Reviews For Common Knowledge
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Reviewer: Kimber Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/25/2005 - 12:01 pm Title: Not Exactly World-Shaking

Oh, nice angsty yoo yoo thingy you got going on.....I can see such madiness and mayham making this one hell of a go girl......

Author's Response: lol thanks! I love making my characters jump through hoops, makes me feel all powerful and stuff =)

Reviewer: lindsay Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/24/2005 - 11:28 pm Title: Touchy-Thingy

I wouldnt slap him unless he asked me too :) So things are getting more and more heated up eh? I like it lol. So im guessing Spike stands and watches Buffy from the railing all the time? If thats it i think its incredibly sweet. GReat job i loved this update and i cant wait for more~!

Author's Response: well I can't really tell you if Spike has stalkerish tendencies or not... =) the slapping thing--lol, me neither. I'm glad you're still liking it, since I write like some ppl smoke (WAY more than they should) more is definitely on the way =) thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: carri Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/23/2005 - 04:59 pm Title: Touchy-Thingy

Wonderful chapter. I can't wait until they hate each other a little bit more! Please update!

Author's Response: well, they're probably not gonna hate each other much more, but there'll still be lots of fighting cuz hey, it's Buffy and Spike =) glad you like it!

Reviewer: Brat Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/23/2005 - 01:47 am Title: Touchy-Thingy

Things are heating up at a delicious pace. Okay, was that corny to say? Eh, ask me if I care lol. Great story, and I like the UST you've got going on:)

Author's Response: corny's good =) it's great that you like the UST thing, because there's going to be a LOT in this story, lol. thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Bint Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/23/2005 - 12:22 am Title: Touchy-Thingy

omg more now plz i sooooo soooo sooo love it its GREAT!!!!!

Author's Response: lol I'm about to go update, glad you like it =) thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: Kimber Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/22/2005 - 08:49 pm Title: Touchy-Thingy

LOL, Buffy thinks Tyler is something.......well, she needs to open her mind a bit and figure out the something there is Spike. Seems he's been pineing for her for some time now......LOL

Author's Response: yes, he has, and Buffy'll definitely stop liking tyler very soon =) thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: Reciprocity Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/22/2005 - 07:57 pm Title: Touchy-Thingy

Ooo stuff's beginning, wicked. Spike all protective is cute, but when he goes on the defense he can be such a jerkhead. I liked the chapter alot, great update take care

Author's Response: yeah, Spike angry is kinda nasty...luckily, Buffy can usually deal with him =) thanks so much for giving me opinions on Spike's character, detailed reviews are awesome =)

Reviewer: Lyns Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/22/2005 - 04:42 pm Title: Touchy-Thingy

if this is you hyped up on caffine then ti certainly agrees with you! that finger moment was brilliant. *sigh* i want spike...

Author's Response: don't we all? lol personally I love caffine, but my family sure as heck doesn't.. =)

Reviewer: melissa g Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/22/2005 - 03:48 pm Title: Touchy-Thingy

sexy. hahah love the story please update soon thanx.

Author's Response: lol glad you like it =)

Reviewer: Caitie Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/22/2005 - 02:52 pm Title: Touchy-Thingy

Awesome chapter! Can't wait fro more, so please update soon!

Author's Response: I'm about to update =) thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Jen Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/22/2005 - 02:48 pm Title: Touchy-Thingy

I loved her manicure response - that was very smooth.

Author's Response: thanks =)

Reviewer: Suzee Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/22/2005 - 01:56 pm Title: Touchy-Thingy

Evil you, dragging things out like that, oh well it'll just make things better when someting does happen, right? Great chapter.

Author's Response: *grin* yeah, I'm about to go post another chap, and stuff happens in that one =) thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: Bint Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/20/2005 - 06:46 pm Title: High Jump

more plz i love it!

Author's Response: thanks =)

Reviewer: carri Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/20/2005 - 12:23 pm Title: High Jump

Really good chapter. They move forward nicely without being totally obvious. Great job!

Author's Response: thanks, both for the review and for the compliments =) glad you think I'm handling the developing Spuffy well =)

Reviewer: BuffyandSpikeForever Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/20/2005 - 05:44 am Title: High Jump

great update

Author's Response: thanks!

Reviewer: Caitie Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/20/2005 - 12:06 am Title: High Jump

Aww! What a sweet, funny, and entertaining chapter! Can't wait for more, so please update soon! Take care, C ; )

Author's Response: glad you like it =) thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Suzee Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/20/2005 - 12:00 am Title: High Jump

Great chapter and apparently (unlike i said in my review for the last chapter) i can't come up with something better to say other than please update soon.

Author's Response: lol I will, thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: lindsay Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/19/2005 - 11:54 pm Title: High Jump

Stupid chit and her sodding resolve face and instead of a twitch, it was more like a jump. A high jump. had me laughing of my ass, tears in eyes the works! What a great update and im so glad that pieces are starting to show (the less then hatred feelings that is). Cant wait to see what happens when they go in, i need to see Buffys old 'freinds' put in their places. What a wonderful update! :)

Author's Response: LOL I'm glad you thought it was funny =) Thanks so much for reviewing again! Buffy's freinds will get what's coming to them, too *evil grin*

Reviewer: Suzee Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/19/2005 - 11:53 pm Title: Answering Questions

Wonderful chapter, I'd come up with something better but reviewing every chapter all in a row like this kinda makes me run out of things to say, maybe for the next one.

Author's Response: I know what you mean =) thanks for reviewing anyway, it's nice to know people are reading!

Reviewer: Suzee Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/19/2005 - 11:43 pm Title: Prada From Playboy

Now Spike’s face was just a little darker than just plain red. Actually, it was this cool maroon color. It didn’t do much for his hair, Buffy decided. that was just great.

Author's Response: lol thanks =)

Reviewer: Suzee Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/19/2005 - 11:37 pm Title: Starting to Think

I liked smarter Buffy. What? You said to tell you if I did. :) Great chapter.

Author's Response: Hey, good to know I'm not alone on the liking smarter Buffy front =) thanks for reviewing again!

Reviewer: Suzee Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/19/2005 - 11:29 pm Title: The Brush-Off

Great chapter, I really, really like this story--and it's really well written.

Author's Response: thanks!

Reviewer: Brat Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/19/2005 - 11:23 pm Title: High Jump

lol. he's got it bad...only he doesn't realize it which just makes it all the more funnier! :)

Author's Response: yeah he really does...of course, the next chapter'll show that she does, too...*hint hint* =) thanks for reviewing again!

Reviewer: Suzee Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/19/2005 - 11:02 pm Title: Used To

Poor Buffy, even though she's not exactly a sweetheart, poor Buffy. Great chapter.

Author's Response: thank you (ooh, I have manners...) =)

Reviewer: Suzee Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/19/2005 - 10:54 pm Title: Dense Skulls and Short Skirts

Great chapter--and great description and writing of Harmony.

Author's Response: I love writing Harmony, I can make her look like such an idiot =) thanks!

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