Reviews For Murphy’s Law
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Reviewer: dampersandspoons Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/11/2008 - 03:46 pm Title: There’s a First Time for Everything: Part 1

Awwwww yeaaah! Spike's gettin' some virgin love! Wonderful chapter! Loved their easy banter and couple-y moments. So cute and sweet! I can't wait for the next chapter, but I CAN wait at the same time, knowing that you're taking care of much needed business. I'm so sorry, Tina, but we're here for you! *hugs* Love you lots!

Author's Response: HAHAHAHAHAHA - indeed!!! Glad you liked the chappy my dear friend and thanks for the hugs - hugs you back.

Reviewer: OKDeanna Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/11/2008 - 03:16 pm Title: There’s a First Time for Everything: Part 1

Tina, sweetheart, you know I love you and support you no matter what. Like many of the others, I feel saddened that you felt you had to share such a very private RL situation wtih your readers, but knowing you as I do and like someone else mentioned before me, I understand why you did. You have a huge, honest heart and it shows in moments like this. You be strong and know that your friends and your readers support you 110%. *hugs you tight* You know where I am if you need me, for anything, my friend.

As for the chapter... it's bloody brilliant and I know I've told you that, but I feel the need to say it again because I'm me and your you and that should explain it all, yes? Seriously, I love this story and I love the direction you've taken with it. The little nuggets of truth you've sprinkled throughout this story about Buffy's virginity have finally payed off in this chapter and I know the next chapter will be as wonderfully dynamic as all the rest have been. You post when you can and feel you are able, girlie. This story will always be worth its wait, trust me. Readers will flock because they know, as I do, you are an awesome writer and a wonderful person and the research, heart and sweat you put into your work makes it shine. Love you!

Author's Response: You are such a good person and such a good friend. I'm thankful for that more than you know darling. I hated to share this info with everone but in a way felt it necessary since i pride myself on posting regularly and didn't want ot be considered another author who abandons their work. So far, everyone has been very understadning thank heavens, and all the prayers and well wishes I've received do make me feel better.
You know I'm thrilled to bits you liked the chapter. Yeah, I left little clues every where about Buffy and even Angel and William's relationship - kinda like easter eggs, giggles. Thank you for such a heartfelt and wonderful review darling - you know I love you dearly my sister - hugs and kisses.

Reviewer: kudagirl Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/11/2008 - 03:10 pm Title: There’s a First Time for Everything: Part 1

I had wondered if Buffy was still a virgin. She was so innocent about certain things like "happy ending". So William will be really emotional about being her first.

Writing or reading takes us away from our problems. It's a gift we share with each other. Thanks for sharing your world with us.

Author's Response: Ah, very god to have had that inkling before the news came out. I did try and leave clues along the way, lol. And yes, writing does take away troubles even if only for a little while - now i just have to get the muse to come out and play more often and i'll feel better - thank you boo, for everything - huggles.

Reviewer: GoldenUsagi Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/11/2008 - 03:08 pm Title: There’s a First Time for Everything: Part 1

I knew it! I knew she was a virgin! Hehe... Great chapter, and I hope everything in RL works out for you.

Author's Response: Hahahhahaaha, yup, you guessed correct. Glad you liked the chapter my darling friend and thanks for the wel wishes as well as the review - huggles you tight.

Reviewer: ~^^~ Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/11/2008 - 02:51 pm Title: There’s a First Time for Everything: Part 1

Great chappy. I thought Miss Buffy was still V-carding. And I am so sorry about your divorce. I hope things go work out for the best.

Author's Response: Glad you liked the chapter darliong - yup, little Miss Buffy is a virgin, giggles. THanks for the well wishes and the review darling - much appreciated - kisses.

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/11/2008 - 02:25 pm Title: There’s a First Time for Everything: Part 1

Oh hon, so that's what it was. I really hope you'll find (or have found) a good lawyer because I don't have lawyer reading my LJ / on my LJ. *hugs you tight*
And this time Spike can't complain about Buffy's ability to make him breakfast. Hadn't he distracted her the crêpe wouldn't have smoked ;))
Ah Spike's backstory explained a lot. I'm glad they had the talk and are good now (for now at last *winks*).
*grins* And you're right, it is as if Pride and Prejudice knew of these two :)
Oh now I wonder what books Buffy bought. Awe :) Very thoughtful of her, getting a book from an authors he reads and yet something totally different.
Unexpected what Buffy said to him. He'll be so smitten :)
~ Lovely banners you've got there, hon. I'll be waiting patiently but eagerly looking forward to more, as always.
I really wish I knew how to make it better but I don't. So I'll just do that:
I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Author's Response: Oh, I'm well on my way to securing a good lawyer - and I have military JAG on my side as well thank god. Hee hee, glad you liked the P&P reference - I so love that story. Thanks for the hugs my friend and the wonderful review - hugs you tight and kisses too.

Reviewer: Stephanie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/11/2008 - 12:59 pm Title: There’s a First Time for Everything: Part 1

I'm sure that nothing I say will take away the pain and hurt that you are feeling now, so just know that you are in my thoughts and my prayers. Take care of you and your kids, that's what's most important right now. When you find your muse again, we'll be here.

I love the virgin twist, by the way. Looking back on it, she has given us all little hints, now hasn't she? Interesting to see how Spike will deal with it, although I'm sure he'll be kind.

Author's Response: THank you hon, I guess I have to go thru the bad feeloings to reach the other side.... just hope it happens soon - one can hope, right? LMAO, oh yes indeed, Buffy has dropped many a hint she's a virgin - glad you liked that little twist - Murphy's Law is still in effect, giggles. Spike will be absolutely on his best behavior over this one - no way does he want to screw it up, *winks*. THanks for the fab review and your prayer boo - huggles.

Reviewer: MidnightGirl Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/11/2008 - 12:38 pm Title: There’s a First Time for Everything: Part 1

I'm sorry to hear about your RL problems. *hugs* I'll definitely keep you in my prayers. And stories as good as yours are worth waiting for, so know I'll still be here when you come back. Now on to the review, I loved that Spike and Buffy are in a good place in their budding relationship, their interaction was so sweet. :D And the virgin twist was an interesting surprise. Great chapter!

Author's Response: Thank you for your prayers hon, I need as many as I can get right now. YAY - so glad you enjoyed the chapter and the virgin twist at the end - I simply couldn't resist, hee hee. Thanks for the fab review sweety - smooches to you.

Reviewer: spikalover20 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/11/2008 - 12:11 pm Title: There’s a First Time for Everything: Part 1

you have all my support....

muchos besossss

Author's Response: THank you darling, from the bottom of my heart - hugs you tight.

Reviewer: JO Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/11/2008 - 11:45 am Title: There’s a First Time for Everything: Part 1

Tina darling , my heart and thought's are with u through this trying time, and that's all i'm going to say on the subject ,having gone through something similar. Your instincts to protect your kids tells me your an exceptional person and of course takes precedent. I will always wait for one of your stories , no matter how long , but I gotta tell u i wasn't expecting her to be a virgin,i had to laugh after reading that,hope he doesn't turn into an ass now also.

Author's Response: THanks hon, I feel for anyone who has had to go thru this, I never realized the pain ubntil now. But I'll get thru it, I have to, my kids need me. LOL - like the virgin twist, huh? Oh, you can bet Spike is going to be humbled and not dare to screw things up with her. No more 'ass-Spike', giggles. THanks a million for your thoughts and the review sweetheart - hugs you tight.

Reviewer: Sotia Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/11/2008 - 11:45 am Title: There’s a First Time for Everything: Part 1

Boo you know I loved everything about this chapter, both their revelations (well, her half-revelation), their interactions, their ease with each other, but most of all I love you and your strength!

You're made of pure awesome, honey, I'm proud to be your friend and can only wish there was some way I could help you through this all.

I love you lots, woman, you, and your writing and your brilliant mind and your great heart! *squishes*

Author's Response: Awwwwww, you make me blush boo. I don't know what I'd do without your friendship, my darling sister. THank you so much for all your support and for being so sweet - luv you sweety - kisses.

Reviewer: jen Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/11/2008 - 11:41 am Title: There’s a First Time for Everything: Part 1


Author's Response: hahahahaah, that sucks when the space bar doesn't work. THanks for the prayers and the review darling - smoochies.

Reviewer: JO Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/11/2008 - 11:38 am Title: There’s a First Time for Everything: Part 1

Tina , your amazing, i was not expecting that , he's her first? You blew me away with that revelation. I just hope he doesn't become all noble or say something dumb and bollix it all up . Anxiously awaiting the next chapter, can't wait. I'm sorry to hear your having a tough time and know you would never abandon your WIP"S , no worries.

Author's Response: SQUEEEEEE, I love it when my surprise, wel, takes you by surprise. Indeed, he'll be her first. And I promise he won't bollix it up - if anything, he'll be wanting to get things right, *winks*. THanks for the review darling - hopefully with a lot of luck, I can get over all these stupid feelings that wrack my brain everyday over someon who clearly doesn't appreciate 10 years worth of devotion - men, pfft. They're not all bad, but boy was I taken for a ride. Ok, I'm off my soap box now, sorry. THanks again babe - smooches to you.

Reviewer: JO Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/11/2008 - 11:36 am Title: There’s a First Time for Everything: Part 1

Tina , your amazing, i was not expecting that , he's her first? You blew me away with that revelation. I just hope he doesn't become all noble or say something dumb and bollix it all up . Anxiously awaiting the next chapter, can't wait.

Author's Response: giggles - did we hit the same button twice? LMAO - I've so done that before.

Reviewer: Pam S Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/11/2008 - 11:23 am Title: There’s a First Time for Everything: Part 1

I am sorry to hear of your plight. Can understand how the Muse has taken a back seat to real life. Just wish you the best and that you can get what you need to take care of your family and move on.

Been waiting for the Angel/William relationship.. half brothers.. and second cousins. Yuck .. double related.
And I say let Buffy run the company and Spike go back to school to do what he loves.. win win..

And Buffy is a virgin? enjoyed and thanks ..waiting for the part you write so well..

Author's Response: THanks hon, unfortunetly, first things have to come first. I just can't wait til it's al over so I find a sense of normalcy again and my muse comes back out to play with all his toys, lol. Giggles - yeah, the cousins and half brothers thing is quite a twist, but it of course explains a lot. As for Buffy running the co. and spike going back to school, well, I have something along those lines planned, just slightly different, *winks*. Yup, our Buffy is a virgin, which explains her hesitancy concerning intimacy, well, not anymore, *winks*. SO glad you liked the update hon and thanks for the review and the well wishes. Huggles.

Reviewer: Debbie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/11/2008 - 10:33 am Title: There’s a First Time for Everything: Part 1

Where do I start.....first, I am so sorry about what is going on with you. I cannot imagine how tough all of that is, but you are strong, and you will do what you need to do to protect you children. I am sad that you felt you needed to share this difficult time with your fans, but you being the caring person that you are it doesn't surprise me. Your writing, however great, is still a back seat to your RL, do not feel you need to explain, if it provides an outlet to you that's great, but you have a lot on your plate now, so do not worry about us, take care of you. I wish I could provide some wonderful words of wisdom, or comfort for you, but I can pray for you and your children, which is what I will do. You are one of the best writiers, and with that comes loyalty from your readers, so fret not about us. The chapter was great, as, loving , and finding a solution and a way to a happy ending, I can only pray that your happy ending comes sooner than later...........hugs to you sweetie..........and thanks..Debbie

Author's Response: Thank you for your understanding hon. Yeah, in this case, RL really does have to take precedence, I just felt I needed to explain my absence b/c I didn't want anyone to think I was going to become one of those authors that suddenly vanishes off the face of the earth. I'll make it thru this difficult time and with the right amoubnt of luck and a good lawyer, come out on top. THank you for your prayers hon, I need as many as I can get for my children's sake. Luv you boo.

Reviewer: Darkrivertempest Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/11/2008 - 09:23 am Title: There’s a First Time for Everything: Part 1

Awesome hun, simply awesom!

That being said, I find it sad that you HAD to post to clear up any confusion about your WIP. I know it's not something that you wanted the world to know, but as it happens, people are a bit selfish when it comes to things like this. You know my thoughts on the matter and this is all I'll say: You post WHEN YOU FEEL LIKE POSTING - NOT BEFORE THEN! Ahem.

Thanks for the shout out, it was fun discussing Super String Theory - more fun than a bag of hammers! And yes, you covered your arse with those disclaimers, tee hee.

Hopefully you won't have to explain yourself any further and people will take the hint. Love ya sista!

Author's Response: True, it isn't something I wanted the world to know, but, i didn't want anyone to think 'oh, there's another author who just disappeared off the face of the planet' either. HAHAHAHAH, super string theory - wow, what a intense subject - but I LOVE shit like that, I'm such a nerd, hee hee. Love you too my sista, thanks for everything - you've done soooo much for me lately, holding me together and giving me new ways to look at things. I bow to your brilliant mind. Smooches.

Reviewer: shelly Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/11/2008 - 06:44 am Title: There’s a First Time for Everything: Part 1

excellent writing as always. I'm a huge fan of your work. I'm so sorry to hear about whats happening in your life and i wish you all the best, you will be i my thoughts and my prayers.

Author's Response: Thank you darling, and I'm so glad you enjoyed the chapter with all its twists and turns. Hugs and kisses.

Reviewer: jamies-lady Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/11/2008 - 06:36 am Title: There’s a First Time for Everything: Part 1

brilliant update but what a place to leave it
i am so sorry for your hard times, my thoughts and prayers are with you.
hope the good days come back soon

Author's Response: hahahha, me and cliffies, I know, evil. Thanks for the prayers my friend and for the wonderful review - hugs you tight and a big fat kiss.

Reviewer: kim Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/11/2008 - 06:22 am Title: There’s a First Time for Everything: Part 1

So sorry this is happening, hon....I know these things aren't uncommon with distance relationships, but I hate to hear it's happening to someone I know. I'm a child of divorce, so all my understanding and sympathy goes with you and the kids. I hope it goes as smoothly as it can.

Story - ah, so that's Buffy's hang-up! I didn't expect her to be a virgin, though it makes sense in retrospect. And I'm betting Riley wanted her to give it up? Poor Spike's really got the pressure, now. Doubt he's seen a virgin since high school.

Half brothers! I knew it!
Still teasing about Cordy's romantic plans....I'm sure Buffy will be dying with curiosity until all's revealed.


Author's Response: Thank you hon, its sounds you understand what goes on behind the scenes of a divorce - not pretty, so thanks for your support.
Heheehehheh, gotcha on the virgin thing huh? Some people saw it coming, but for those that didn't, I was thrilled to have that as a surprise. And yeah, half borthers and cousins to boot - GAWD, could it be any worse, lol. I'm thrilled you enjopyed the update hon and thanks for the fab review. Kisses.

Reviewer: NeomeBuffy Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/11/2008 - 05:53 am Title: There’s a First Time for Everything: Part 1

Really beautifully written chapter with a great twist at the end. I'm so sorry to hear about what's going on at home :( you'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

Author's Response: GLad you enjoyed the twist - I know some weren't ecxpecting it, but hey, that was half the fun of it, *winks*. THanks for the lovely review and for your prayers - I greatly appreciate them - huggles.

Reviewer: u2fan2005 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/11/2008 - 05:00 am Title: There’s a First Time for Everything: Part 1

Squeal!! When I saw an update I jumped out of my bed. Loved this chapter. And did Buffy let out a little slip? I think she most certainly did. Wonder why she lied before? Oh well, guess you'll fill in those blanks.

Even though I did jump out of bed with excitement for an update, my heart just sunk when I read your authors note. I hope all works out for the best for you . I don't know about seperation from a wife's point of view but I do know it from being the child of seperation. It was hard enough standing on the sidelines watching, I can't imagine what it feels like being in the middle of it.

Author's Response: Wellllllll, Buffy never lied, she just never 'told', giggles. But yes, next chapter will explain a lot, I promise. Yeah, life has certainly handed me some lemons and making lemonade right now is a bit tough. I guess time will heal all and I'll be grateful when it's all said and done. THank you for the review darling - snuggles.

Reviewer: pixiecorn Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/11/2008 - 04:40 am Title: There’s a First Time for Everything: Part 1

This chapter was really awesome:) and I'm glad you liked the photo manipulation I made for you:)...

I'm so sorry to hear of the rough time you're going through at the moment and I hope everything works out...


keep up the amazing work:)

Author's Response: I loved the manip - sooooooooo had to add it, hee hee. I'm sure after enough time has passed, things wil be fine in my life, it's just hard right now when its all so fresh and new - kinda hard to process, but I'll manage one way or another, I'm not a quitter like my soon to be ex is, lol - ooops, did I say that? THank you for the review babe - smooches to you.

Reviewer: Sibb Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/11/2008 - 04:26 am Title: There’s a First Time for Everything: Part 1

I'm so sorry to hear about what you are going through. Like many others, I'm sure, I'll be sending you and your children good thoughts.

Author's Response: THank you darling, it's very much appreciated right now more than ever. Hugs you tight.

Reviewer: Dusty273 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/11/2008 - 04:03 am Title: There’s a First Time for Everything: Part 1

You already know how much I adored this chapter, but I figure it won't hurt to tell you again? I loved the tender moments between Spike and Buffy, that he finally confessed Angel's his half-brother (you sneaky girl you), that their love is strengthening by the second, that she's so comfortable with him that she finally could tell him her very guarded secret (insert another sneaky girl you) and his reaction while thinking there's no way she said what he thought she said. I can't wait to read his reaction to that (okay, so I can wait and will, but I'm an impatient, very greedy girl). ;)

About the rest, you know I'm behind you a 100%, more if possible, take the time you need, concentrate on getting your life and your kids back on track and when you can, we'll be here waiting for more of your fabulous stories. I love you, darling, more than words can express. *smooches*

Author's Response: Giggles, I'm sneaky girl huh? But it's so much fun to do - adding twist, evil cliffies, you name it, lol. And I cannot thank you enough in one life time for all your support during this difficult time for me. You never cease to amaze me what a kind heart you have carino. Luv you to pieces - hugs and kisses.

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