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Reviewer: Crystal Pegasus Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/11/2005 - 05:08 am Title: 18

Hey, the brooding Poofter to the rescue! Nice timing (Spike prays for a miracle and he get's Angel - that's gotta be a two edged sword!). I'm so glad they may be getting out of there,but I'm still not into trusting Travers. more please.

Reviewer: Dannii Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/11/2005 - 04:24 am Title: 18

LOVE IT but Angel better not be a prick and Buffy better let him know Spike is the one for her

Reviewer: slinkyPK Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/11/2005 - 03:50 am Title: 18

HOT DAMN!!! HOT DAMN!! HOT DAMN!!! Heeeeeerrrrre's Angel!! It isn't often that I consider Angel showing up as a good thing. But, even I'm glad grandaddy dearest has come calling.

Reviewer: Vanessow Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/11/2005 - 03:12 am Title: 18

Sweety, I'm not sure what panoid is, but this story has me biting my nails. Sounds like an interesting miracle. I cant wait for . . . i'm not sure what I am waiting for, it's like. . . really good first-time sex. Yes? No? Yes. I'm so weird. I love.

Author's Response: *giggles hysterically* I SO need a beta for my authors notes. And you know what is funny? I thought "that doesn't look right' and it STILL didn't hit me. DERRRR. That would be paranoid. Cos uh, yep that's me. One paranoid chica. Who obviously can't spell either *headdesk*

Reviewer: Seraiza Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/11/2005 - 02:50 am Title: 18

that was one chapter full of suspense, and Angelus ?? mmmmm cant wait for more!!!

Reviewer: sarah g Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/11/2005 - 02:06 am Title: 18

omg OMG OMG , i cant believe angel came , for once im so happy that angel is there. yay im so happy i really hope that they make it out and that everthing works out. i thought it was so cute that he wanted to save gi jane, it was so sweet. i love this story so much and am so happy that u updated. this chapter kicked ass. please update as soon as u can, i CANT wait to read more and read wat happens next and see if they get out and if the babies ok. thanx

Reviewer: Kimber Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/11/2005 - 01:44 am Title: 18

Not as mean,,,,,,,,,LOL. So God sent his Angel, LOL.....or the powers that be......."God will send Angel." Great chappie and good too see ole Trev still has it in him.....

Reviewer: BuffyandSpikeForever Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/11/2005 - 01:34 am Title: 18

great update

Reviewer: SinisterChic Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/11/2005 - 01:29 am Title: 18

Angel to the rescue! No need to be paranoid, this was great. Had me on the edge of my seat the entire chapter.

Reviewer: jenny Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/11/2005 - 01:06 am Title: 18

another awesome chapter, as usual. i LOVE this story so much and its getting really good. cant wait to see whats going to happen. don't worry, your doing great.

Reviewer: Steph Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/11/2005 - 12:37 am Title: 18

NO WAY!.....Angelus?...huh?

Reviewer: Angie Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/11/2005 - 12:30 am Title: 18

I think it was great~!

Reviewer: Slaymesoftly Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/11/2005 - 12:05 am Title: 18

Awesome! (or, okay, whatever floats your boat)

Reviewer: NIamh Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/10/2005 - 11:58 pm Title: 18

You really have to wonder about this? Oh my lord. Girl this is just one rollercoaster ride after another. . . Its great. Really. Truthfully and honestly. I was hoping that it would be either the Council or Angel coming to the rescue. . . damn glad its Angel, but I'm sure he's gonna be all territorial -- without any right to be. . . Hopefully, Spike and Buffy's baby girl will be okay, and Spike won't have to stomp on Angel's head to make him see reason.

Reviewer: spufette Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/10/2005 - 11:44 pm Title: 18

Oh sh**!!! What a neat twist to have Angelus show up!!! Yeah! Okay, it was great and I'm glad that the everyone got out, so far, okay. Luv, spuf

Reviewer: Pufles Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/10/2005 - 11:38 pm Title: 18

Okay? Okay? Well heck yeah it's ok, bloody fantastic, grin!!! I'm the one, literally on the edge of her seat awaiting the baby's birth, the final escape, and am biting my nails waiting for your next installment, grin!!! Eagerly awaiting more!!!

Reviewer: ebontier Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/10/2005 - 11:15 pm Title: 18

**big grin** Beautiful. Seriusly, was on the edge of my seat the whole time. Can't wait to see how this ends up...and if Buffy gets to deck Angel for being an ass to Spike.

Reviewer: Einon Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/10/2005 - 11:09 pm Title: 18

you got me biting my nails with anticipation!! It's wonderful. Update soon please (and while you are at it, you can update your other wips, please)

Reviewer: Scarlet Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/10/2005 - 11:03 pm Title: 18

This story is excellent. Crazy. It's got me all in a lather. Just settle things down--hopefully--in the next chapter so the poor girl can give birth. I feel so bad for the slayer all helpless and about to explode.

Reviewer: Megan Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/10/2005 - 10:30 pm Title: 18

You know I think it's brilliant...if you need advance reassurance, I'm your gal *wink wink*

Reviewer: jeanie Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/10/2005 - 10:27 pm Title: 18

Come on! paranoid! you are one of my favorite authors. Great update. Good to see Angel come through. Too bad chapters come one at a time.

Reviewer: Reciprocity Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/10/2005 - 10:27 pm Title: 18

oooooo a twist i sooo wasn't expecting. i think it was great, hopefully Angel wont be all psycho and with the break-y uppy attempts.. update soon, great job on this chapter, take care

Reviewer: Bernardette Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/10/2005 - 10:02 pm Title: 18

Yes Great Chapter. Please continue to update soon and often.

Reviewer: Isabel Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/10/2005 - 09:58 pm Title: 18

Oh my God, don't be paranoid. It wasn't "ok", it was amazing! You are the queen of overwhelming tension. My heart is still pounding in my chest. You got me so scared. For the first time of my life, I actually want to kiss Angel's feet. MORE!!

Reviewer: olivia-luv Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/10/2005 - 09:48 pm Title: 18

ggrrrr.... you are evil !!!

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