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Reviewer: Im_bloody_English Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/01/2008 - 03:16 pm Title: chapter 40

Thanks for the shout out hon - you know I'm enjoying your story and all the little tidbits that should be taken into account for this particualr era - its necessary in order to understand the daily struggle of life. Those times were very different and much harder than people can imagine and I enjoy getting the history lessons on all the simple things that we'd normally take for granted - such as, 'they ate' - rather than knowing what it take to eat a meal. Hope that made sense, giggles.

Loved this chapter - even though I despise William's conniving brothers. And just that last sentence about a marriage has filled me with hope - oh pleeeeeeeeeeeeease, you simply have to update soon, I want to know - and hope I'm right - if William is to be married to Buffy - oh please let it be so - begs on hands and knees. Luv you hon - a fab chapter indeed.

Author's Response: No supermarkets no shops and for the majority of the population if you didn't grow it or make it you didn't have it...I just want people to see what life was like. Glad you enjoyed this chapter and there will be more soon. no clues though, I'm evil

Reviewer: janica Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/01/2008 - 01:35 pm Title: chapter 40

wow... great story... hope you update soon... I'll be watching your updates... More stories... :)

Author's Response: glad you enjoyed it and thanks for the review

Reviewer: Thundercat Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/01/2008 - 03:46 am Title: chapter 40

Well played! Well played indeed! HaHaHaHa

Those dirty monkeys Liam and Harold are going to be hoist by their own petard. It will serve them right for scheming with "Lady" Underwood.

Goodness, William is going to hit the roof when he finds out about Ingimund's secret condition to the treaty. Sounds like Giles knows whats the what though.... "He gave me his reasons but wanted me to tell you the price first." I wonder if Giles is at liberty to share those reasons with Athelred & William before they reply?

Interesting times ahead, to be sure.

I, personally, love the relaxing pace of the story. It really transports me to a different time and pace (pun intended). Looking forward to the next installment.

Author's Response: glad you like and thanks for the comments about the pace. I think one reviewer was expecting lots of battles and a hollywood pace, not going to happen....more soon

Reviewer: gdo Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 05/01/2008 - 01:51 am Title: chapter 40

Uh-Oh, Harold and Liam up to no good. But looks like William is going to get hitched, hee.

Author's Response: and William would have no say in the matter, to a greater extent anyway. glad you enjoyed, more soon

Reviewer: Bridget Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/30/2008 - 09:46 pm Title: chapter 40

How very clever of you. Of course the marriage must be between William and Buffy. I can't wait to read more.

Author's Response: glad you enjoyed...marriages were often used to seal great treaties at the time....and like your thinking about the participants

Reviewer: aoife Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/30/2008 - 06:41 pm Title: chapter 40

oh my god please tell me it's buffy! It has to be buffy. Did Ingiund meet william when he was with buffy? I can't remember (please don't kill me). It's got to be buffy.
I know i don't review often (and you probably have absolutely no idea who i am) but i never have time. I just wanted to tell you that i dont think this story is moving too slow, it's perfect. Any faster and it would be ruined. (i wouldn't complain about more updates though hint hint :P )

Author's Response: I am so glad you are enjoying the sory and I update when ever my muse allows, believe me there are no hidden chapters on my computer...If you read back Ingimund was fascinated that William had tamed Buffy...more when I can

Reviewer: Waldeskoenigen Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/30/2008 - 06:09 pm Title: chapter 40

Still loving it - worth the wait every time. And what a joy to read historical fiction by a writer who is prepared to research a bit of fact! How rare that is...W:>

Author's Response: thanks for the review. I teach viking and saxon history, especially of the wirral, and Ingimund's arrival is one of those moments in history when so much changes in a short time. I love the period ...glad you are enjoying the story and glad you like the history bit

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/30/2008 - 05:07 pm Title: chapter 40

Oh.... That William managed to get a good bargain is good (positive) but at his court back home, seems there is were the real danger lies. And again his brothers. So having Giles with him (as a witness and writing it all down) may have saved his life.
You're evil, you know that? ;-) Not so evil if Ingimund has Buffy in mind for the female part. But I don't know that... would be a shame if William had to marry somebody else :(
I hope you won' go that way. Though it would be a neat way to to get Buffy back into the play.

Author's Response: thanks for the review cordy, glad you like the way the story is flowing. more soon

Reviewer: bipboplola Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/30/2008 - 04:54 pm Title: chapter 40

i am really enjoying this story and while i would love quicker updates i think you have the content about right theres plenty of meat on the bones so to speak i like all the details and the pace you have set but i must just repeat QUICKER UPDATES PLEEEEEESE LOL

Author's Response: I know what you mean about updates, but I update as my muse dictates. thanks for the review and more soon

Reviewer: Jenn Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/30/2008 - 03:30 pm Title: chapter 40

‘A marriage: he wants William.’ - Kinky!

I really hope those two crazy kids (the North Lord and William) are happy together :)! Unless of course he has someone else in mind. Gee, who could that be!

As much as I wish you could write faster, I do enjoy the surprise of when this will be updated - it's a happy little bounce when I see the update.

Author's Response: hahaha, never even crossed my mind, and I thought i was twisted...glad you enjoyed though..more soon

Author's Response: hahaha, never even crossed my mind, and I thought i was twisted...glad you enjoyed though..more soon

Author's Response: hahaha, never even crossed my mind, and I thought i was twisted...glad you enjoyed though..more soon

Reviewer: Dusty273 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/30/2008 - 02:14 pm Title: chapter 40

First of all, I have to say I'm adoring the pacing of the story. It just feels... right. Good things can't be rushed after all. ;)

Regarding the chapter, I just hate Liam and Harold, I'm glad their ploy didn't work this time, but I fear they will try again. And about William's marriage, while I hope Ingimund is thinking of marrying him to Buffy, I just know it can't be that easy. Anyway, fantastic update, darling! I'm looking forward to more. :D

Author's Response: glad you enjoyed. and I'm glad you liked the pace. i got a complaint and a comment that I was losing readers but I'm not going to change the story to please one reader...and No it won't be that easy, but wait and see... and as for Harold and Liam, well good things come to those who wait

Reviewer: MidnightGirl Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/30/2008 - 02:10 pm Title: chapter 40

As I was reading about the negotiations I kept wondering if Ingimund was going to request a permanent tie between his people and William's... looks like I was right! :D Loved the chapter!

Author's Response: a permanent ans solid tie. if it all goes OK. hope you enjoy the rest and thanks for the review

Reviewer: fyreburned Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/26/2008 - 09:41 pm Title: chapter 39

Had to go back and re-read a second time, just for grins, and 'cos you know I like this story so much! While reading your reviews, I felt the need to comment, that although you aren't completely following a day by day catalog of the lived of Buffy, William, et al, you are approximating through fiction the PACE of daily medieval life somewhat. I think this is something that that many readers might not have caught onto, especially with the original characterizations and feel of th BtVS 'verse being one of all-out action, martial arts speed with super-human feats, topped off with mind-boggling special-effects thrashing visual magickal spells, feats and battles, and ultimately always ending up with all-out knock-down drag-out fights, wars, battles and apocalyses (apocalypti???LOL) to end or save the world. Medieval life was just THAT---LIFE...sometimes raw, and rough, lean, poor, and sometimes slow and drawn out, work to do, day-in, day-out, as surely as the sun rose & fell or the seasons turned (unlife life in Florida, where we have no seasons...except hot and hotter...bleh---already wondering if we've silently slid off in a hell-dimension without being told!) Bread had to be baked constantly, and grain ground at mill to make it; seeds sown, nurtured and grown or people starved. Catastrophes or siege occured to disrupt daily tasks and cycles, and again people would starve. Game had to be hunted, fowl and farm animals fed and tended, slaughtered and all in slow, daily occuring tasks that cycled throughout the year like clockwork. Yes, there were market days, market towns, but nothing like supermarkets as we know them. For many, even the simplest thing was home-made or home-grown. Even militaristic action or war or martial acts of revenge, defense or violence were not necessarily the daily or constant occurrence as we think of them from action movies, the Discovery or Sci-Fi Channel.
When nothing untoward occurred, life was cyclical and paced, practically calendered to a "T"---the lambs were born the same time each year, excess animals, herds thinned each year at the same times, baby's births even boomed after long cold winters with longer colder nights....and before you know it, living such a paced life with only occasional upset to the plan, years would pass. And that done, I'll now step down off my soapbox, and return the pace to you!
Keep up the good work, Vara! You make us crave it and run each week to look for updates, and you make it joyful due to the special life's infusion you give the characters, places, tasks, and situations.
Thanks as always,

Author's Response: you got it. Buffy is figting for her world and her people every day. she keeps them fed and safe...and for little thanks. William is fighting for his soul. he is becoming a powerful and important man, but all that takes time. and unlike hollywood I won't have it happening over night. thank you so much for this review. it has renewed my faith in the story. I really hpoe you enjoy the rest

Reviewer: Im_bloody_English Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/22/2008 - 01:32 pm Title: chapter 39

Oooooo, Giles be smitten by a pagan vixen..... NICE! And that was sooooooooo hilarious with the dog licking William and him calling out Buffy, I seriously had a good chuckle over that one.

You seem to tame all the bitches, William,’ - LMFAO - the whole damn scene - and yes, he certainly can tame all the bitches - me included, giggles.

Really enjoyed the meeting and don't blame Ingamund one bit for his doubt, seems he needs to see proof. And it's good to hear William asking about Tara and especially Buffy. But now who will break the news to him that he's a father? Or will they simply leave the subject alone and let him discover for himself if that's what their Gods decide? FAB chapter sweety - you simply have to post again soon, it's getting really intriguing. Luv ya lots.

Author's Response: your review made my day. I was wondering if I had paced this right, someone else was complaining about the lack of pace...but you got it. more soon...and thank you so much for the review

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/21/2008 - 05:20 pm Title: chapter 39

Heh heh some lessons for Giles and not only that the people understand more Saxon than he thought ;-)
Ah poor William, the dream of Buffy was so real but the awakening was rather rude. *gg* I would have wished for him it was really her, that he won't see Buffy again when his daughter is marrying ;-) Hope he can claim his daughter as his soon.
Enjoyed your update :))

Author's Response: As soon as I wrote about the dog, it just had to happen, but there are reasons as well. glad you enjoyed. more soon

Reviewer: MrsP Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/21/2008 - 04:19 pm Title: chapter 39

I love your writing as I hope you'll have realised from my previous reviews so I hope that you'll take this as the constructive criticism that it's meant to be. I feel that it's time to move the plot along a bit faster. I'm not gone yet but you're starting to loose me. The descriptions are great but could we have a bit of action too?

Author's Response: sorry you are finnding this bit slow, but it is moving the story on, honest. spuffiness on its way....

Reviewer: fyreburned Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/21/2008 - 01:02 pm Title: chapter 39

Ahhhh, so glad to see and update from you! But they didn't tell William about Tara or Willow's families nor of Buffy's/his daughter! And such a prime opportunity. I thought that William told Tara's family that she was dead---(can't remember whether Giles knew the truth or not?) I keep hoping that Eirik or Ingimund is going to send for Buffy for some reason (without telling her why/that William is there)....
Thanks again, and more soon, please?

Author's Response: Eirik left straight after the wedding and wouldn't have known about the babies, and it was Tara's father that told the family she was dead., they wouldn't say much about Buffy, they are not her next of Kin..glad you enjoyed the update more soon

Reviewer: MidnightGirl Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/21/2008 - 12:30 pm Title: chapter 39

I enjoyed looking at things through Giles' eyes in this chapter, the scene with William, the dog and Giles was hilarious... lol! I also liked the William/Ingimund scene. Can't wait to find out how the rest of the negotiations go. Great update!
Congrats on the nom!!! :D

Author's Response: thanks for the review...and Glad you enjoyed it more soon

Reviewer: Dusty273 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/21/2008 - 03:50 am Title: chapter 39

Awww, he finally asked about Buffy. I wonder if anyone will let it slip about the baby. The bit with the dog was too funny! And I love how the negotiations have started, it was truly very interesting to see them deal. I'm looking forward to more!

Author's Response: yes he has asked about Buffy but they won't say too much, they can't its not thier place. more soon. glad you enjoyed and thanks for the review

Reviewer: Ariadne Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/21/2008 - 03:09 am Title: chapter 39

I hope everything goes well :) Looking forward to more, as always :) / Ariadne

Author's Response: thanks for the review, glad you enjoyed and more soon

Reviewer: Ariadne Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/21/2008 - 02:58 am Title: chapter 38

Lovely! Ingimund recognized William, that will make this so much easier, I guess. I liked the part about Buffy too :) Nordlys cries like a raven, she'll surely get all the attention *lol*

Author's Response: Oh yes, Nordlys will be spoilt, her mothers heir and William's child, really special in Buffy's eyes. more soon and thanks for the review

Reviewer: gdo Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/21/2008 - 02:22 am Title: chapter 39

hee, dog spit. Giles made a joke of it, which was good. I like Ingimund. At least he's not base.

Author's Response: poor William dreaming about Buffy and waking up to face full of wet fur! glad you enjoyed and more soon

Reviewer: THundercat Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/21/2008 - 02:12 am Title: chapter 39

Oh so short, but sweet nonetheless!

What a rude, crude awakening poor William had indeed. Poor baby.

Interesting that one of the women was fluent in Saxon ~ could she have started out in Ingimund's hall much as Tara and William did in Connor's?

Held my breath at the mention of Buffy, but I recall you saying that no one would dare mention the child. I vote for William and Buffy finally reuniting quite by surprise at the soon-to-be thriving market at Chester. Surely Buffy wouldn't let such an opportunity for profit pass by, and I feel that the success of the market will be much in William's hands and his granted estate will be near to there so he can keep an eye on things.

Speaking of the proposed market.... William does have quite a bit of verbal finessing to do in order to "sell" this idea to Ingumund. Not a small task to quell the many concerns of both nationalities involved, but I suspect he's up to the task!

Author's Response: Your vote is noticed, but I think you'll enjoy the twist even more!! glad you liked the update and there will be more soon

Reviewer: Nicka Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/20/2008 - 09:29 pm Title: chapter 39

Loved it but I still can't wait till there is more Spuffy interaction.

Author's Response: there will be spuffyness, I promise, but i am not cramming the story just to get to that point. glad you enjoyed and thanks for reviewing

Reviewer: Thundercat Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/18/2008 - 04:36 am Title: chapter 38

So thrilled to see an update on this! Thank you!

Cracked up upon reading Ingimund's outburst upon recognizing William ~ so funny!

Everything is all turvy topsy for poor Brother Giles, Godwin seems to have caught on quickly.

Author's Response: glad I made you laughed, I wanted William to make an impact and as the tamer of Buffy he would have..and Giles is in a world he almost couldn't understand. thanks for the review. more soon

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