The Feelings of 'Once More, With Feeling' by phantomwriter
Summary: The title’s pretty self-explanatory, isn’t it? This is basically my take of everyone’s emotions during OMWF. Random POV’s, but always Spuffy. Chapters go according to each song, though some may be combined (i.e., ‘Mustard’ is in Ch. 2, instead of having it’s own...) Unless otherwise stated, the lyrics are being sung by the song’s lead singer. For the medley songs, I’ll just put who’s singing what, even though I’m sure everyone knows who sings what.
Categories: Comedy fics Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Completed: No Word count: 6304 Read: 6897 Published: 03/21/2005 Updated: 07/29/2005
I've got a Theory by phantomwriter
Ch. 2: I’ve Got a Theory

~Buffy POV~

Hey, wait a minute. Why is everybody already here? Seriously, I hate being last. Buffy is never last, because Buffy always wins, and...... Did Willow just say something?

“Wha-um, yeah. So, uh, last night. Did-did anyone else, uh, burst into song?”

I am going to feel so stupid if I am alone in this.

“Merciful Zeus!”

Yay! Xander said so! It wasn’t just me, it was Xander, too!

“We thought it was just us!”

And Willow.

“Well, I sang, but I had my guitar...”

And Giles. Well, that takes care of that, and- Holy crap! Does everyone have to talk at once, I mean, geez!

~Xander POV~

Is it just me, or is Buffy really....spacy? She didn’t even laugh at my donut joke. And hey, brownie points for Xander. Something actually went right! I guess singing just comes with the happy. But I won’t tell them that.

“...and do you think it will happen again, because I for one...” See? And...uh oh. Giles is singing, fair! G-man has pipes!

♪(Giles) I’ve got a theory
♪That it’s a demon
♪A dancing demon-no, something isn’t right there

Umm...gulp! Lucky a dancing demon isn’t right in Giles’ mind. I mean, they don’t know that it really is a demon, right? This could get really-oh! Hey! Willow has a theory, too!

♪(Willow) I’ve got a theory
♪Some kid is dreamin’
♪And we’re all stuck inside his wacky Broadway nightmare

Hmm. Wacky Broadway nightmare doesn’t exactly seem that far off, does it? I mean, we have lived nightmares, AND turned into our Halloween costumes. I guess anything really is possible at Hellmouth Central.

♪(Xander) I’ve got a theory we should work this out

Ooh. Ouch. At least I sang after Willow and not Giles. And at least my mouth knew enough not to say that I summoned a Lord of the Dance demon. Oh! But not a scary one. Just a demon.

~Willow POV~

Now we have to get rid of whatever this is. Because Willow and singing? Not of the good. Am I the only one who remembers the ‘live your nightmares’ incident? I was dressed up like a geisha and forced to sing! How cruel is that?

♪(Willow/Anya/Tara) It’s getting eerie
♪What’s this cheery singing all about?

See? There we go again. At least Tara and Anya sang, too. And why the heck is Xander suddenly standing up?

♪(Xander) It could be witches
♪Some evil witches
♪Which is ridiculous ‘cause witches they were
♪Persecuted wicca good and love the earth
♪And women power
♪And I’ll be over here

Oh, smart move, Xander. Take a crack at witches when you have two standing right in front of you. Honestly. Witches? It’s more likely Oz did it than witches! Well, at least the non-ratty witches I know. Oh, great. Anya’s turn.

♪(Anya) I’ve got a theory
♪It could be bunnies

Of course. Bunnies. Because this is Anya. What else could it be? I guess the bunny-phobia is yet another thing I’ll never understand.

♪(Tara) I’ve got a-
♪(Anya) Bunnies aren’t just cute like everybody supposes

Aww, and it was Tara’s turn to sing. Oh well. Sit tight and enjoy the ride, everybody.

♪(Anya) They’ve got them hoppy legs and twitchy little noses
♪And what’s with all the carrots
♪What do they need such good eyesight for anyway
♪Bunnies, bunnies
♪It must be bunnies!

Umm. I really have no words to describe this. Neither does anybody else, apparently. Ladies and Gentlemen, this random rock moment is brought to you by Anya.

♪(Anya) Or maybe midgets

Hee. Okay, probably not valid, but come on! Midgets- little people- are adorable!

♪(Willow) I’ve got a theory we should work this fast
♪(Willow/Giles) Because it clearly could get serious before it’s passed

NOOO! Stupid...thing. I just sang again. I bet it’s some pathetic nerds trying to have a good time by messing with power beyond their comprehension. After all, someone was messing with Buffy earlier this year. Whatever. Speaking of Buffy, she decided to join our group sing. Yay!

~Buffy POV~

Okay guys. Seriously. People are singing. What’s the big deal? It’s kinda like a Disney movie, except without flying carpets and enchanted roses...y’know stuff like that. Instead we have witches, and vampires, and demons, and the annual apocalypse.

♪I’ve got a theory
♪It doesn’t matter

Nyah nyah! Buffy wins. They can’t argue with the slayer...a slayer...whatever. I’m the active one, so I’m the one that counts at this point.

♪What can’t we face if we’re together
♪What’s in this place that we can’t weather

Everything we’ve faced in the past has been all of us. The Scoobies. We’re like...well, I don’t really know what we’re like. But whatever it is, we’re INVINCIBLE! Wow. That was lame. Good thing it wasn’t out loud.

♪We’ve all been there
♪The same old trips
♪Why should we care

Huh. Never really thought I’d say this about a demon or whatever’s causing this. For all we know it’s a spell. Anyway, getting back on track, it’s kinda nice. Saying, or singing, as it happens to be, what I think like this. It’s kinda liberating. Because if I offend someone, then, hey! I can always blame it on this.

♪(Group) What can’t we do if we get in it
♪We’ll work it through within a minute
♪We have to try
♪We’ll pay the price
♪It’s do or die

Hehe. Joke time. Buffy needs to have a little fun.

♪(Buffy) Hey I’ve died twice

See?! I win. I got a smile out of Giles. Too bad they still think I was in Hell. And what gave them that idea anyway? Am I that bad of a person that I deserve to be punished for all eternity? They didn’t think that by saving the world on countless occasions that it would qualify me to get into Heaven?!

♪(Group) What can’t we face if we’re together
♪(Giles) -What can’t we face

Aww. Giles has a really good voice! Why hasn’t he sung more?

♪(Group) What’s in this place that we can’t weather
♪(Giles) -If we’re together

Stupid pretty-sounding Giles. And Tara. Now I’m all self conscious.

♪(Group) There’s nothing we can’t face
♪(Anya) Except for bunnies

She just can’t let the bunny thing go, can she?

“See, okay, that was disturbing.”

Ha! Xander is such a liar. He was having fun and he knows it. Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt, people.

“I thought it was neat.”

Willow, of course, the optimistic one. Gotta love her. Although I have to ask...

“So why is it happening? What’s causing it?”

Uh oh. Giles is giving me ‘the look.’

“I thought it didn’t matter.”

Of course it matters! It was the song’s fault! See? It does work for an excuse.

“Well, I’m not exactly quaking in my stylish-yet-affordable boots, but there’s definitely something unnatural going on here. And that doesn’t usually lead to hugs and puppies.”

Besides, this is a whole lot better than when the Gentlemen came to town. Eek.

“Well, is it just us? If it’s just us that probably means a spell, or...”

Hm. Anya has a point. I have the strange sinking feeling that it isn’t. Step 1: Deep breath. Step 2: Open the door. Step 3: Wonder what was possessing Giles when he decided to put up that stupid bell. Step 4: Shake head at the singing guy in the street.

♪(Man) They got the mustard out
♪(Chorus) They got the mustard out

Okay, Buffy. Shut. The. Door.

“It’s not just us.”

A/N: I know, I know. There’s no Spuffiness yet. I’m sorry. But Spike hasn’t even been in the eppie yet, so....yeah. I hope I’m doing alright with the POV’s. Please R&R! Reviews make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside–you can’t honestly deny me of that, can you?
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