step. I wasn’t looking for or at anything particular - just out onto the street. I let the cool night breeze wash over me and I breathed in heavily. This is the best time of the entire 24-hour span that we call a day. It’s dark outside but one can’t really call it night - at least I can’t. This is the time where I can think clearly and at the same time have no thoughts at all. This was Dawn’s time. Contrary to her name, she lived for the night. She said it opened up a world of truth. Night was a time where people could truly be themselves - they wouldn’t have to hide behind the lies. Lies that exist in the harsh light of day. This is Dawn’s time. The time where I let myself fully remember her. I stand there for a while longer, tears pricking my eyes. I can almost hear her laugh through the silent air and it deafens me. I sigh, breath in heavily once more, wipe my eyes, and turn towards the door. I lay my hand on the handle and push down to open it. The soft voice of my mother greets me, and I respond numbly. I slowly turn to shut the door behind me - taking one more look out into dark. Wishing I had died instead of her.


The next day arrives. This means a different outfit, different homework, but same school, and same incompetent morons. As I suspected, Xander did not approach me in Film Studies. Well, he didn’t show up.

Roll call was done - everyone saying ‘Here’ at the appropriate time. It was thrilling. The class started and continued on without any disruption. That is until I was called down to the office. The “uh oh ’s” and the laughter followed my exit. I began the walk towards the office - wondering what I had been accused of this time. Student here love to blame all their problems on me. If you do something wrong blame Buffy Summers. It’s a way of life.

I finally reach my destination. The bold white letters that spell out “Sunnydale High Main Office” greet me. I push open the door and walk up to the main desk. The secretary briefly looks up at me.

“Hi - I was called down?” I say in the way people ask questions.

“Name?” She asks.

Wow - another person who doesn’t know me.

“Buffy - Buffy Summers.”

She again looks up at me - this time a bit longer. She scans me almost as if she is sizing me up. What? She never knew what the Buffy Summers looked like? Wonder if she is disappointed. Maybe she was expecting a punk rocker or someone who clearly resembles all that is evil in the world. But no - I don’t think that’s quite me. I just stand there as she takes in my blond hair I put messily into a ponytail, my stripped pink shirt covered by a light green jacket, my brown messenger bag, and blue jeans. I look like any other student here. But I’m not. I’m Buffy Summers.

She finally speaks, “Ah - yes. Miss Summers. There’s a message for you.”

“A message?”

“Yes. From the hospital…about a…..Alexander Harris.”

“Oh?” My heart raced when I heard the word ‘hospital’ - not a fan. I silently calm down. Why is Xander contacting me?

“He’s been injured - and the doctor said he listed you as a contact. They want you to come down to the hospital.”

“Oh…ok. Am I allowed to leave now?”

“Yes - you are excused from school - as permission has been given by your mother who was already contacted.”

“Um...ok then. Thanks.”

“Mhmmm” she mumbled back - obviously she didn’t want to be seen conversing with Buffy Summers for a long period of time. Glad to see the rumours have found their way all through the school.

I walk out of the school silently. Wondering what had happened to Xander and what rumour would start because of this.
This story archived at http://