In My Dreams by ArykaLinn
Summary: Takes place season 5 after Riley's departure. Mostly A/U, lots of Spuffy lovin'! With Buffy still in shambles after Riley's rash decision of going back to the initutive, she is not at peace, even in her dreams she wakes up crying. Willow brings it upon herself to cast a spell giving her total happiness in her dreams, because as we know, reality is an imperfect place. What Willow didn't count on is Buffy's subconcious not wanting to wake up, leaving the slayer in a slumber of sheer bliss. What will happen when the scoobies try to right Willow's wrong? How will Buffy react to having to depart with the man she loves? Again. There will be some naughtiness!
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 8 Completed: No Word count: 12394 Read: 12084 Published: 02/24/2005 Updated: 03/23/2005
Dream Sunnydale by ArykaLinn
In My Dreams

By Erica Hayden

Previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer:

Buffy can feel her heart breaking. She feels it when she's awake, fighting, in her dreams. Willow has taken it upon herself to call upon the Goddess Eri to morph the Slayer's dreams into happy-Buffy time.

**Dream Sunnydale**Summers' Home-

Buffy awoke to the sweet smell of bacon and toast. She grumbled slightly looking at the clock, 8:42. Damnit Dawn. And what's she doin' cooking? She's going to burn the house down! Buffy rose slowly out of bed and descended down the stairs. A deep voice singing entered her ears, she knew, the cooking was not being done by Dawnie.

There will be other guys
Who will whisper in your ear
Say they'll take away you sadness
And your fears

They may be kind and true
They may be good for you
But they'll never care for you
More than I do

I'll be always there
There to the end
I can't do much
But be your one true friend

Buffy entered the kitchen at the end of this stranger's beautiful song. The way his words made her insides burn, creating a dull ache in between her legs reminded her of Odysseus and the Sirens.

Buffy had to stiffle back laughter at seeing a certain bleached blond vampire slaving over a hot stove, wearing nothing but his tight black jeans and her dad's old 'kiss the cook' apron.

Her expressions immediatly grew serious as she saw the sun touch down on Spike's face. Buffy cringed as a sizzling noise stung her ears. She didn't know why she did it but soon Buffy caught herself jumping on Spike, slamming him on the ground, strattling him, but saving him from the sunlight.

Spike looked up, dazed. "Well good morning." He sucked his cheeks in and gave a glorious smile. Buffy felt a familiar tingle between her legs.
"Spike what are you doing?" Buffy demanded.

"Uhm...making breakfast for you and the 'bit." He gave her a sort of 'duh' look before sitting up as far as her body would allow, resting himself on his forarms.
"What are you doing in the sun? What are you doing here?" Questions blazed through her mind. God, gotta check on mom.

Spike looked confused. "Well I know I'm a bit pale, but nothing a spot of tanning wont do. Not like I'm going to burn. And I seem to remember a certain girl asking me to stay while her mom was on a months long vacation in the tropics."

Buffy was absolutely bewhildered. Tropics? Mom's in the tropics? Buffy sighed at her realization. God Willow, what did you do now? Always trying to fix things with the magic? "So...You're not a vampire?"

Spike raised a scarred eyebrow. "Last time I checked. Wanna let me up? Bacon's burning."

Buffy remembered her position on Spike, then slowly rolled off of him. As Spike stood and tended to the breakfast, Buffy remained on the ground, staring up at human version of Spike. Not much different. Still pale and everything. Sun's deffinantly not his best friend.

Buffy heard footsteps into the kitchen. Dawn looked down at her, furrowing her brows together. "Not like I have enough trouble with thinking your weird with the whole Slayer gig...But lounging on the floor when there are perfectly good chairs just is a little strange...even in your book." She added.
Buffy inwardly nodded. Okay, still the Slayer.

Spike growled. "Be nice to your sister Nibblet. Had a long night of Slaying."
Buffy's head was spinning, Spike standing up for her, not so big of a deal. At least he wasn't following her like some love struck puppy dog....again. "I-I'm going back to bed, tired." She faked a yawn. Hopefully she would be back in normal Sunnydale by the time she woke up.
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