Maybe More by Dorians Kitten
Summary: William Pratt is busy trying to blend in and survive his new life and school when Buffy Summers crashes into his life. He tries to convince himself that he is thrilled to simply be the friend of such a charismatic whirlwind, but could it be that she might, just maybe, be looking to him for more. Nominated at the Spuffy Awards round 16 for Best Fantasy Romance. Runner Up at the COH Awards for Lonely School. Thank YOU!
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Situations, Buffy/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 23 Completed: Yes Word count: 42485 Read: 43273 Published: 03/21/2008 Updated: 05/11/2008
Seven by Dorians Kitten
Author's Notes:
Reviewers Rock!!!
He continued to find himself relaxing in her presence over the next few weeks. They completed their history project and were thrilled with the resulting marks. The professor was impressed by their unique presentation and by their decision to have William present the colonist’s side and Buffy make the case for Britain. They eagerly agreed to be partners for the next project as well.

But they also continued to spend time together apart from homework. William had sat through much of Buffy’s collection of teen romance DVDs, though he’d been increasingly vocal in his opinions about them. Buffy laughed at his sarcastic remarks and occasionally admitted that he had a point. But, she’d say with a grin, that was why they were so fun. William found that he almost never had to share his time with her with Angel. In fact, it really seemed that she only spent a couple of evenings a week with Angel and lunch of course. Lunch was still a hard time for William. He still sat with Xander and Willow, who both knew that despite his firm “friend” status with Buffy he was hoping for more. They would frequently try to console him during Angel and Buffy’s cafeteria snuggle sessions. A few times he’d had to excuse himself, but he was proud to think that he generally held it together.

Buffy was delighted that William had stopped stuttering and staring at her and loved the several affectionate nicknames he now used for her. If asked, she would probably have said that he was her best friend, but she really didn’t contemplate their relationship that much. It was nice to be with him and so she often was, period.

She knocked on his front door on a particularly warm Saturday afternoon and smiled when his mother answered. “Hello Anne. Is William home? I’m sorry to just stop by. I was at the park and I left my phone at home.”

Anne gestured for her to come in and smiled warmly. “You’re always welcome dear; you know that. He’s up in his room. Would it be all right if I just sent you up? I was just in the middle of something in the kitchen.”

Buffy nodded. “Yep. Don’t let me keep you. I’ll find him.” She happily jogged up the stairs and turned down the hall towards the room she knew was William’s. She was about to open the door when her mind registered the sounds coming from inside as music. She stilled as she realized that the singing was William. It was quiet, but it was definitely him and it was definitely good. She waited another moment before slowly turning the door knob.

“William! You never told me you play guitar and you sing. You’re so good.”

Startled, he jumped at her words and dropped the guitar from his lap. “Buffy, I…I didn’t know you were here.” He started lamely.

“Oh don’t stop. Please. It was so pretty.”

He shook his head. “I don’t…I don’t really play in front of people.”

Buffy pouted. “Oh but were friends right? Please.”

William took in her pleading expression. He took one look at her jutting lower lip and groaned. God, I want to taste that lip, he thought fervently. He shook his head knowing that she had no idea what she did to him. “Of course we are pet it’s just a sort of private thing.”

Buffy walked over and sat down next to him on his bed. She nodded sort of sadly. “Okay, I get that, but…will you tell me what you were playing; it sounded pretty.”

He laughed. “It was actually a Clash song. I just slowed it down a bunch. I don’t think it’s generally considered pretty.”

“What’s it called?”

“Umm it’s Should I Stay or Should I Go?”

Buffy wrinkled her nose. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard it.”

He shrugged.

“Oh, so I came by to see if you wanted to go to the beach. It’s so nice out today and it will start to get cold soon…so can I tempt you?”

William almost laughed. If only you knew how much, he thought. He nodded. “Sure that sounds nice.”

“Cool. Why don’t you get changed and then we can swing by my house so I can too.” She bounced over to the door and turned to see him nod again before heading downstairs to chat with his mom again.

He appeared a few minutes later wearing a pair of longish blue swim trunks and one of the blue tee shirts that Buffy had chosen on the day they’d first met.

With a promise to call if he’d be out late, William followed Buffy out the door and chatted happily with her as they drove to her house so that she could get changed.

Buffy was no longer surprised when he got out of the car and came around to open the door for her, She’d considered telling him that she was totally capable of opening doors for herself, but she knew it would hurt his feelings and that he meant it in nothing but a respectful way. So she’d just gotten used to it instead. She thanked him as she got out of the car and feeling a burst of mischievous energy dared him to race her to the door.

She won, but only due to the head start his confusion granted her. He laughed as he walked into her house. “It’s really not very sporting if you start early you know.”

“Aww…is that your way of asking for a rematch?”

Her mother’s voice calling from the other room interrupted his response. “Buffy? Are you home?”

“Hi Mom” she yelled back. “William and I are just stopping by so that I can get my swimsuit on…” She trailed off as her mom came into the foyer.

Joyce gave William a smile. “Hello. Are you two going to head to the beach? It’s certainly nice enough.”

He nodded. “Hello Joyce. How is everything at the gallery?”

Buffy left her mom telling William about the latest delivery mix up and went upstairs to change.

Joyce knew the moment that Buffy appeared on the stairs even though her back was to her. She watched William’s eyes widen before he quickly averted his gaze and she turned to see her daughter come down the stairs. She shook her head. “Buffy, take a shirt.”

William glanced quickly back at Buffy to watch her reaction. When he saw her roll her eyes but turn to do as her mother had said he let out a swift breath. This, he suddenly realized, was an issue that he should have seen coming. Seeing her fully dressed often provided him with enough of a challenge, when he seen her appear at the top of the stairs in a scant red bikini and a denim mini skirt slung low on her hips he’d almost lost himself. Two primary thoughts were now running through his head. First he wondered how he was going to keep his attraction a secret once they got the beach and she presumably proceeded to take off the skirt to swim and second he was now sure that red was his favorite color.

Joyce was pondering how she should proceed to pretend she was unaware of William’s interest in her daughter when the phone rang. She turned to him. “Excuse me for a second.”

She walked into the kitchen and placed the phone to her ear. “Hello? …Hank?...yes, she’s here…umm hmm…I see…yes…just a second” Joyce placed the phone on the counter with a sigh and called her daughter. “Buffy, honey your dad is on the phone.”

Buffy, now clad in a filmy white cover-up over her bikini top, came down the stairs and ran eagerly into the kitchen. She grabbed the phone. “Hi Dad. I can’t wait to see…what? Oh. Yeah; I understand…of course…yeah next time…yep…love you too.” She slowly hung the phone back on the receiver.

Joyce reached over and gave her daughter a quick hug. “I’m sorry honey. I know you were looking forward it. You know he doesn’t…”

“I know mom, I know…”

William watched with dismay as the normally cheerful girl clearly tried to pretend that she wasn’t upset. He wasn’t sure if it was his place to get involved, but he couldn’t watch her be upset and not try to help. “Buffy” he started gently, tilting his head to the side and giving her a searching look “luv, what’s wrong; is there…”

Buffy shook her head. “It’s nothing really. I’m being silly. I just…it’s my birthday next week.”

William nodded. “Friday”

She smiled and nodded back. “Well my dad was supposed to come on Saturday. We have tickets…he always used to take me.” She sighed. “We were supposed to go to the Icecapades, and I know that seems lame, but I really like it and my mom has an event at the gallery and so she can’t go with me and…” She shrugged.

William furrowed his brow. “Angel, surely…” He was cut off by her giggle.

“No way.” Even through her disappointment, the idea of Angel coming to the Icecapades made her laugh. At best he’d be miserable and out of place and at worst he’d probably spend the whole night making fun of it, thus ruining her fun.

He frowned at that, angry at the thought that Angel would not do anything in his power to make this incredible girl happy. “I’d…I don’t want to presume…that is I’d be honored to escort …”

Buffy looked at him in shock. “You’ll go with me?” At his nod, she asked. “You do know what the Icecapades are, don’t you?”

He laughed. “I’ve seen the posters in your room.”

“But why?”

He froze at that. Why he thought, because I’d do anything to see you smile, because I’ve fallen for you and just wish you could see me, just see me. He smiled shyly. “We’re friends right? I want you to have a good birthday.”

She beamed at him and giving a little squeal, she hugged her mom in celebration. She quickly came over to hug him as well. “Ooh, you’re the best!”

The feel of her arms thrown quickly around his shoulders, nearly took his breath away. He cautiously raised one arm to softly pat her back twice. “It’s nothing luv.” He cleared his throat. “Were we going to the beach?”

Buffy nodded happily. “Yep. Just let me grab one more thing.” She practically danced into the living room and started rummaging in the closet.

William laughed when she proudly displayed her find: a Frisbee.

“Well, it’s not like I’m going to hit you with it if we’re actually playing.” She grinned. “It probably won’t even come anywhere near you.”
This story archived at http://