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Reviewer: notwhomever Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/16/2007 - 02:26 am Title: Chapter 11. Abstract Expressionism

very well written, this story reads like a classic gothic romance looking forward to more

Author's Response: Oh wow, thank you! *blushes* That's a very lovely compliment.

Reviewer: secretguest Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/15/2007 - 08:29 pm Title: Chapter 11. Abstract Expressionism Giles gonna kill Riley? That would be so cool! Murder is bad but Riley definitely deserves it. I can't wait to see the Spuffy interaction. Poor Buffy. She must be in some serious shock after that. Will Spike let her know about his demon or wait? Can't wait to find out!!!

Author's Response: Hee, we'll see what evil muse has prepared for Riley. ;) There's going to be Spuffy interaction on the next chapter. And yes, the whole experience was quite shocking for her, so I'm still unsure where to go with it. Thank you for reviewing!

Reviewer: Nikki Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/15/2007 - 07:39 pm Title: Chapter 11. Abstract Expressionism

Am definitely still with you on this story, although I did find this chappie hard to read. Not a fault of the writing, just the subject matter. Have to say that you handled it well. I would hope that we'll hear exactly what retribution Riley receives from his attempted rape, both from Giles AND Spike. And, since I'm also eternally romantic at heart, am hoping that Buffy won't freak too badly when she finds out her honey's alter ego. His absolutely NUMMY aler ego. :) Pardon me while I wipe my chin.

Author's Response: Awww, sorry for that. If it's any consolation, the chapter was hard for me to write, too. I'm delighted to know you think I handled it well, though. :D

You'll find out soon what happened to Riley. (I hope) And no worries, I'm also eternally romantic at heart, so I don't think she'll freak out too much or so I hope. Thank you for reviewing!

Reviewer: MrsP Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/15/2007 - 07:33 pm Title: Chapter 11. Abstract Expressionism

Loved it.

Brillant writing of a diffcult subject.
Enough description to let you know what's going on but not over done to put you off. Perfect balance.

Can't wait to read more.

Author's Response: Awww, thank you, darling. *blushes* I'm so happy you think so, I was agonizing over how the chapter would be received and so far, so very good. Thank you for reviewing!

Reviewer: 1880girl Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/15/2007 - 06:13 pm Title: Chapter 11. Abstract Expressionism

Hate Riley, what a (word I can't say)!!!. One thing, I couldn't tell in the end part if Buffy saw him vamp or not. That part wasn't very clear. Other than that. Loved it.

Author's Response: Hee, yes, Riley's exactly that. ;) And no worries, it was meant to be like that. I wanted to keep you wondering if she did or not. ;) Thank you for your kind words!

Reviewer: messy Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/15/2007 - 03:46 pm Title: Chapter 11. Abstract Expressionism

yay for the Ripper!!!

Author's Response: Hee, yes, yay for him! Thank you for reviewing!

Reviewer: Avalon Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/15/2007 - 11:27 am Title: Chapter 11. Abstract Expressionism

Oh awesome, this chapter was amazing!!!

Author's Response: Hee, thank you for reviewing, darling!

Reviewer: Avalon Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/15/2007 - 11:27 am Title: Chapter 11. Abstract Expressionism

Oh, awesome chapter. It was amazing!!!

Author's Response: Thank you, sweetie!

Reviewer: Aidan Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/15/2007 - 11:20 am Title: Chapter 11. Abstract Expressionism

Gah! i LOVE ripper! this was a GREAT chapter. I cant wait to see how buffy reacts to her vamped out bf.

Author's Response: Hee, I'm quite partial to Ripper in this one as well. Hope to have more to post soon. Thank you for reviewing!

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/15/2007 - 10:00 am Title: Chapter 11. Abstract Expressionism

*check other stories* Phew, you messed this chapter up for the "Skin Breathing" = the font is white here. But it's only this chapter, I've feared the skin had changed too. I'll copy to word and read there (the letters aren't going bigger either). :)
Well I hope your muse will behave (but I', glad to see an update on thus one *g*)
Awe, these too are really smitten with the other. And she was too eager to be with Spike again or she had checked the peephole first. Grrr a drunken Riley, that means no good. *sigh* Buffy is in big big trouble now.
I hoped somebody would have watched Riley entering but this is even better: Spike was still there and got suspicious. *phew* And just in time! Riley is lucky to got away alive.
But did he? ;-) I think Giles takes the matter in his own hands now. :D ~ Riley better never had tried someone dear to Spike. ~ Loved the update and as I said, not mad to get an update on this one. Appreciated it.

Author's Response: Hee, yeah, sorry for that, the new editor Pari had installed was quite difficult to figure and I actually had to delete the chapter one time while trying to figure it and then I just tweaked and kept trying. Not too easy. I'm glad you found a way to read the chapter, though.
Hee, yes, they're quite smitten with each other. And Riley was up to no good. *giggles* You'll have to wait and read if he did get away alive. ;) Poor Riley has no idea what (or who) he unleashed by attacking Buffy. Thank you for your lovely review, darling! *smooches*

Reviewer: Amelia-Jane Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/15/2007 - 09:52 am Title: Chapter 11. Abstract Expressionism

*breathes a sigh of relief* I'm so glad Spike put two and two together and got to Buffy in time. Should be interesting to see what Spike has to say to Buffy about what just happened. Loved the appearance of Ripper in the last scene. Wonderful chapter!

Author's Response: Hee, yep, he got there just in time to scare Riley away. Hmmm, yeah, I hope it's interesting what Spike will say to Buffy or how she will react. I'm delighted you liked Ripper's small appearance. It was fun to write. ;) Thank you for your very kind words, darling! *smooches*

Reviewer: Sam Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/15/2007 - 09:12 am Title: Chapter 11. Abstract Expressionism

Oh I was so excited to see an update. Riley was so wrong in his assessment of William as a "scrawny creep" and he was let off lightly. However, it would seem as if "Ripper" is to take over where William left off - how far are you going to let him go? Loved that he took his coat off and put his gloves on - very menacing. Buffy can't hide from the truth any more and I'm desperate to see how she's going to react. Loved it as much as ever.

Author's Response: Hee, yes, Spike is no 'scrawny creep' as Riley can attest now by himself. ;) I guess he never imagined how it might affect him to attack Buffy. About how far I'm going to let Ripper go, well, you'll have to wait and find out. *wide evil grin* I promise it will be... satisfying, or at least I think it will be. ;) You're very right, Buffy can't keep denying the truth any longer, not even if she might be inclined to. Thank you so much for your lovely words! *smooches*

Reviewer: jamies_lady Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/15/2007 - 08:04 am Title: Chapter 11. Abstract Expressionism

I don't think Giles is Giles, I think we've got a protective Ripper, glad Spike made it in time..really enjoyed the update

Author's Response: Hee, and you'd be very right in thinking that. ;) Thank you so much for reviewing!

Reviewer: janice Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/15/2007 - 05:14 am Title: Chapter 11. Abstract Expressionism

AHHHH!!!!! spike's so hawt in this chapter...he saved the day :D or...the night. actually the morning. k, basically loooving it. do continue!

Author's Response: Yay, I'm ecstatic you thought so. Thank you so much for reviewing, darling and no worries, I do plan to continue. ;)

Reviewer: Toni Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/15/2007 - 05:07 am Title: Chapter 11. Abstract Expressionism

I loved this chapter, a bit of the monster but still a loving man. Love the whole fic.

Author's Response: Yep, a loving man above everything else me thinks. ;) Thanks for reviewing. :D

Reviewer: dee Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/15/2007 - 04:16 am Title: Chapter 11. Abstract Expressionism

wow that was great how spike came to buffy's rescue. please hurry and update again soon, i can't wait to see what happens next. hopefully buffy isn't too traumatized

Author's Response: Hee, I promise I'll do my best to update as soon as muse and time allow. Thank you very much for reviewing!

Reviewer: sarah g Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/15/2007 - 03:42 am Title: Chapter 11. Abstract Expressionism

OMFG WAT A BASTARD, IM SO GLAD THAT SPIKE SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF HIM AND THAT GILES IS GOING TO KICK HIS ASS. i LOVE this story and am so happy that u updated. im so glad that spike came and i hope that she doesnt freak out about him being a vampire. also i hope that he explains everything and that he claims her. PLEASE update as soon as u can, i CANT wait to read wat happens next between buffy and spike. THANX!!

Author's Response: *lol* Yes, that's exactly what Riley is. Thank you for your lovely words, darling!

Reviewer: kim Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/15/2007 - 03:31 am Title: Chapter 11. Abstract Expressionism

So we have a Ripper in Giles, eh?

And Buffy's seen Spike's demon face now.....hmmmm

Author's Response: Hee, yes, we have a Ripper in Giles and well, you'll have to wait and read to see if she did. ;) thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: Pam S Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/15/2007 - 01:53 am Title: Chapter 11. Abstract Expressionism

Not as bad as I thought.. hits but no bad touches. And of course.. Spike to the rescue and he couldn't kill him in front of Buffy , although I think Giles might take care of that problem.


Author's Response: I have to admit that I couldn't stomach being too graphic with it, it was hard enough to write it as it was. You'll have to wait and read to find out what Giles is going to do. ;) Thanks for your review!

Reviewer: Cas Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/15/2007 - 01:20 am Title: Chapter 11. Abstract Expressionism

Ooh, Go Giles go~ Didn't expect that from him, Spike, maybe, but never Giles.

Author's Response: Hee, I'm very happy I could surprise you with that. Thank you for reviewing, darling!

Reviewer: kirstie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/15/2007 - 01:18 am Title: Chapter 11. Abstract Expressionism

o0o0o what have we here???? definitely something worth obsessing over...

Author's Response: Hee, i sure hope so. Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: Veronica Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/15/2007 - 01:18 am Title: Chapter 11. Abstract Expressionism

Please, please, PLEASE have Riley get his ass handed to him by Giles. Preferably in pieces...

Author's Response: Hee, we'll see, we'll see. ;)

Reviewer: Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/15/2007 - 01:18 am Title: Chapter 11. Abstract Expressionism

Please, please, PLEASE have Riley get his ass handed to him by Giles. Preferably in pieces...

Author's Response: *lol* Seems no one likes poor Riley. Not even me. *giggles* Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: JO Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/15/2007 - 01:11 am Title: Chapter 11. Abstract Expressionism

Whoa Dusty that was harrowing , i;m more afraid of what Giles as Ripper is going to do to Riley although he deserves it. Great job,til next update.

Author's Response: Yeah, you do well by being afraid and yep, he so deserves it. *wide evil grin* Thank you so much for reviewing, darling!

Reviewer: hotlipedjen Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 10/15/2007 - 01:01 am Title: Chapter 11. Abstract Expressionism

OH!!! I can't WAIT till the next chappy! I want to see what Buffy's reaction is to the fangs! And then what Spike's reaction will be to hers! (evil circle) I'm glad your muse is keeping you on this story...YAY!!!

Author's Response: Hee, yes, it's quite an evil vicious circle. Thank you for reviewing. *smooches*

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