Plan The Perfect Murder by Spikesonlychilde
Summary: Buffy Summers was a normal teenage girl. She was in highschool, loving life. She had friends, a boyfriend. Everything was perfect. Until February 27, 2001. The town turned their backs on her and her family. Can she ever fix her reputation? Clear her name? Finish her English essay by monday? All the while solving a murder?
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Buffy/Other, Character Death
Series: None
Chapters: 15 Completed: No Word count: 23976 Read: 14194 Published: 03/15/2007 Updated: 02/07/2008
What's Your Secret? by Spikesonlychilde
Author's Notes:
Here is some more Spike! And another character. Also some sassy snarky Buffy. Enjoy. Hope you like it.
“…then Dawn came clomping down the stairs in mom’s heels and make-up. Her hair was in tangles all over her face and she was wearing her dance costume. She had actually put two costumes on. She became a faerie cowgirl. Then she declared she was ready to go to the park.” I laughed hard as I retold the story. Tears were streaming down my face out of laughter.

Spike was keeling over beside me, mirroring my laughter. We were sitting on the floor, against the counter, laughing ourselves to death. Don’t ask how we got into this position. This level of comfort-ness. It just happened somewhere down the road after my breakdown.

“She really did that?” He finally said after many deep breaths.

“Ya - she really did. We went to the park like that, the other kids stared and laughed but she didn’t care. She never did. Even when she was older, never cared what others thought.”

“Cool girl. Very unique.”

“Yeah…she is. I mean was. She was a cool girl.” my smile immediately fades at my slip up.

“Were you two close?” He questions and I can feel the conversation getting serious once again.

“Yeah…we were. I mean, we had our fights. Sisters’ right? But she was my best friend. When we were little we used to go to this camp. The groups were separated by age. But Dawn would cry and cry and make herself sick until she was allowed to come to my group. Yeah…we were close.”

“I always wished I had a sibling. Someone to play with you know? But my mum died when I was little…not that even if she hadn’t I would have a little one to play with. One child family they were.”

“Oh - it’s not all that you crack it up to be.”

“Yes. It is.”


“Well - let’s stop this depressed train - it’s no fun.” he sits up more, as if hoping it will raise the mood.

“Tell me something about you,” I mumble.

“Me? What about me?”

“I dunno - something no one else knows. I mean I had a breakdown in front of you - my secret is out.”

“The secret that you miss your sister?”

“Yup - now it’s your turn. What’s your secret Spike Giles?” I say as I gaze up at him.

“Usually there is alcohol involved when I do this.”

“Too bad - come on tell me.”

“I read poetry,” he mumbles as he looks at the ground.


“Ya. I like to read poetry - I’m a ponce I know.”

“No. I just wasn’t expecting that. What type?”

“All types Mansfield, Browning, Shakespeare, Poe, Dickinson, and Frost. All types.”

“That’s pretty cool. I like poetry - some of it doesn’t make sense to me but I like how the words flow together. The meaning behind them.”

He looks at me with curious eyes and I can’t help but wonder the thoughts behind them.

“You’re alright Buffy Summers.” he says as if he is completely shocked by the idea.

“Why thank-you Spike Giles.”

“My real name is William.”

“I know.” I smile slightly as I say this and offer no explanation.

He looks at me again; his hard exterior completely gone. He doesn’t respond, only smiles at me. A genuine smile. Nothing too toothy or fake. Just utterly and completely William.

I smile back, “I should be heading home now. My mom is going to start to worry.”

He looks at his watch and nods “Didn’t realise how late it is.”

“School tomorrow,” I say as I stand and gather my things.

“Yeah - I’ll see you later then.”

“Night Spike,” I place my bag over my shoulder and begin to walk away. I’m stopped abruptly by a pull on my arm. The pull forces me to spin back. I land right into Spike’s arms with his lips on mine.

Some how I knew this was going to happen. Not in the way of having any idea of course. But something didn’t make me question his lips on mine. I probably couldn’t have thought anything at that moment. All that mattered was the kiss. And to not let it end. Once it ended, we would have to go back to reality and our normal lives.

All that mattered was this kiss. The kiss that had his lips masterfully and sweetly pulling on mine. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I kissed him back. The intoxicating kiss had us breathing free for only a few seconds. The passionate taste had us scrambling to become closer to the other.

The kiss was all that mattered.


After the kiss, okay there were many more kisses. But after those, we said our awkward goodbyes and went our separate ways.

It is now another school day. Everyday seems to be getting slower and slower. My mind is still in “Who’s the Murderer” mode and yet I’ve somehow managed to complete all of my assignments.

It is now fourth period English. The class with everyone I hate. I walk in and I feel something different. Normally when I enter the class, I am completely ignored or glared at. Today is different. I take my normal seat, back of the class, second row. I quickly scan around the room and I discover the abnormality. His eyes are on me. He is staring at me in slight confusion. Angel begins to talk with him, and he averts his eyes.

Alrighty Spike, we’ll just skip over the two minutes in heaven we had. You want to pretend it never happened? No argument here. My lips, for all intents and purposes, are sealed.
I put my attention towards the lesson, but I fail miserably. I already know what they are teaching. I do not need to focus that much. The plus size of being a social outcast? You don’t have to worry about being too smart. When I was with the elites it was frowned upon for girls to get really good grades. I actually made fake report cards when I showed it to my friends. Ah, the wonders of Photoshop.

I scan the room again, everyone is here except Dru. Wonder where she is? Maybe she had another episode and was forced to leave the premises? Or maybe she’s just out getting high…

I’m shocked to hear the bell ring. How did class go that fast? I don’t think time travel is invented yet…

I head off in the direction of my locker. I approach a large group of students, all very animated.

Damn my curiosity. I worm my way through to the front, I see a girl picking up her books from the ground while a guy points and laughs. She glares at him but only continues to gather her books.

I see that the guy, who I’ve now labelled ‘Jerk’, is approaching her again. I assume he’s going to be creative and knock her books again. I step into the circle created by the students.

The circle of students become quiet, I can hear small whispers of explanations to others that don’t know who I am.

I am Buffy Summers. ‘Jerk’ hasn’t noticed my addition to his little ring. He finally notices the silence and turns toward me. I just stand there, a smile on my face.

“What do you want?” jerk question rudely.

“Oh I was just walking to my locker and noticed your little presentation.”

The girl looks at me quizzically but does not say anything. My smile turns into a smirk as I continue to glare at ‘Jerk’.

“Leave now - I ain’t started nothing with you,” he continues to glare at me.

I approach him and he looks confused, “I only wanted to congratulate you!”

I hold out my hand and grab his. I shake our hands energetically, “Just wanted to shake your hand. Congratulations! You’ve been named the world’s biggest cockroach. This award is given in recognition of your unparalleled lack of decency and humanity. Bravo! You’re gonna die friendless and alone!”

I drop his hand, briefly look at the girl, and begin to push my way out of the circle. I stop when I hear “Jerk” speak.

“Well, everybody knows you’re the biggest -”

I whip around, and cut him off, “Shut up! If I want you to speak, I’ll wave a snausage over your nose. If you pull stupid stunts like this again to convince yourself you’re not a loser, I will ruin you life - got it?”
He gives no response and I speak again more adamantly, “You got it?”

“Okay, geez…it was just a prank…” Jerk says as he walks away.

I turn back around and the crowd parts as I walk through. I hear the students talking once again, and then many footsteps as they all walk away.

I keep the smirk on my face as I continue to my locker. A tap on my shoulder stops me. I sigh, hoping it’s not the principal. I turn around and shocked to see the girl. The girl who had been the object of ‘Jerk’s” prank.

I guess my confusion showed as she quickly tried to say something, “Oh I just wanted to say thanks. You didn’t have to do that. It wasn’t worth it.”

“Oh it was worth it alright. But you’re…um welcome.” I am at a loss for words.

“That was Larry Stevens…I can’t believe you just did that,” the girl says.

So “jerk” does have a name…

“I can’t believe that you didn’t! If you want people to leave you alone, or better yet, treat you with respect, demand it. Make them!” I say harshly at her.

“I’m not one for confrontation…”

“But humiliation - I guess that‘s your thing huh?” I say sarcastically as I turn back around and open my locker.

I slowly look back at the girl and see that she feels obviously embarrassed, “Okay…look I’m sorry but if you want to survive here you need to get tough. You need to get tough then get even. And don‘t worry ‘Larry’ won‘t be bothering you again…”

“Thanks for that…I’m Willow Rosenberg.” She says sweetly as she holds out her hand.

I hesitantly put my hand out for the shake, we shake and nothing happens. No prank or anything. Weird.

“I’m Buffy-”

Willow cuts me off, “I know who you are…I mean you were the most popular girl in school, you were dating Angel. Now people talk about you for different reasons….”

“That’s me. And yet you’re still talking to me?”

“I don’t believe rumours much - and you did just save me back there…”

“Only doing what everyone else that is not a complete jerk was afraid to do…”

“But you’re not afraid…”

“No - I’m not…”
“You want to get some food?”

“Sure…” I reply sceptical.

I close my locker and we walk towards the caf.

Someone actually nice to me? Did Xander and Willow just drop in from another planet?
This story archived at http://