The Draco and the Scoobies by Blackoberst
Summary: Something insidious is brewing in the Universe. And that something is boredom. Gods, supernatural beings and mortals will find themselves forever changed by the consequences of one bored Being.
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action, Parody
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Buffy/Other, Spike/Other, Character Death
Series: None
Chapters: 18 Completed: No Word count: 47507 Read: 26539 Published: 07/02/2008 Updated: 12/13/2009
Were and where by Blackoberst
Author's Notes:
All my thanks to Kristi for her beta work and to Sotia for her support. And, of course, to everyone reviewing. It really means the world.
Spike was entranced. As soon as he had felt the two approaching, his demon had started doing back-flips and whooping sounds inside his brain. Whatever mojo these beings had going for them it was major and he was scared – him, the Big Bad was scared, especially since the chit gave off a vibe that screamed of Slayer times a thousand. ‘Bugger! And I’m willin’ to bet everythin’ I own I’m about to say some bloody stupid thing and get my ass kicked. Here goes!’

“Oi, you tellin’ me you bloody ‘Powers that Love to Bugger You’ actually did somethin’ arse-over-tit? Who did you screw over that time?” he asked. ‘I soddin’ knew it!’

Zamolxis snickered, then chuckled, and then started all out laughing. To everyone except Bendis this was an unexpected answer to Spike’s question. Up until that moment the God had been amused, condescending, professional, irritated, and even a bit angry. Laughing with such exuberance, tears streaming down his face and gasping for air he probably didn’t even need to breathe was not how they had envisioned ever seeing him. Bendis, however, was not joining him in his mirth. That is, until she pictured the looks on the faces of everyone as they learned what was to come -- that WOULD be funny. So now both Gods were doubled over laughing, speaking to each other in a language no one else understood. With each new phrase, more gales of laughter would erupt. This was strange behavior indeed. Finally, after more than five minutes of bellowing laughter, Zamolxis managed to string together enough English words to form a sentence.

“I really think you should have the pleasure of telling them, my dear.” As soon as he was done speaking, he promptly lost it again, holding his sides from laughing so much and so hard. Bendis managed to pull herself together enough to tell the tale.

“Well, in all fairness, there was more than one attempt. By the time the decision was made to do something to protect the human populace and to keep the expats in line, their numbers were overwhelming compared to the small human communities. The humans, however, had started training wild wolves to protect and aid them. This led us to the idea of combining the two species together, thusly multiplying their chances of survival. To this end, a few select humans were picked and they were merged with the essence of the fiercest of the wolves.”

At the gasps heard from the core group of the Scoobies, she knew they had caught on to where she was headed with her tale. ‘Oh, poor mortals, if only they knew the entire truth,’ she thought before she went on with her tale. “The idea was that the pack instincts of the wolf, coupled with the human intellect - the superior senses, strength, teeth, and claws of the canines would, on a human body, render them at least equal to any expat they might encounter. Any bigger or more powerful expats could be dealt with by a pack, or group of ‘Varcolaci’ as they were called in some parts, werewolves as you know them.”

Willow was devastated and elated at the same time. The only thing keeping her grounded was the soothing feel of Tara’s caress on her back. The tears in her eyes blurred her vision and she wiped at them to focus on the speaker again.

“Also, maintaining their human form for much of the lunar circle meant regular patrols could be initiated and the rest of the time they could mingle with the general populace, multiplying, caring for their tribes and so on.” Bendis continued in a soft yet firm voice as she sent an apologetic look towards the distraught witch, “The idea, valorous as it was, was a failure. The wolf essence was untamable, unlike the wolf itself, so whenever they took wolf form, they became feral. Soon they were feared just as much as the expats for their indiscriminate maiming and murder of any moving thing within what they considered their territory. Soon, human raiding parties started hunting them down, forcing them into hiding, never to pose a significant threat again. They are untamed now, but not what one might call ‘evil’, as the damage they do is minimal.”

“How can you expect us to believe that? We all know werewolves are demons, so they are just as evil as Spike here!” Riley, scoring once again for team oblivious, stood up with an accusing finger pointed at Bendis.

“Oz was… IS a werewolf. Why did you help me rescue him if that’s how you really feel?” Buffy had finally found an outlet for all the anxiety this discussion had created within her, and she was upset enough not to care that the receptacle for her anger was her boyfriend. ‘Soooo gonna be EX-boyfriend if he keeps this up!’ This sentiment was spurred on by Willow’s hurt look from within the protective embrace of her lover.

“Well, he was your friend and…” Riley mumbled before remembering his earlier musings. “Anyway, not that it surprised me that much. That Fyarl you insisted was Giles, Oz, Hostile-17 here, ANGEL, AND DRACULA! I’m surprised you even slay any more for all the demon-rescues you do! You’re worse than the Animal Rescue guys.” And that was the proverbial that. The Slayer in full battle-mode unleashed her fury unfiltered and undiluted towards the one that kept nagging her with what was, in her opinion, ancient history.

However, this was done in a way that Riley would never have imagined. She all but whispered, keeping her eyes fixed on his, expressing all her anger through her glare, her body stiff and fists clenched, “Riley, get out.”

“What? Now you turn on me? Did these sub-terrestrials screw with your mind even more? Can’t you see they’re evil and they’re controlling you? This isn't you! You would never turn on a human to save a demon!” He walked stiffly to her side again and grabbed her by the arm, squeezing so hard that his knuckles turned white, alerting the others of the true force exerted, however impassive Buffy still remained.

“Well, actually, she almost killed Faith for Angel that one time.” Xander found he was more than happy sharing this little tidbit of information with the man that he had considered a friend. Well, no friend of the Xan-Man treated Buffy like a moron and started shouting at her and got away with it! It was time for the gloves to come off and to see the obviously aggressive man out the door. He had seen enough in his own home between his parents to spot a future wife-beater. And there, before him, in all his glory stood Riley – future wife-beater with a 100 percent certainty. So he started using the same techniques finely honed on Angel for so long to get him to show his true colors and get his ass handed to him once Buffy got fed up. It kinda worked once, why not try again?

“Oh, and what about Spike and Dru, she let them walk home free to South America before sending Angel to Hell. And she knew they were gonna feed to survive.” Dawn just couldn’t keep herself quiet this time, even tempting fate and her mother sending her to bed, she just had to see exactly how purple Riley could get before he burst a vein in his neck. ‘Maybe once he’s gone Spike could come over more often and maybe, just maybe, start showing me how to fight! That would be so hot! Squeeeee!’

“Or what about…” But Willow never got to finish her thought, having caught on to what the others were doing and having decided to join in the fun. Sure, she’d pressured Buffy into the relationship, but that was before she really got to know Riley. And the guy she could now see, not so much with the liking there, bucko!

“ENOUGH!!! Are you people out of your minds? I knew you were incompetent, troublesome, whiny, and annoying. But what the HELL are you blabbing about? What Faith? What Hell? WHAT THE HELL???” ‘8.9 on the purple scale’, Dawn mentally noted.

“I’m sorry, did I stutter? I said get out.” Buffy raised her voice a little as she looked straight at her ex-boyfriend and soon to be ex-walking human if he kept that up. She had a cold, fake smile on her face that came nowhere near her eyes. She shook his hand off without much effort, sending him stumbling back a few feet. Her fists rose to rest on her hips in what appeared to be a casual position, but an attentive observer could see she was preparing to strike.

Anya, seeing the Slayer’s reaction, remembered that same look on the faces of many of the women she had helped throughout the centuries. Ah, to have her powers back now; she just knew Buffy would be extra-inventive in her wish. “Oh well, at least I get vengeance vicariously,” she not so subtly whispered. Those seated next to her, as well as those with above-human hearing, smiled at the blunt woman.

“You don’t mean that, Buffy! You’re just confused. Look, we’ll go away somewhere so you don’t have to think about all this any more, and I’m sure once you clear your mind you’ll be back to your old self again!” His instincts of survival as a male made Riley lower his voice in what was supposed to be a soothing tone, sounding more like one used to talk to a petulant child instead. Foot in mouth syndrome was hard to cure.

“You really have problems taking orders from me, don’t you, lover?” Buffy made her way slowly to where the ex-soldier was waiting somewhat pleased at her words, demeanor, and closeness, totally oblivious to the waves of Slayer-on-the-prowl vibes she was sending. As she spoke she almost fulfilled one of Spike’s fantasies: treating Riley as she had once treated Angelus – down to the word “lover”! Priceless! If only she would let him kiss her afterwards, then he could safely say there was somebody up there listening to such as him.

“No, it’s just that you don’t know what you’re saying right now and your so-called friends aren’t helping you one bit. So I won’t get out because I know that deep down you really want me to stay!” He almost beat his fist against his chest in his pride at knowing what his “little woman” wanted.

Joyce was holding on by just a thread from going in full Mother Hen Mode when Giles softly whispered in her ear, Ripper in full effect, “Now, now, Joyce, let the boy hang by his own noose! I’ll bet you taught her your best moves and even if she weren’t a Slayer – and my charge to boot – if she is just half the woman you are, he’s in a world of trouble and doesn’t even realize it. And when he does, it will be too late!” At the barely contained malice in his voice, Joyce was suddenly reminded of the episode two years prior and a particular brash individual with some inventive uses for a police baton. The mere thought had her blushing and also flushed with need. Perhaps she should try talking to Rupert more often, shopkeeper to shopkeeper, of course!

“So you know what I should think better than I do? You think my friends are freaks? Monsters? Idiots and whatever? You think I can just pick up and leave the Hellmouth unattended? To do what? Play farm-girl and farm-boy with you? ” Buffy punctuated each sentence with a not so gentle poke in the towering male’s chest.


“Not. A. Word! You had your say, now listen closely. You wanted to know how strong I really am? I never went more than half-strength when I sparred with you, so what I’m about to say should really register, got me? I sent my last boyfriend to Hell, if you don’t want the same treatment get the hell away from me, my family, my friends, and MY. MONSTERS!”

And with those final words, she noticed Bendis making the door disappear in invitation. She pushed her open palms to his chest with such force he sailed through the air and landed in the middle of the street, at a total loss as to exactly what happened. Once he’d crossed the threshold Bendis recalled the door, effectively shutting him out. At the questioning looks around her she just shrugged her shoulders and went back to feigning disinterest.

For Riley this was a nightmare, a hellish vision sent by those two meddlers. Or it was a spell, a terrible spell gone haywire, which was probably Willow’s fault. He just needed to clear his head. Marcia was always willing to clear his head of any blood rush. He’d go to her and find solace in her arms. Then either come back to slap… that is to say TALK some sense into Buffy, or call Graham – or both. With that thought in mind, he limped away down the street towards the seedier part of town.

Once he was gone Buffy turned teary eyes back towards the people still seated at the research table.

“When did Cardboard start gettin’ suck-jobs anyway? Think they messed with his hormone levels!” Spike was more than happy to ask, feigning innocence at the effect his words were going to have on the already tense situation.
End Notes:
Now what could possibly be next?
This story archived at http://