Maybe More by Dorians Kitten
Summary: William Pratt is busy trying to blend in and survive his new life and school when Buffy Summers crashes into his life. He tries to convince himself that he is thrilled to simply be the friend of such a charismatic whirlwind, but could it be that she might, just maybe, be looking to him for more. Nominated at the Spuffy Awards round 16 for Best Fantasy Romance. Runner Up at the COH Awards for Lonely School. Thank YOU!
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Situations, Buffy/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 23 Completed: Yes Word count: 42485 Read: 43287 Published: 03/21/2008 Updated: 05/11/2008
Two by Dorians Kitten
Author's Notes:
Wow! Thanks guys-I have lots of this one ready to post, so it will come fast. (Please return the favor and keep those reviews coming-I love knowing what you guys think!)

If anyone feels like making a banner for this story, I would treasure it and credit you gladly. :)
Buffy licked the ice cream off her fingers. “Yum. They’re even better melty don’t you think?”

William nodded and scolded himself for the thoughts watching her eat her half of the ice cream sandwich had brought on. She’s a nice girl, he admonished, she’s been nothing but kind and she would undoubtedly be horrified if she knew what you were just thinking. He turned away and pointed to a white house a few doors down from where they were. “It’s just there. You can wash up if you want. I have to go in and get my keys.”


Buffy smiled as she walked through the door he was holding open. She wasn’t used to guys holding the door for her so casually. Angel only did it when they were having a special night like homecoming or something. He always made it seem kind of silly too, by bowing deeply and gesturing like Vanna White. William had held the door like it was entirely normal. Somehow, she thought, that made it seem more special. Once again she felt the need to scold her own thoughts. Well he’s British, she thought, they have different manners and all; Angel makes you feel plenty special.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a woman’s voice calling out from another room.

“William? You’re home rather early. I didn’t expect to see you again until it got too dark to read.”

“Hello Mum” William called back “I’m just stopping home for a moment.”

“Is everything…oh William I didn’t know you had company”

Buffy smiled at the elegant looking woman who had just entered. “Hi.” She decided quickly that she would have known that she was William’s mom even if he hadn’t already called her that; there wasn’t really a strong resemblance, but their eyes were almost the same. Hers had just a touch more grey. Which Buffy decided looked especially pretty with the woman’s sleek grey bob. Funny, she thought, that William’s mom seemed so much more stylish than he did. She was wearing a long khaki skirt and a short-sleeved black top.

“William, will you not introduce me to your young lady?”

William blanched. “She’s not, I mean…” He glanced sheepishly at Buffy and then back to his mother. “This is Buffy Summers. Buffy this is my mother Anne Pratt. My…my glasses got bent and Buffy kindly offered to help me locate the shopping mall so that I can have them repaired.” He quickly explained.

Anne looked at the pretty girl next to her son and smiled. “How nice. It’s a pleasure to meet you Buffy.”

“It’s nice to meet you too Mrs. Pratt; you have a lovely home.”

Anne quickly noted the girl’s good manners and genuine seeming smile. Lovely, she decided. “Thank you dear and please, call me Anne. Mrs. Pratt sounds like an old lady who bakes and does needlework all day. I hope to fend off those urges for a few years yet.”

Buffy giggled and nodded.

“We’re just going to get washed up and grab my keys mum.”

Anne laughed softly. “All right I won’t keep you.” She turned back, leaned slightly towards Buffy and spoke in a stage whisper. “Perhaps while you are at the mall, you might point William in the direction of a clothing store that carries something besides navy blazers.” She gave her a wink.

William joined Buffy in a laugh. “Don’t worry Mum, she has already offered. It would seem my wardrobe is so dreadful that it inspires kindness in near strangers.” He leaned over and gave his mother a kiss on the cheek. As embarrassing as that little scene had been, William was nothing but glad to have had it. Two years ago he had almost lost his mother to breast cancer; now he made sure to remember every day just how lucky he was to still have her. As pathetic as it may sound to others, she was his best friend.

The clerk held up William’s mangled glasses. “You’re going to need new frames. There’s really nothing I can do with this. I should be able to resize the glass and get them done for you today though if you pick something we have in stock.”

William shrugged. “That’s fine.”

Buffy cringed and grasped William’s arm. “Have I mentioned the ‘so sorry’ and the ‘I’ll pay’ part?”

He chuckled. “It’s really not a problem. I haven’t gotten new ones in ages; the insurance will cover it.” He gave her a shy smile. “Maybe you could help me select new frames though?” He was having a hard time pretending not to be thrilled by her hand on his arm.

Buffy smiled warmly. He’s just too nice, she thought, anyone else would have acted at least a little upset. “Definitely” she agreed.

The third time she shook her head "no " William sighed. “These are very much like the ones I had.” He said holding up the frames in question.

“I guess” she shrugged “but I think we can do better.” She turned towards the display and studied the frames. Nodding she reached over and plucked a pair from the wall.

“I’m not sure what you’re expecting; none of them are going to make me look any better.”

Buffy spun back towards him surprised by his quiet statement. “William, you’re not a bad-looking guy.”

He looked at her skeptically.

“You’re not.” She repeated firmly. “A pair of jeans, a haircut” she shrugged “the girls are gonna be all over you.” She laughed when he looked more terrified than pleased by that thought and handed him the frames. “Here try these.”

He slid them on and looked at her expectantly.

She grinned and nodded. “Much better.”

“Really?” He glanced quizzically in a nearby mirror. He thought they looked sort of odd, but if she liked them...

“Yes really. See…” she moved to look into the mirror with him “these draw attention to your eyes instead of hiding them like the last pair.” She watched as his eyes widened and a deep blush crept up his cheeks.

He looked down and then to the side. “All right. I…I’ll just…I’ll just give these to the clerk.”

Buffy sighed when she heard his stutter return. They’d been doing so well she thought; was she really this intimidating? I’m just trying to be his friend, she thought. She didn’t question her desire to be friends with the shy young man whom she’d only met that afternoon, although she acknowledged he was really nothing like most of the crew she hung out with. Whatever, she decided, there’s no rule that says I can’t have different types of friends.
This story archived at http://