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Reviewer: Bobbie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/29/2006 - 03:22 pm Title: Chapter 7

Hi! I just had to know I love this story. It's a very unique idea, and I love the plot line, as well as the dialog.
Thanks for all of your hard work and for sharing it with us. Looking forward to more!

Author's Response: thank you so much! this story is hard work...more than my other two (nonspuffy) wips combined. so thanks for the encouragement!

Reviewer: Brittany Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/29/2006 - 03:19 pm Title: Chapter 7

LOVE IT!!!! cant waite for more!!

Author's Response: thanks!

Reviewer: Crystal Pegasus Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/29/2006 - 03:12 pm Title: Chapter 7

I loved the update. Great sparring. And now that Buffy has really let the cat out of the bag, and Spike in "run away" mode, I can't wait to see where this will lead. So will he fess up to Dru that Buffy loves him? Will he try to get her to stop by being super evil to her? Will Dru decide she doesn't like sharing afterall and try to kick her out? I can't wait for more - I'm on pins and needles. Thanks for the GREAT entertainment!

Author's Response: so glad to keep you on pins and needles, and that you are enjoying the ride. this story has its hooks in me as well. as for where it's going, I'm not telling! :)

Reviewer: Anne Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/29/2006 - 02:15 pm Title: Chapter 7

That was awesome! How much of an ass is Spike going to be?

Author's Response: thanks! mmm, he's not done being an ass yet, lol. though he will be repenting and being an ass, by turns. :)

Reviewer: Riahannon Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/29/2006 - 01:30 pm Title: Chapter 7

things can't always remain hugs and puppies so this was good despite the Buffy's little slip. But it keeps the story moving which I love so...can't wait for more!

Author's Response: yeah, hugs and puppies wasn't really in the cards for this setup. not if I was going for realism, anyway. thanks for reading!

Reviewer: sue Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/29/2006 - 01:28 pm Title: Chapter 7

Just like the boxing, they are coming to blows from all angles. Buffy is adept and comes at him cleanly, without preamble or pretension: she loves and fights with purpose and no guile. Spike, on the other hand, now has the distinct and ugly feeling of anxiety and guilt - and with it the inevitable back-pedalling; he's playing dirty. Underhand fighting gets him the points; blunt, cruel words make sure that finally, the young, impressionable girl gets his point. Buffy's found that hole in his heart without even trying but he won't let her fill it, for then where will he be? Dispossessed of life as he knows it, without the wife who carelessly shares him and endangering the facade of domesticity that has hidden the lie. All nornal for him, it's what he's used to; all that he has known. Spike hasn't found the hole in Buffy's heart because it is he who is creating it; he has shown her passion and friendship and a sense of belonging without considering her naivite or susceptible age. Gotta feeling that the laughter stops right here.

Your story packs all the right punches.

Author's Response: "Your story packs all the right punches."
thanks hun!

you have a lot of interesting insights there, I especially like the way you tied it into their fighting styles *g*

"Spike hasn't found the hole in Buffy's heart because it is he who is creating it"
I don't think Spike is the only genesis of Buffy's wounded spirit. She has a lot working against her, poor thing. but he definitely is adding to it.

"Gotta feeling that the laughter stops right here."
we'll just have to wait and see, myself included. *I'm* not even sure how this thing is exactly going to go, though I do know the endpoint.

thanks for reading and taking the time to review.

Reviewer: jeanie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/29/2006 - 12:34 pm Title: Chapter 7

of course she would fall in love with him. i do not think this will have a spuffy ending where they ride off into the sunset together. good update.

Author's Response: it certainly looks like the chance of a happy ending is slim...but you never know <winkwink> thanks!

Reviewer: scaryscouse Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/29/2006 - 12:09 pm Title: Chapter 7

ok, i'll bite. good story although she is VERY young-hoping maybe it will work out a couple of years from now

Author's Response: thanks for biting! I needed some emotional momentum to keep this going, thus the shameless begging.

"hoping maybe it will work out a couple of years from now"
<coughs> I plead the fifth. <winkwink>

Reviewer: mai Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/29/2006 - 11:59 am Title: Chapter 7

this story is great keep up the good work

Author's Response: thank you! glad you enjoy it.

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