Reviews For Black
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Reviewer: Ariadne Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/25/2007 - 05:24 pm Title: Let Me Take You Home Tonight

Angel and Cordy, why not... It will be fine :)

Author's Response: It has always been my plan to parallel A/C with B/S in this story. I thought it would be neat. :D

Reviewer: Ariadne Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/25/2007 - 05:15 pm Title: Disease

I thought I already had read this... And I had... but I hadn't left a review, how rude of me :p
Anyway, I liked this chapter as well. Spike better watch out, or he'll get that disease...

Author's Response: :D Thanks so much.

Reviewer: Ariadne Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/16/2007 - 07:21 pm Title: The Road Less Traveled

I liked the poem lesson. I bet they´ll miss the assembly, I mean who wouldn´t? :p But I guess he´ll turn her down again, the closet isn´t maybe the right place?

Author's Response: You're dead on. Poetry lesson was, IIRC, something I personally preached in class. Thanks for reviewing. :D

Reviewer: Ariadne Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/16/2007 - 07:03 pm Title: Tutoring Part 2

I liked the kiss :)

Author's Response: :D It was a nice kiss, in a morbid kinda way.

Reviewer: Ariadne Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/16/2007 - 06:52 pm Title: Tutoring Part 1

Buffy´s grandpa doesn´t seem to be so nice... And the way you described her room, the stains on her sheets, made me beleive that he doesn´t know how to do laundry, lol.
The fire was an accident, I hope....

Author's Response: LOL... I meant that they were too poor to do laundry and that he beat her relentlessly. The fire was an accident.

Reviewer: Ariadne Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/14/2007 - 04:52 pm Title: Rage Against The Machine

I´ll read more later :) Thanks for writing this! :)

Author's Response: You are totally awesome for reviewing this whole thing... gives me motivation to write more.

Reviewer: Ariadne Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/14/2007 - 04:42 pm Title: Hey Man, Nice Shot

I liked that fact that Buffy is jealous :)

Author's Response: Heh heh, yeah. It's definitely a foreign emotion to her.

Reviewer: Ariadne Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/14/2007 - 04:35 pm Title: Closer

I hope Riley gets what he deserves!

Author's Response: He will. I have Spike beating the crap out of him later in the story.

Reviewer: Ariadne Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/14/2007 - 04:25 pm Title: Shake It Up

So he knows where she lives.. how does he know that?
Of course, they are going to study... I hope not... :p

Author's Response: He knows that because he's kinda obsessed with her. Yes, they are going to "study." ;)

Reviewer: Ariadne Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/14/2007 - 04:16 pm Title: The Empire Spikes Back

LOL I wouldn´t want Spike as a pupil in my class, he´s nothing like my pupils..., yes, I´m a teacher :)
I hope he will burn Riley´s locker, I guess I will find out, I´ve got a lot to read.

Author's Response: You're a teacher? That's awesome. Don't give up on this story, I'm very brutal towards school and authority figures and teachers, but it's only because I want Spike to finally look beyond that. Thanks for reviewing.

Reviewer: Ariadne Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08/14/2007 - 03:58 pm Title: Changes

I liked Dark side of the moon so much, so I had to read Black as well! :) Anyway, I like it so far :)

Author's Response: Awww, thanks so much! :D

Reviewer: spuffyz_3rd Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/19/2007 - 12:38 am Title: The Noose

Spike has to get his spark back!! This and the last chapter were fantastic to read, totally heart wrenching. It's sad to see Spike so emotionally detached and lost. It's like he was so focused on vengeance that when he finally got it, it didn't fix any of his problems and made him realise what kind of person he'd become. And that person is pretty horrible. I hope he finds his way back. Please update asap!

Author's Response: You really hit the nail on the head, especially with the vengeance part. That has always been one of the premises, that vengeance isn't worth it. Yeah, he is a pretty horrible person. He needs to fix himself before he can do *anything*, he needs to get his spark back. Thanks for reviewing.

Reviewer: SarahandJamesFanatic Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/08/2007 - 10:06 pm Title: The Noose

cofusing chapters

Author's Response: It's meant to be confusing, in a way. All I was really trying to get across was that Spike was turning crazy. Thanks for reviewing.

Reviewer: secretguest Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/07/2007 - 10:20 pm Title: The Noose

Maybe now he'll be a better person. He was horrible! Hope you update soon!

Author's Response: He was horrible. And hopefully I'll update soon finally. Thanks for reviewing.

Reviewer: PhotographyNut Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/07/2007 - 10:00 pm Title: The Noose

Can't imagine what's going through Spike's head! Looking forward to the next update!

Author's Response: He's bonkers. :( Thanks for reviewing.

Reviewer: Missytheslayer Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/07/2007 - 06:27 pm Title: The Noose

Yeah... if I was Angel in that part... I'd be a little freaked. I managed to undersatnd most of it... but a few parts were out of my reach.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! *smiles happily* I'm so glad you updated this... LOVED it, by the way. It's good to see your not dead. (for a little while there, I wasn't sure... ;) Awesome chapter, can't wait for more!

Author's Response: Glad you got the references... they were a little oblique. Very motivating to see such kind words. Thanks for reviewing.

Reviewer: gypsy_jin Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/07/2007 - 02:48 pm Title: The Noose

I caught a couple references, but the one I really zeroed in on was for Brave New World. God I love that book... I think I've mentioned that in a review before. Meh, I don't want to check. Anyway, I am glad to see an update. Enough so that I won't give you a hard time about taking awhile to do so. ;) Good chapter, by the way. I almost felt like I was the one losing it while reading Spike losing it. Well done! :)

Author's Response: You did, that's where I got the idea of putting it in. See, you all affect my writing. :) Also because the last episode of Prison Break was "Soma," and I've already touched up a little on how PB is somewhat of an inspiration for this story. References were oblique, but I'm very glad I incited that feeling of losing it with Spike. Thanks for reviewing.

Reviewer: Dana Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/07/2007 - 01:12 pm Title: The Noose

Im so glad you updated! Love this story please update soon.I cant wait to see there next interaction

Author's Response: I'm glad I updated, too. ;) Thanks for reviewing. :D

Reviewer: pixiecorn Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/07/2007 - 10:21 am Title: Changes

haha that was so awesome:) even though uve wrote chapters ahead of this already i just thought i'd comment the first chapter...i love it cant wait to continue

Author's Response: :D Thank you very muchly. Your kind words keep this story alive.

Reviewer: smlcspike Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/07/2007 - 09:09 am Title: The Noose

Oh that was good, so Spike lost his spark, would that be because his spark is Buffy.

More please

Author's Response: Spike lost his spark because he hurt Buffy so much, it's just unbearable for him. Thanks for reviewing.

Reviewer: lucy Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/05/2007 - 05:54 pm Title: Paint It Black

this is such a great story. It gave me an idea for my rs essay and i got an A so thanks : )

Author's Response: What was the essay on? Glad that you got an A... didn't know I could incite ideas with this behemoth. ;) Thanks for the feedback.

Reviewer: lucy Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/05/2007 - 05:54 pm Title: Paint It Black

this is such a great story. It gave me an idea for my rs essay and i got an A so thanks : )

Author's Response: Thank you for your kind words. :)

Reviewer: OMG Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/22/2007 - 11:51 pm Title: Paint It Black

C'mon you can finish this piece. I love it and you're an awesome writer so get through whatever is taking so long and continue writing

Author's Response: Thank you for your kind words and attempt to get my butt in gear. I'll try. :) Thanks for reviewing.

Reviewer: squawks Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/12/2007 - 08:06 am Title: Paint It Black

I think I really need to say: I did not see that coming. Seriously, I would've guessed that like Spike died or Buffy dies or Angel died (you get my point) before Spike reverted back to William. Brain fit? Firing chemicals gone wrong? You're gonna have to add a new chappie soon.......................

Author's Response: Heh heh, that's definitely a way to put it. "Brain fit." He's so disgusted with himself that he wants to be someone else, anyone else, to get away from himself. Thanks for reviewing.

Reviewer: anon Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/06/2007 - 11:11 pm Title: Paint It Black

great update, at first i was disapointed that buffy wasn't in it but i enjoyed the bonding between angel and spike. I thnk its a great idea bringing william back, Spike was depressing. please update soon.

Author's Response: This whole fic is kinda depressing, that's why I stopped writing it. :( I'm glad you liked the Angel/Spike bonding; not many people comment on that. Thanks for reviewing.

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