Reviews For Black
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Reviewer: a n o n Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/30/2007 - 02:23 pm Title: Crazy Train

good update more please

Author's Response: More otw. Thanks! :)

Reviewer: PhotographyNut Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/30/2007 - 12:22 am Title: Crazy Train

Wow! Can't feel sorry for Spike right now. He's the one who invited Faith to the party in the first place. I feel Angel, Cordy, and Buffy's feelings about what happened are justified. Can't wait to read more!

Author's Response: Yeah... Spike brought Faith. And he went a little too psychopathic in the speech about everyone and when he was on the roof with Buffy things went pretty sour... and he's never really liked Cordelia. Thanks for commenin'! :D

Reviewer: Tuesday Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/29/2007 - 10:41 pm Title: Crazy Train

I am loving it! Thanks for updating and not being afraid to tell it like it is. That's an admirable quality in an author. :)

Author's Response: :) Thank you! And by "tell it like it is," do you mean in the story or the A/Ns? Either way, I'll take that admirable quality. ^_^

Reviewer: secretguest Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/29/2007 - 10:22 pm Title: Crazy Train

Wow...that was interesting. What's gonna happen now? Update soon please!

Author's Response: Something... even more interesting? >_> Heh, thanks! :D

Reviewer: BloodyLuv Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/29/2007 - 07:24 pm Title: Crazy Train

wow!! awesome chapter, and loved spike's little speech!! HOPE TO READ MORE SOON!

Author's Response: Thanks... speech came straight from the heart, LOL.

Reviewer: smlcspike Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/29/2007 - 07:01 pm Title: Crazy Train

Love it. More please.

Author's Response: More in a few days. Thanks for loving it, hehe. :D

Reviewer: Peroxide_dreams Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/29/2007 - 12:01 pm Title: Crazy Train

Oh my God I can't believe even after he threw the gun down like that they weren't smart enough to figure it out. Poor Spike can't seem to get a break! Great update!


Author's Response: Thanks!

Reviewer: Peroxide_dreams Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/29/2007 - 12:00 pm Title: Crazy Train

Oh my God I can't believe even after he threw the gun down like that they weren't smart enough to figure it out. Poor Spike can't seem to get a break! Great update!


Author's Response: Yeah... he saves them and they treat him with indifference. :(

Reviewer: rosie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/29/2007 - 10:46 am Title: Crazy Train

cant wait to see what happens next!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Author's Response: Thanks!

Reviewer: gypsy_jin Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/29/2007 - 06:49 am Title: Crazy Train

Lookit! I'm reviewing. Wheeeeeeee!

But, reviewing this time comes with a wee price. It's gonna be sort. It's nearly two in the morning and I get to get up bright and freaking early to go to work. Yay.

So here's my thing, I thoroughly enjoyed Spike's lil speech. And the reactions of those around him weren't incredibly over the top, it's understandable. I mean, gun waving about all willy nilly and then the guy SAVING your collective asses goes all nuts in the head to get the crazy to put the gun down. That's bound to make you just a little... heheh... gun shy! HA! Couldn't resist. My apologies. Nah, I'm not really sorry.

So anyway, I promised a short review and I'm not really delivering on that, so I'll stop now.

Good chapter. =D

Author's Response: I thought the A/B/C reaction might have been a bit of a stretch - glad to see it's understandable. That's what I wanted - just a little conflict to tie us down until the Spuffy conflict. Which WILL be gotten to pretty soon now, especially if I fast forward time in the story. The stuff now is mainly rising action, maybe little spurts of climax (yes, I realize I just said "spurts of climax" >_>) but we're definitely not to the Spuffy climax yet. You also got the situation of the chapter perfectly, even at two in the morning. ^_^ Thanks for reviewing both chapters! :D

Reviewer: gypsy_jin Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/29/2007 - 06:31 am Title: Smells Like Teen Spirit

I know, I'm a bad bad reviewer. Since I missed reviewing (again) before your newest update, I decided to just go ahead and review for both chapters, rather than combine them in the next chapter. That work for you? =P

And have I said lately? You have an awesome taste in music! Both Nirvana song you chose here rock. Kudos. I like saying kudos, leave me alone. Heh.

You just had a ball with all those metaphors didn't you? Ducks, dragonflies, and Jack Sparrow galore! Fun stuff.

Seriously, there are people who don't know what akimbo means? But.... it's such a fun word! We need a world-wide memo or something to clue people in. ;)

Lovely chapter, on to the next!

Author's Response: *laughs* You always put a smile on my face, you know that? :) Incubus said "kudos" in a song, so it can't be all that bad. Nirvana's awesome, they're picked on WAY too much for being overrated when they really aren't. So many great songs... and not just depressing stuff, too. As much as I love akimbo, not everyone knows about its awesomeness. We need to spread the word! :D

Reviewer: squawks Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/29/2007 - 06:24 am Title: Crazy Train

no contradicting at all, i totally got it. loved it - very intense! it was great that he immediately jumped in front on Buffy to protect her. More please!

Author's Response: Thanks! I always worry that I'm not writing a scene good enough, as everything always plays out perfectly in my head. ^_^ And yep, definitely some Spuffy hope with Spike jumping in front of Buffy. :D

Reviewer: SarahandJamesFanatic Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/29/2007 - 05:32 am Title: Crazy Train

i hope that buffy and spike will keep talking

Author's Response: Definitely; not a story without the good ol' Spuffiness.

Reviewer: guest Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/29/2007 - 05:10 am Title: Crazy Train

no problem and keep up the good work. I'm just glad that you replied back. It really is a good story.

I must admit that Spike fascinates me in this story.

Author's Response: Hey thanks! I always try to reply back to reviews; if someone takes the time to respond to or analyze my writing or just write some sweet words of encouragement, the least I can do is respond back to thank them and consider their viewpoint. And fascination is a good thing. :D

Reviewer: blax Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/29/2007 - 05:02 am Title: Crazy Train

Okay, i think that maybe i can breathe a little now, that was... absolutely brilliant.
I don't really know what Spike was expecting from Buffy, after what he said on the roof even if he dont know how she reacted to what he said, he can't expect her to be all with the supportive at that point?
I could really -feel- what Spike was talking about during his speach, amazing.

Author's Response: :D :D :D I must admit I had a really fun time making the speech, I felt it really hit home with Spike's viewpoints on an extremely exaggerated level. And yeah, Spike also dumped on Buffy on the roof, so you can't really expect much from her right about now.

Reviewer: D\ Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/29/2007 - 04:53 am Title: Crazy Train

No problem with this chapter. Sometimes you gotta do what needs to be done. No apologies and no guilt. Thank you for such a great chapter.

Author's Response: :D Thanks ever so much! I thought I might have written Spike a little too crude...

Reviewer: guest Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/29/2007 - 04:36 am Title: Crazy Train

No. I don't think Spike took it too far. He knows Faith and he knows what she is capable of. They don't. Spike probably knew that Faith wouldn't shoot any of them. Somebody had to do something.

I don't think Spike did anything wrong. And if those people treated him bad for that then he should just forget them.

Author's Response: I can definitely agree with you. It's not my intention to prolong any tension and conflict from this, as it's pretty clear Spike did the right thing, however anti-hero it may have been (or not). When things finally come full circle for this, there will be a similar understanding to what you've described; Spike saved them and they should be grateful. I could see that future S/A makeup scene in my head while I was writing this chapter. Thanks for responding to my response. =]

Reviewer: guest Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/29/2007 - 03:55 am Title: Crazy Train

They are ungrateful people. Spike saved their lives. I can't believe they have the nerve to blame Spike for almost getting Cordy killed.

Poor Spike. HE should just forget them.

Author's Response: You don't think he might have taken it a _little_ bit far? With the cutting of the stalks and the urging Faith to shoot Cordelia even though he had a chance (however small) to get the gun himself? I don't really have an opinion on such matters, as I tried to write it with a certain air of ambiguity. The conflict from this will most likely be short-lived, so it probably won't matter either way. The ideas on the shades of grey of populars and Spike's analytical yet harsh thought on everything might last longer. Thanks for reviewing! :D

Reviewer: a n o n Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/29/2007 - 02:17 am Title: Smells Like Teen Spirit

update please

Author's Response: soon... maybe tonight

Reviewer: PhotographyNut Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/29/2007 - 01:40 am Title: Smells Like Teen Spirit

What was Spike thinking inviting Faith to the party?? Hope Buffy doesn't get caught in the crossfire! Can't wait to read more!

Author's Response: ^_^ Sometimes Spike even baffles me. And that's weird, because I'm the person who's writing him. Thanks for commentin'! :D

Reviewer: just another reviewer Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/28/2007 - 04:24 am Title: Smells Like Teen Spirit

hey love your story!!!!! i've been reading along the entire time, and I have to say, this is one of my favourites. I really like how you added the gun, not many people add something so realistic to their stories, because they want to make it like btvs, but this is a nice splash of reality in fantasy. Very good. Who's getting shot? or is Spike jumping in between? that's what i want, i don't think angel could handle having cordy shot, and would be so mad at Spike, at would be good if Spike jumped in between and stopped them of even if HE got shot. Not like I have a spike death wish or anything. o0o0o0o0o0o cant wait for the next chapter!!!

Author's Response: Thanks! Favorite is good. Yes, very very good. :D I was kind of hesitant about the gun thing, but I feel better about it now after reading this review. And as for "who's gonna get shot," that's a "stay tuned to find out" sort of thing. :( Spike WILL get in the middle of everything, though. Need some heroic qualities in the very anti-hero-esque character. And this is a Spike-centric fic, after all; can't really have a scene without some good Spike action. Thanks for commenting! =]

Reviewer: amandamanda3 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/27/2007 - 08:26 pm Title: Smells Like Teen Spirit

ack!!!!!!! crap! you gotta update soon! :) I can't wait!

Author's Response: Soon, I promise! ;D

Reviewer: daydreamer Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/27/2007 - 05:08 pm Title: Smells Like Teen Spirit

good chapter.. you are sooo mean to leave it there.

Author's Response: Hehehe... I was definitely thinking evilness by ending it there. ^_^ Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: J Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/27/2007 - 03:38 pm Title: Smells Like Teen Spirit

HOLY SCHNIKIES!!!!! LOL, I've always wanted to say that. Wow, Faith is a lot crazier than I thought she would be. Yer killing me here, u really are!!! You do know how to keep people coming back for more. Please update soon!! Por favor!!!

Author's Response: Faith es muy muy muy loco. But she was provoked, you have to remember. And hopefully this fic will have a lot more "HOLY SCHNIKIES!" moments in the future. :D Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: rosie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/27/2007 - 03:17 pm Title: Smells Like Teen Spirit

cant wait to see what happens next!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Author's Response: :D Thanks!

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