Reviews For Blood and Fire
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Reviewer: Chakal Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/27/2006 - 04:47 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Three

Ah, god. I knew Buffy shouldn't have left without Spike. I'm waiting to see what will happen when Buffy is actually saved and the reaction from everybody when they know that it actually was Nancy that set this up. Silly Giles, not listening to Spike.

Reviewer: golddrake Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/27/2006 - 04:17 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Three

great chapter. man Nancy is gonna get it.

Reviewer: Brunettepet Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/27/2006 - 03:12 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Three

Away from the computer for a couple of weeks, and this story has moved along at a brisk pace. I love how self righteous and malicious Nancy is. She really has been driving the story for the past few chapters. Willow has also been well written. You've given her a lot of strength and her spunk has been great to read. With The Council in Sunnydale, you've also given Buffy and Giles a target for their revenge. I'm sure Nancy and Travers' plot will backfire horribly. I'm looking forward to it.

Reviewer: Wolfspider Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/27/2006 - 01:40 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Three

WHOA...things are going to get really heated up here. Spike is pissed, Nancy is a big fat liar. Giles is going to want to kick Nancy's ass for getting the council involved at all. This is going to be excellent. Awesome chapter. Gahhhh evil cliffhanger woman LOL

Reviewer: Satindoll Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/27/2006 - 01:04 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Three

Oy! (American spelling) Talk about hairy cliff-hangers. I'll be hanging here all day or whatever waiting to find out if she's okay. Buffy is okay? right? I mean, you can't kill off your protagonist can you? That wouldn't be very nice, or practical for that matter. No Buffy, no more Spuffy! so she must be okay. Yea!

Reviewer: Debbie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/27/2006 - 11:38 am Title: Chapter Forty-Three

OK, the big plan is in motion.......and Giles is being a little dense about his slayer, understandable, and there are issues that need to be tended to. When it all shakes down I am afraid that Giles will be very disappointed with his slayer, and she will be revealed, basically as stupid, not evil. Can't wait for the next chapter, great job and thanks

Reviewer: DaniD Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/27/2006 - 05:04 am Title: Chapter Forty-Three

As soon as Spike suggested that Buffy go somewhere...I just knew that they shouldn't seperate..Giles is really in denial. Not to suprised. Despite everything, he doesn't want to believe that his slayer is anything less than a hero. His realization that she isn't all she's cracked up to be, should be very interesting.. Can't wait to see what happens next! Thank you for the update: )

Reviewer: evansmomp Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/27/2006 - 04:38 am Title: Chapter Forty-Three

This story ROCKS! I'm not a fan of AU normally but you are taking it to a place I like. I can't wait to see what Spike does to the watchers and Nancy. Take it where you want to go and I'll be there with you. : )

Reviewer: demona424 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/27/2006 - 04:19 am Title: Chapter Forty-Three

Ooooh! That Bitch! I want to strangle her too! I really don't blame Giles for believing Nancy, but how could he believe Nancy!! Damn I wish they were able to get the truth out of her. Poor Buffy. Those Watchers are simply crazy. Now I'll be on pins and needles until the next update.

Reviewer: Crystal Pegasus Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/25/2006 - 05:23 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Two

Excellent update. Thanks. Sure hope Willow doesn't get too nervous with her subtefuge. Nancy I don't trust at all - she probably has the basement bugged! Can't wait for more.

Reviewer: Lilly Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/25/2006 - 07:41 am Title: Chapter Forty-Two

"...Only she hadn't had any acting experience since kindergarten, in which she'd played the world's most terrified strawberry." - LOL.

Well, this has become very thrilling. I liked reading the discussion of our conspiracy team. I'm glad Willow's on their side. But I also understand that she's worried about Xander. I'm excitied to learn how he will decide finally...

Nancy seems like a true psycho... I'm also excited about her future. They can't kill her that easily. Well - maybe she will end up in a mental hospital - who knows. Looking forward to the next chapter.

Reviewer: demona424 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/25/2006 - 06:39 am Title: Chapter Forty-Two

Loving Willow in this story! She's so cute, plucky, and brave her in Willow way. I'm glad she's on their side, because they're definitely going to need it with Nancy. She's creepy because she is so cold and calculating. She has absolutely no sympathy for other people.

Reviewer: secretguest Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/25/2006 - 03:57 am Title: Chapter Forty-Two

Can't wait to see how this goes!
Great chapter! Update soon please!

Reviewer: Satindoll Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/25/2006 - 02:12 am Title: Chapter Forty-Two

Come on people, let's all follow the plot! Nice Willow, geeky and unsure of herself just like I remember her. You've got me worried about Nancy's evil plan. So I guess I'll be here reading when you post the next installment. Thanks Sd

Reviewer: time of change Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/25/2006 - 01:34 am Title: Chapter Forty-Two

I like your Willow voice in this very much.

Reviewer: time of change Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/25/2006 - 01:28 am Title: Chapter Forty-One

I'm in your hands, deary. I trust you completely!

Reviewer: time of change Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/25/2006 - 01:21 am Title: Chapter Forty

I missed a bunch of chapters, so this is a blanket review to let you know I'm still reading and enjoying this story. And, yeah, not too fond of old Nancy. Grrrr.

Reviewer: BuffyRat Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/24/2006 - 05:03 am Title: Chapter Forty-Two

That deceptive calm of Nancy's, thats just chilling. Makes you wonder how she can rationalize all of these things she's doing. Only a matter of time now, wonder if Angel knows what she's done, and how will Giles react. Can't wait for more. Please, update soon.

Reviewer: DaniD Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/24/2006 - 02:51 am Title: Chapter Forty-Two

Spike is certainly right..Willow is a good one to have on their team. At least Willow finally feels as if she is contributing in some way.

About the Wait and see plan...It does sound like the only option, but I wonder how much time Buffy and SPike have before the poo hits the fan. Getting a little nervous..Nancy seems to be very sure of Buffy being gone..Hope Buffy and Spike can handle what's coming their way!

Great update!

Reviewer: sarah g Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/24/2006 - 01:16 am Title: Chapter Forty-Two

stupid bitch, i really hate nancy and she leaves bufyf and spike alone before she gets hurt. i love this story and am happy u updated. i hope that nancy's plan doesnt work and that watever she contacted the council about doesnt bring them to spike and buffy. also i hope that buffy and giles get their revenge and that everything works out . please update soon, i cant wait to read more. thanx

Reviewer: Debbie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/24/2006 - 12:20 am Title: Chapter Forty-Two

No failing in your writing, great writing. I love the little spy Willow, and isn't it just typical that Nancy would think it only had to do with jealousy over Xander on Willow's part !! I am hoping that Spike and Buffy can continue to stay a step ahead of the game with Willow's help. Can't wait for more and thanks

Reviewer: Burnz Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/23/2006 - 11:55 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Two

Wow I wonder if it was safe for Willow to go right back down stairs. I wonder what Nancey and the COW (council of watchers) have in mind. Good chapter.

Reviewer: golddrake Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/23/2006 - 11:25 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Two

Great chapter. I just thought that Angel felt this was the best and quickest way to get rid of Spike. Thought the scene between Spike and Angel didseem like Angel was worried for Nancy.

Reviewer: wolfspiider Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/23/2006 - 11:00 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Two

ok it was all clear in the beginning and you write wonderfully. Oh Willow being alittle spy. That is great. I can she likes feeling helpful. With Nancy putting a call into the council, the more Willow can get out of her the better to warn the others. I believe this is going to be a rather nasty council visit. Angel is still just a poofter and thinks only of himself no matter what. He doesn't care about Nancy he just wants a Slayer on his side. Someone else to boss around and try to control. things never change. Great update. I can't wait for the next installment.

Reviewer: xoxo spuffyfan Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/23/2006 - 10:59 pm Title: Chapter Forty-Two

MORE !!!!!

great update

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