Reviews For Reckless Surrender
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Reviewer: Rana Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/23/2005 - 04:09 pm Title: Memories

Omg. How heartbreaking for both of them! I got chills just from reading this. Buffy is much more understanding about this than I think I would be. Damn. And her first time too. Double Damn. Lovely, incredible angst and humanity displayed in this chapter. It's like watching an actual scene from a rock star's life. Oooh, I wonder if JM has ever had this experience? Not that he sleeps around ('cuz I wouldn't know), but it makes me wonder. Great chapter Ashlee! I hope your little boy gets better soon :)

Reviewer: Seraiza Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/23/2005 - 04:07 pm Title: Memories

Finally caught up witht the story i keep on missing the chapters... Now that is a twist and i cant wait for more!!! LOVE IT!

Reviewer: Caitie Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/23/2005 - 03:40 pm Title: Memories

I'm so glad that you updated so quickly!! I was dying of waiting - I can't b;lieve that you lkeft us all hanging at that point!! But don't worry - all's forgiven now that you updated again! lol! Anyways, keep it up - I cvan hardly wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: gypsy_jin Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/23/2005 - 03:33 pm Title: Memories

That must feel HORRIBLE for them both, him not remembering! Ouch! I am looking forward to the next chapter and how this story plays out! Yay!! =D

Reviewer: Livia Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/23/2005 - 03:25 pm Title: Memories

This story is so cool. I can't wait for the next chapter and to see what happens. Please update soon. It's great.

Reviewer: Spike_rulez Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/23/2005 - 03:23 pm Title: Memories

I looooved it...I'd have thought they'd fight but what you wrote was just fantastic....please update sooon again!!!!

Reviewer: lara Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/23/2005 - 03:15 pm Title: Memories

im having the honer yo be your number 100 reviewer! and i cant be more positive , its so lovely! have to read more!! lkisses lara

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