Reviews For Buyer Beware
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Reviewer: cordykitten Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/13/2006 - 05:30 pm Title: 10

Good chapter! (R&R before) :-D

Author's Response: Thanks, sweetie! You're such a star. *hugs*

Reviewer: PhotographyNut Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/13/2006 - 05:07 pm Title: 10

Great update! I hope Buffy convinced Spike she wouldn't sell him to Angel! Looking forward to the next update!

Author's Response: Thank you! More information next week. *grins*

Reviewer: luxferi Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/13/2006 - 04:34 pm Title: 10

First off, thank you for updating! Secondly, Giles coming down? Will they know (or feel) it's Ethan and not Giles? And where *is* Giles?! *LOL* So many questions. But don't worry, I'm not seeking answers... I know everything will unfold as they go. As for Buffy, I applaud her unselfishness! ;D ;D

Author's Response: My pleasure on the updating - glad I could do it! You know I won't answer - and you don't want me to really - but I do love to see the questions (reminds me of all the stuff I've gotta answer!). *hugs*

Author's Response: My pleasure on the updating - glad I could do it! You know I won't answer - and you don't want me to really - but I do love to see the questions (reminds me of all the stuff I've gotta answer!). *hugs*

Reviewer: bitz Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/13/2006 - 04:23 pm Title: 10

oh my god!!! this is great...really, you have loads of talent. i'm really enjoying this fic, hope you keep up the updates. a+ :)

Author's Response: Thank you! Glad you liked and thanks for saying, hun. I'll always do my best to keep to Monday updates - but I ain't perfect! BFN

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