Reviews For Tempting a Beta
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Reviewer: pj Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/03/2006 - 05:12 am Title: A Long Time Coming

I think you hit it home with this one, especially all the parts that so perfectly illustrate what being in fandom and being a fandom writer is all about. Thanks for this short and you should be damn proud of yourself for this perhaps "final bang" ;)

Author's Response: Thanks, PJ! Sometimes it's nice to really affirm why a person is in the fandom and what it's all about. I'm happy you enjoyed the story so much! :)

Reviewer: Ashlee Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/03/2006 - 04:18 am Title: A Long Time Coming

You are the queen of chapter names! I nearly choked when I saw this one Lol! And you know I loved this fic - such a great birthday gift! Thanks so much, sweetie! I'll definitely have to reread it in the future :-) *Hugs you*

Author's Response: I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter name(s) and the fic itself- I know I enjoyed writing it, so I'm happy you liked it:) Happy Birthday!

Reviewer: SarahandJamesFanatic Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/03/2006 - 03:35 am Title: A Long Time Coming

good story

Author's Response: Thank you! I'm happy you liked it! :)

Reviewer: willowmouse Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/03/2006 - 03:27 am Title: A Long Time Coming


Author's Response: Thank you! I'm happy you liked it! :)

Reviewer: Rae/UncagedMuse Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/03/2006 - 03:25 am Title: A Long Time Coming

Will is so sweet! Enjoyed thanks for writing it.

Author's Response: Thank you for reading and reviewing:) I'm happy you liked it!

Reviewer: seraiza Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/03/2006 - 03:24 am Title: A Long Time Coming

FINALLY!!!! thats all i can say for them.. LOL!!! totally enjoyed it!!

Author's Response: LOL Yes, it was due time for some Spuffy lovin' :) I'm glad you liked it!

Reviewer: DaniD Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/03/2006 - 03:05 am Title: A Long Time Coming

Nice breath of fresh air fic! Really enjoyed it alot....
Thank you : D

Author's Response: It's always good to have something different:) I'm glad you liked it! :)

Reviewer: PhotographyNut Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/03/2006 - 02:43 am Title: A Long Time Coming

Awesome fic!

Author's Response: Thank you! I'm happy you enjoyed it! :)

Reviewer: amanda Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/03/2006 - 02:38 am Title: A Long Time Coming


Author's Response: Thank you! I'm glad you liked it! :)

Reviewer: Allison Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/03/2006 - 02:37 am Title: A Long Time Coming

Can i have me some Flesh - covered SPIKE.????...pretty please...LOL...great story I loved it!

Author's Response: LOL I wouldn't mind him, either:) I'm happy you liked the fic!

Reviewer: TammyAsh666 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/03/2006 - 02:32 am Title: A Long Time Coming

Ha, that was great. I loved every second of this fiction. I'm sure Ashlee will appreciate it just like all of us did. After I read your last chapter, I wrote me a short, yet naughty Spuffy story and sent it to my friend. Yeah, that story will never be posted! I work fast. He replied back and wondered if I was trying to torture him. Little old me? I would never do! Okay, now I think I wanna put a bag over my head because I'm so embarrassed that I did that. You see what your stories do to me? You are truly an evil genius. Great work, as always=)

Author's Response: LOL Go you for doing that! I don't think I could ever be that bold:) I'm happy I inspired you to go for it, though! I'm glad you enjoyed the story, you naughty girl! :)

Reviewer: gotkona Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/03/2006 - 02:07 am Title: A Long Time Coming

I so loved this fic. What a great idea you had.

Author's Response: Thank you! I'm happy you liked the story so much! :)

Reviewer: MidnightGirl Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/03/2006 - 02:05 am Title: A Long Time Coming

What a fun story. You did a great job with it. I really enjoyed it!

Author's Response: Thank you! I'm happy you liked the fic! :)

Reviewer: Valery Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/03/2006 - 02:03 am Title: A Long Time Coming

I really enjoy this fic, good work

Author's Response: Thank you! I'm happy you liked it! :)

Reviewer: Tuesday Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/03/2006 - 02:02 am Title: A Long Time Coming

Great story! I really enjoyed it!

Author's Response: Thank you! I'm happy you liked it! :)

Reviewer: marstersgirl13 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/03/2006 - 02:02 am Title: A Long Time Coming

that was so good! im sad to see it was this short. but i enjoyed it very much nonetheless. hope to hear more from you soon! : D

Author's Response: Thank you! It was never intended to be long- just a simple gift for Ashlee. I'm glad you enjoyed the fic! :)

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