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Reviewer: Isabel Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/14/2007 - 01:38 am Title: Arrested Development

Aww, damn it! I had tears in my eyes when he left. So sad. I was afraid at first that the cop costume would only help Buffy see that it was just a job for him, like she wanted to prove to herself. But that was without counting on Spike's very expressive face. That man wears his emotions on his sleeve for sure. At least she's starting to realize that she's not just another customer.

Author's Response: Sorry - had to get Spike thinking though. But if he had, the cop costume would have done what you mentioned and then Buffy would feel nothing for him, just see herself as another job. Spike does indeed wear his emotions on his sleeve. I can't wait to see your reaction to the next few chapters. Thanks for the review my new friend. Hugs you tight.

Reviewer: secretguest Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/14/2007 - 01:26 am Title: Sweet Surrender

Love the Spuffy loving!!

Author's Response: That's great - I'm so pleased you enjoyed it. Thank you very much for the review sweety - they are always appreciated - food for the muse. Hugs.

Reviewer: Isabel Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/14/2007 - 01:10 am Title: Waiting and Wanting

I wonder what Lorne has in mind. Really curious. Gotta go read more now!

Author's Response: Hahahahaa, go ahead hon, I'll be here awaiting your reaction. Smooches.

Reviewer: Xela Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/14/2007 - 12:35 am Title: Sweet Surrender

mmmmmmmmmm, make up sex! It's always so, so good. And with you writing it? Explosive ;)

Author's Response: Giggles - makeup sex is always great. Awww, thanks for the lovely compliment hon, *blushes*. Hugs you tight my friend, and still gnawing away slowly at your twinlets. I can only take so much hotness in one sitting, giggles.

Reviewer: Isabel Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/14/2007 - 12:32 am Title: Out of Sight, Yet in My Mind

So, Buffy wants to see Spike again. And she thinks seeing him will "cure" her? ::snorts:: Yeah right lol. Awww I hope they can find a way to make it work. I like that your Lorne can read people when they are singing despite being human. Hey, no need to be a demon to be psychic, right? So why not. And it makes the story interesting. Great chapter. I'm just bummed that Spike agreed to see Harmony. Ew.

Author's Response: I know - she's daft, right? That'll blow up in her face, LOL. I've always adored Lorne and yeah - like you I think he's great as a psychic - no need to be a demon or anything. Glad you like him. Ewwwwww, Harmony - but a necessary evil for now. Thanks for the review my dear, hope you enjoy the next few chappies. Huggles.

Reviewer: Fan Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/14/2007 - 12:31 am Title: Sweet Surrender


Author's Response: Thank you sweety. Hugs.

Reviewer: Isabel Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/13/2007 - 08:19 pm Title: Peanut Butter and Honey

Ummmm, yummy snack! I'm jealous of Buffy lol He should have told her he works at that restaurant and made that cake she loves so much. It's so sweet.

Author's Response: Oh yes - but such is our dimwitted thinking when it comes to men, lol. Glad you liked the chappy - thanks for the review . Hugs.

Reviewer: kim Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/13/2007 - 08:09 pm Title: Sweet Surrender

Woot! New chapter!

Aww, it's all good from now......finally making a good foundation, these two.

Love the way you write romance, hon!

Author's Response: Yup - they finally made it. Romance, wheww, it's tougher than I thought - thus going through about 5 drafts until I was comfortable enough with it. Thanks for the review darling. Huggles.

Reviewer: Isabel Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/13/2007 - 07:52 pm Title: Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire

Quite possibly the hotest, sexiest smut scene I've ever read. And I've read A lot in my years as a Spuffy fans. Fantastic job. Definitely cigarette worthy lol.

Author's Response: Really? Cool, hee hee. I'm trying my best here, but of course these are the first scenes of that nature I've ever attempted. Glad you liked it darling. Thanks for the review and I hope you continue to enjoy the story. Hugs.

Reviewer: MidnightGirl Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/13/2007 - 06:29 pm Title: Sweet Surrender

I loved that moment where Spike picked up on Buffy's feelings just by looking at her... these two kids have really come a long way. :D And as usual the love scene was wonderful, tender, romantic, sweet... it was perfect. Fantastic update!

Author's Response: They really have come a long way - and after so much. But the time spent apart and then the reunion was exactly what they needed, plus their romantic night, *winks*. GLad you enjoyed the update hon, thanks for the review. Hugs you tight.

Reviewer: Katriina Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/13/2007 - 06:18 pm Title: Sweet Surrender

What a nice surprise! I came here to finally read the chapters of IAN, but what do I find; a new chapter of TE, one of my favorite stories! I guess IAN has to wait, because this took all the time I have before I need to log of again :(

This was really sweet :) . Nice contrast between this and the earlier love-scenes (or should I say earlier sex-scenes...) The poetic style made this more romantic and less rough. What I especially love about your writing is that the emotions are always clear, whether they are good or bad, I always know and understand why people do the things they do. I mean that even when I'm cursing the stupidity of Buffy and Spike, I still know WHY they are being stupid *hee*. Did that make any sense to you? I'm really tired, so it's kind of a miracle that I can put two words together, let alone make sentenses out of them *lol* Umm, back to the review for a bit...
You have nice balance here! This could have easily slipped into cheesy and "harlequin-like", but you master the loving, sweet passion as well as you do the hot, desperate, semi-violent thing... *applause,applause*... and speaking of hot, wild spuffy-luvin; do we get some of that in the next chapter of TE? *hint, hint...nudge, nudge...*batting her eyelashes at the muse coyly*
Yup, I'm going to bed now before I continue flirting with your muse any further *LOL*

Author's Response: You read whatever you like hon - I know your time is limited. It'll still be here whenever your ready. Indeed - this chapter was very different from their earlier shagathons. They needed it though - something sweet and yet profoundly deep. I'm so happy you liked it - squeeee! That's really nice to hear - that you do understand what's going on with my characters at any one given time. I don't like to go crytpic without good reason. Giggles - stupidity - there was plenty of that on both their parts throughout the fic. I totally get what you're saying hon. Ickkk - so not taking the cheesy route here - I found it rather difficult in the first few drafts to get a balance, so I'm glad to see you didn't think it went down that road. Hmmmm, more hot spuffy luvin you want in TE's future - *winks* - I always have a bit more of that planned. It's in their nature after all, lol. Thanks for the lovely review my friend. Hope to talk to you soon. Smooches.

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/13/2007 - 05:28 pm Title: Sweet Surrender

Oh, almost over? I'll miss this one.... :( But now I just enjoy the new chapter :)
Awe, Buffy started to get 'cold feet'. Glad to see William noticed her problem; telling he was insecure was reassuring for her.
What a reunion, so sweet (and hot). Two becoming one, huh? ~ Looking forward to more (don't I always?).

Author's Response: Yup - almost over now. Our couple needed something sweet, something deep, something other than just plain sex tonight to celebrate their reunion. I'm so glad you liked it hon - thank you so much. Huggles.

Reviewer: Isabel Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/13/2007 - 05:19 pm Title: Lady In Red

Started reading this because the out of this world number of reviews you got had me curious. Turns out, they were well deserved. This is excellent. I'm really enjoying your story so far. Good job.

Author's Response: Oh wow! That's awesome, welcome aboard. I'm very thrilled you've latched on and decided to give TE a try. Please bear with the story as it is my first fic and thru time and chapters hopefully my writing skills have improved enough to keep you around. Thank you soooo much for the review hon - hope you continue enjoying the fic. Hugs.

Reviewer: Brunettepet Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/13/2007 - 03:04 pm Title: Sweet Surrender

This was a perfect coming together for these two. After their torturous, angsty journey, finally giving in to their love and longing was blissful relief. You built the tension beautifully, and the lovemaking was erotic and romantic. Their connection was palpable, and the chapter left me feeling these two have finally come home.

Thank you for taking such care with these characters. You breathe life into them with your attention to detail and characterizations. This chapter was a delightful, emotional read.

Author's Response: Oh good - I'm glad you really enjoyed their reunion. They needed a deep emotional connection to be made/re-amde and just having plain old sex didn't feel right to me at this point. It was a rough road to get here - ughhhh how I hated writing that angsty part. Awwww, such a wonderful compliment, about taking care of their characters, I do try my best. Thank you so much for the review that has my cheeks burning and face grinning like mad. Hugs and kisses my friend.

Reviewer: slayercaro Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/13/2007 - 02:48 pm Title: Sweet Surrender

Honey, you´re fantastic. But you know already, don´t you? I think that it was great the way you wrote this. The right words ... ahem actions at the right time and now more can come for both of them.
Loved it but in the end it means that this one´s over soon and this is not that good. But as you said ... more to come.

Love you and smooooooooooooch.

Author's Response: Hahahaha, well thank you sweety - and no, I don't consider myself fantastic - just a long overdue chapter posting I was glad to get updated. It'll be nice to wrap this fic up on a solid happy note, *winks*, I think you'll enjoy the finale. Love you darling - hope to chat again with you soon. Thanks for the review - smoohies.

Reviewer: JO Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/13/2007 - 01:01 pm Title: Sweet Surrender

Awwwww, that was great just what I was hoping for great reunion,hopefully there will be no more misunderstandings because these two are the King and Queen of misinterpretation.

Author's Response: Nope - no more misunderstandings. Happy spuffy from here on out, I promise. Thanks so much for the review darling. Hugs

Reviewer: Pam S Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/13/2007 - 12:01 pm Title: Sweet Surrender

Nice to have our lovers back together.. with some of the past problems solved.

Felt like "love" instead of just sex...


Author's Response: Oh yes - no down and dirty sex for them tonight - that was important for them to reconect like that first. Definetely nice to be over all the angst. Now I can finally have them in full swing of being a true couple, hee hee - what fun that will be to write, especially in the bedroom. All the rules are out the window now. Thanks for the review darling and very happy to see you enjoyed the update. Huggles.

Reviewer: Blood Faerie Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/13/2007 - 11:50 am Title: Sweet Surrender

Awww yay, happy happy reunion! Okay.... you know I love Spuffy babyness, right? *angelic halo*

Author's Response: Oh yes - they needed their LUUUUUUV time. No down and dirty sex for now.... for now, LOL. Hmmmm, methinks you'll enjoy my ending then... it may not be exactly what you expect but you'll appreciate I can assure. In case you don't check my response to your other review for IAN - I need to email you soon hon. I've a vamp fic in mind (I know, unblelivable, tight?) Anyway - just wondering if there's anything you may have in your lovely stash of artwork? I won't be writing it right away, but I'll share the details of it and see if you're interested. Thanks for the review my friend. Hugs you tight.

Reviewer: jadangel2001 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/13/2007 - 09:28 am Title: Sweet Surrender

aww! that was so lovely! i really, really don't want this story to end, you hafta make those last chapter's as long as you can, please! or else it'll be over way too soon!

Author's Response: LOL - I'll do my best - I really will. If I make them long it may end quicker - but I do understand your point. I'm very pleased you enjoyed this update hon - thanks so much for the lovely review. Smooches.

Reviewer: pixiecorn Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/13/2007 - 09:09 am Title: Sweet Surrender

loved the update:) keep up the awesome work

Author's Response: Thanks darling. Hugs you tight.

Reviewer: smlcspike Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/13/2007 - 08:44 am Title: Sweet Surrender

Oh I love it.

Author's Response: Thank you sweetheart - smoochies to you.

Reviewer: Sam Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/13/2007 - 07:27 am Title: Sweet Surrender

OMG I don't think I should leave a review because what you can do with words defies description and I am unable to do it justice. This is masterful stuff and every syllable is a joy to read.

Author's Response: Oh wow, thank you, *blushes*. I did have quite a time in deling with this chapter too, so it's nice to hear you say that. Thank you very much sweety... hugs.

Reviewer: jamies_lady Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/13/2007 - 05:54 am Title: Sweet Surrender

well worth the wait:)
loved it. looking forward to more

Author's Response: Thank you hon - glad you enjoyed it. Huggles.

Reviewer: Lady Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/13/2007 - 05:35 am Title: Sweet Surrender

I love this story, I was so excited when I seen it had been updated. Thank you for updating!!!! This chapter was so sweet and sexy just like most of your chapters. This is one of my faves! Pretty pretty please update soon, I know this story is probably going to end in a few chapters and it will be bitter sweet!

Author's Response: Awww, thank you so much hon- I truly appreciate your kind words and praise. This chapter gave me so many headaches it was ridiculous, but at least I managed to get it out before toooooo much time had passed. Yes, a couple more chapters to go before it's done. But at least I have plenty of new fics to work on when it is - hopefully they'll be something you'll enjoy as well. Thank you so much for the review darling. Kisses.

Reviewer: elle Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/17/2007 - 10:50 pm Title: Worth a Second Go

i just came back from my vacation and omg im so glad that they are finally out of the dark gloom ^^ all that horrible heartache was getting to me :P the mood and pace of the chapter suited our characters ;] update soon sweets

Author's Response: Oh GOD, I was ever so happy to stop writing the angst. I really don't care for it, it brings me down too much. I do hope to update soon hon - just a busy couple of weeks here getting the kiddies prepared to go back to school. But YAY, I'll have them both in full day soon. 7 hours of blissful silence for me monday thu friday, I can't wait, hee hee. Thanks for the review darling. Kisses.

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