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Reviewer: v4viper Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/26/2006 - 11:25 pm Title: Chapter Ten

good story different plot twist thank you

Reviewer: Laurie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/26/2006 - 10:52 pm Title: Chapter Ten

I've been reading this one all along. sorry if I didn't review. I really like Emma and Aiden as characters. Now that I'm getting to know Emma in BSN it's kinda fun. The whole bulletproof belly is funny. I certainly felt vulnerable during my pregnancies. The idea of PTB protection is very appealing.

Reviewer: Lilly Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/07/2006 - 07:18 pm Title: Chapter Nine

This is a WONDERFUL chapter. Lots of explanation (of course I read the full first scene), so one is able to understand why excactly Emma fell so quickly for this man. Also very good that Buffy finally really thinks about her responsibility towards the unborn child. I´m glad you restarted writing, it was really worth it. Anyway, I´m always with your writing, you´re gifted ;) Looking forward to the next one!

Reviewer: BuffyRat Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/30/2006 - 06:02 am Title: Chapter Nine

"Was there one Potential with more, well, potential? "--Wow, that is something I never really thought about, and in all my years of following Buffy on the show and through fanfic, I don't know of anyone else who has come up with that, and I've read a ton of fanfic. But that idea, it just makes so much sense, and it adds such a demension to the entire mythology. Your muse so totally rocks. I loved this story before, and all your stories in general because you as an author rock, but this new idea. You've broadened my perception of the mythology. Thank you. After so many stories, though I love them all, it is very nice for someone to come up with something that, at least to me, is just new. And now for the standard sign off... Please, update soon!

Reviewer: cordykitten Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/29/2006 - 04:58 pm Title: Chapter Nine

I like the birthday present :) Maybe the argument Buffy and Spike had earlier did clear some things. It seems as if Buffy will keep in mind she has another one in her body and will be more careful. And Buffy has accepted Emma now. Looking forward to a new chapter :)

Reviewer: Brunettepet Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/29/2006 - 03:04 pm Title: Chapter Nine

I read the extended version and am really enjoying the relationship between Emma and Aiden. His inability to lie gives his heartfelt compliments more weight, and Emma's vulnerability is beautifully written. Buffy's musing after Spike's harsh words was also well written. The idea that she was not randomly chosen is an excellent one and it was well expressed.

Reviewer: Wolfspider Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/29/2006 - 01:19 pm Title: Chapter Nine

PS...I should expect Aiden in the mail with his pink bow soon right???? LMAO

Reviewer: Wolfspider Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/29/2006 - 01:18 pm Title: Chapter Nine

Whooooooooo this made turning another year older just grand. though if people have not gone to read the Emma/Aiden part of the chapter. GO READ IT PEOPLE it's worth it. Thank the gods Spike igetting through to Buffy. She does need to think about the lil one growig insider her. I look forward to her taking Emma under wing and letting her shine. Excellent chapter as always. Thanks for posting and the fun stuff. You are great.

Reviewer: shelly Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/29/2006 - 05:40 am Title: Chapter Nine

excellent we are so lucky to have such a treat! 2 chapters! woo! thanks!

Reviewer: SarahandJamesFanatic Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/29/2006 - 05:23 am Title: Chapter Nine

great update

Reviewer: nikki_chinger Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/29/2006 - 03:29 am Title: Chapter Nine

LUV the chapter.. I read the full chapter too.. I like the stuff w/ emma and aiden.. I can really tell who they are as characters - you wrote them very well. I give you props on how awesome you write.. in most stories, i have some questions about what exactly happened or exactly how one of the characters reaction was or something, but never in your stories!!! You write so clearly, and use all different types of sentence/words so its not a repeato story.. so.. GREAT JOB.. keep continuing.. Longer chaps and MORE spuffy plz..!!!

Reviewer: MidnightGirl Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/29/2006 - 02:24 am Title: Chapter Nine

Spike made some really good points in his argument with Buffy, i'm glad they talked things out. I enjoyed reading Buffy musings on Emma and her upcoming motherhood. Great chapter!

Reviewer: Niamh Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/29/2006 - 01:17 am Title: Chapter Nine

I love how her thoughta on being a slayer bring her to where she should be, post the show. I love how she's actually grown up and realized she's never going to be that insipid valley girl again -- and its about time Spike yelled at her for the chances she takes without a though to the baby she's carrying. Lovely lovely chapter. I'm sooo glad your muse woke up

Reviewer: txjmfan Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/29/2006 - 12:38 am Title: Chapter Nine

Anotehr excellent chapter! Love Spike's "Comin' to Jesus" speech to Buffy. Glad it woke her up a little. Repeating what I said in my review of the last chapter: so *damn* glad that your muse is back!

Reviewer: kim Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/28/2006 - 11:17 pm Title: Chapter Nine

Wow...took her this long to realize all that...LOL.

Everybody's very well done, here.

Reviewer: Brunettepet Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/27/2006 - 05:26 pm Title: Chapter Eight

Aiden sure is a handy guy to have on a camp out! The sand dwelling demon was sure creepy, and the description of this world was vivid.

Reviewer: cordykitten Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/27/2006 - 04:59 pm Title: Chapter Eight

Sounds like another Tuesday night back in ol' Sunnydale. *gg* Emma really isn't so bad as a slayer it seems. She already saved Dawn. Mmm enchanted fabric.. handy indeed. Aidan comes in handy too. He had food, he had sleeping pallets.. and they were able to travel the way they wanted. ~ Looking forward to read on :) Whenever the next chapter is ready.

Reviewer: Niamh Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/27/2006 - 03:12 pm Title: Chapter Eight

cute scene between Emma and Aidnn there in the beginning, and I would write more but I feel like crap. . . but you know I love it all.

Reviewer: txjmfan Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/27/2006 - 06:52 am Title: Chapter Eight

Still very much interested in this story and loving it immensely! So glad to see an update. Love protective Spike. Glad you made it past the writer's block.

Reviewer: BuffyRat Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/27/2006 - 04:50 am Title: Chapter Eight

Loved this chapter. Creepy sand dwelling demons aside. Good thing to see Emma coming in touch with her slayer skills. And Aiden for that matter. Can't wait to see where this goes. Update soon!

Reviewer: BuffyRat Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/27/2006 - 04:40 am Title: Chapter Seven

Nice to see someone other than Spike and Buffy getting some. Dawn could use a boy, too. Maybe when this whole appocalypse thing is over. Great chatper.

Reviewer: shelly Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/27/2006 - 04:28 am Title: Chapter Eight

Loved the chapter and I've enjoyed both stories alot, can't wait til ur next chapter!

Reviewer: nikki_chinger Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/27/2006 - 04:11 am Title: Chapter Eight

I LOVE THIS STORY and you better not stop!!!!! I am soo happy you updated, but was hoping for more spuffy... but i can wait, i know you'll put lots more in this story, cuz your stories always have enough!!!! Again, I really love this story.. plz update sooner this time.... hopefully it will be really soon!

Reviewer: kim Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/27/2006 - 02:51 am Title: Chapter Eight

Hi, again...

Thanks for the update.

Reviewer: Wolfspider Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/27/2006 - 01:57 am Title: Chapter Eight

WHOA baby!!!!!!!! ohhhhhh a nice early b-day pressie. I will still take na Aiden to go please...thanks. LOL
Great chapter. Emma is coming into her being and kicking ass. I want some of that insta magick meal..LOL would make life cooking much easier.

I am so happy to see this. I will always check no matter what comes about.

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