Reviews For Quiet Summer
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Reviewer: SpikesGoddess Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/18/2008 - 06:21 pm Title: 24

Oh no! he didn't tell her it's his birthday! first forgetting the anniversary, and now she doesn't even know about his birthday! ahhhh! you are killing me so slowly here right now! lol! loved the chapter, thought it was so cute and great!

Author's Response: I am so happy you liked it!!! YAYYYYY! And don't worry, I don't do angst with this fic, everything will be resolved, including her finding out when his b-day is!

Reviewer: Ariadne Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/18/2008 - 05:45 pm Title: 24

His birthday? :) Nice :) Poor Willow and poor Xander ;) *giggles* So funny...

Author's Response: Yup, I guess that was more obvious than I thought ;-) Willow and Xander are such fun to write in this story. Glad you liked it, honey!

Reviewer: Im_bloody_English Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/18/2008 - 05:34 pm Title: 24

Willow was so funny in her insecurties, hee hee. Can't wait till anniversary night - oh yeah baby, reflections, *winks*. Bravo and as always, I'm at your servie. Luv u boo.

Author's Response: LOL! You are the best, honey! And you're just too funny *giggles* I can never thank you enough!

Love you!

Reviewer: marie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/18/2008 - 04:10 pm Title: 24

His Birthday! i think they definately need to celibrate! i love willow/xander. They're so cute.

Author's Response: LOL, you're right about his birthday, but it won't come into play for a while;-) Glad you liked it!

Reviewer: Heidi Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/18/2008 - 02:09 pm Title: 24

Wow those two really go at it ; )
Hope Willow and Xander figure out the 'ins and outs' of it all.
Can't wait for more!! : )

Author's Response: Oh, honey I'm so glad you're still with me! Hadn't heard from you in the last couple of chapters and thought you'd given up on this story! You made my day *grins profusely* Thank you!!!


Reviewer: Ariadne Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/15/2008 - 07:31 pm Title: 23

Amusing! :) Yeah, Xander could use some advice ;)

Author's Response: Happy to amuse you honey :D Poor Xander... lol!


Reviewer: cruella Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/15/2008 - 02:49 pm Title: 23

brilliant as always!!
luved the instructions spike gave to (innocent) xander :)
til next week.... lots of love :***

Author's Response: Thank you so much honey! I'm glad you still like it! Oh, and since you were that... verbal in your whining (lol) I'm sending you chocolate-covered-Spikes too! Only catch is: you have to share!

Love you to bits, *smooches*

Reviewer: serenity Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/14/2008 - 08:20 am Title: 23

Ok, just caught up...I've amended the problem with missing updates and placed this under favorites so I'll get a handy email. Yea me!

Loved the update, especially Xander's..uh, problem. Very funny. Looking forward to more!

Author's Response: QS is in your favorites list? Squeeeeeeee!!! Thank you so much, I'm sooo glad you like it, and there will be some more Willow/Xander problems in the next chapter!

More on Monday, *hugs*

Reviewer: SpikesGoddess Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/13/2008 - 03:39 pm Title: 23

Luved it! can't wait for the next one, which will hopefully be soon, *wags finger in face* anyway! aww! poor xander, like how Spike's helping him, and when do men ever remeber their anniversary and women dont? Oh, and i wish i had ur mind, the crazy stuff u come up with for sex is unbelievable! i think this is actually the longest review i have ever written, and its all for you! lol! hope it feeds ur muse enough

Author's Response: Glad you liked, honey! Next one will be on Monday. my muse may be in a coma, but he had the foresight to get me to write everything up to Ch. 27, so no delays there!

Oh, wait, the muse seems to me stirring a bit thanks to your review :D (and believe me, you don't wanna have my mind... cuz when your mind keeps making up stuff like that and there's no one to act it out with it becomes reallllllly frustrating! lol)

Thanks again, hun! *hugs*

Reviewer: Pyro63 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/12/2008 - 02:41 am Title: 23

Oh you're brilliant as usual. As if you didn't know!! I love how Xander got all scared when Willow tried to have sex with him. Sounds like Xander to me... and I LOVE this line. “Spike, I know my porn, alright? I just doubt Willow would appreciate being twisted into all those weird positions.” *Giggles* Priceless. That exactly what I needed. I hope your muse feels sufficiently placated, hun, because this was great!

Author's Response: *blushes* I'm not brilliant, and sorry about the whining. Had some problems with "Resolutions are for Suckers" (a not-so-good critique) and it's kinda brought me down
Some wonderful person (sadly I don't know who) nominated that same story at the Spuffy Awards the following day, so things have been looking up, but I'm still not 100% and needed some boosting!

Thank you so much for this, I'm glad you're still with me!


Reviewer: zombiegirl Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/12/2008 - 01:42 am Title: 23

Loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Author's Response: Hee... :D Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reviewer: Darkrivertempest Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/11/2008 - 11:47 pm Title: 23

Awww, Spike and Buffy helping Xander and Willow! Sorry I haven't reviewed until now...was very busy! But I LOVED the chapter...the conversation at the Espresso Pump was priceless! LMAO, I don't think my brother looked at his hand the same way when he asked one of his friends about 'Rosey and her 5 sisters.' Great update hun, keep it up! AND hey, you ARE my naughty twin.. :P

Author's Response: LMAO @ your brother!
Really glad you liked it honey, I kept thinking of how my cousin would tackle a similar situation to write Xander! lol
I hope you'll enjoy what comes next too (and no need to apologize, don't be silly, I know you wuv me :-P)

Luv ya!

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/11/2008 - 11:15 pm Title: 23

Huh? What can Xander want? *reads on*
Oh LOL.. poor one :) He has indeed something to make-up to Willow again :))
Looking forward to more like what Buffy will get Spike for the anniversary.

Author's Response: :D You will have to wait a bit for the actual anniversary (Darkrivertempest is making me evil :-P) but I hope you'll like what Spike has in mind!
Poor Xander... but things will work out for him!

Reviewer: lindsay Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/11/2008 - 10:04 pm Title: 23

i lol'd at Xanders predicament and loved the plans Spike set up. Oh, and of course Buffy HAS to buy something lol, wouldn't we all if Spike was taking us out for supper? Great read, cant wait for more. Oh, and Xan sqeaking is an image stuck in my head :)

Author's Response: lol@ the image of Xan squeaking stuck in your head!

I'm glad you liked it honey, and Spike has some plans for that night... including what he wants Buffy to wear :-)


Reviewer: my_perfect_muse Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/11/2008 - 09:17 pm Title: 23

So nice to have an update *grins* I really can't wait to see how their one-months turn out... and *giggle* poor Xander... it's not easy being a guy sometimes ;)

Author's Response: *nods* A teenage guy especially can have it real hard at times :D Good thing he can count on Spike, though.
Thanks for the review, honey


Reviewer: Im_bloody_English Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/11/2008 - 03:02 pm Title: 23

LMAO, I loved the talk Spike and Xander had, too funny. And all these neat little plans for their anniversary, hmmmmmmmm, sounds like Spike is up to something with his special request. I'm always here for you boo and any help that you need. Luv u, smoochies.

Author's Response: God, I love you! :D You are the best and I can never thank you enough... and yeah, keep wondering what Spike has in mind *chuckles*

*hugs you tight*

Reviewer: Sam Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/11/2008 - 10:09 am Title: 23

You can tell your muse that I loved it.

Author's Response: Both he and I thank you! *grins* He won't be getting the chance to come out and play for the next two weeks, but I'm sure this review will make him move his glorious ass and not let me down like he did this weekend!


Reviewer: jamies_lady Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/11/2008 - 08:24 am Title: 23

lovely, poor Xander..looking forward to more

Author's Response: *nods* I felt sorry for him too! Good thing Spike was there for him :-)
Glad you liked

Reviewer: Pet Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/11/2008 - 07:38 am Title: 23

Loved the chapter, as always! :)

Author's Response: Thank you so much honey *hugs you tight* And I know we hardly know each other, but I'm here if you want to talk.


Reviewer: quirks Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/09/2008 - 07:24 am Title: 22

it is now way WAY past my bedtime and i've just read 22 chapters in one sitting. this is just too good! the smut is blazing hot and the characterizations are fun. i hope to read more (much much more).

Author's Response: :D When I got out of bed this morning I was wondering why I woke up so early (being up at 9 on a Saturday morning is not my idea of normal, lol) It's now 10:23 am and I'm glad I'm still awake cuz I looooved your review! Hee!

My muse is being kind of reluctant lately, but you and PrettyGirlBPD have given it a nice kick in the butt!

I will have more for you this Monday, I'm really glad that you like it! 22 chapters in one sitting! WOW! Sorry it's past your bedtime, but I have to say squeeeeee!!! (and if I had a tail I'd be wagging it now!)


Reviewer: PrettyGirlBPD Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/09/2008 - 07:18 am Title: 22

Sorry it took me so long to review, RL decided to interfere with my Spuffy fic reading. Well, you already know the smut isn't scaring me away, in fact, I think it helps keep me reading! I really love the possessiveness of Spike but I adore their tender moments too. Don't worry so much about what your readers are thinking and be true to yourself and your fic the way you imagined it.

Author's Response: Honey, you can take as long to read as you want since your reviews always make me smile! I hope RL interfering means it's sooo good you don't get the time to log on your PC, and not that it's hectic (as mine is :P)

I am really glad that you like QS, smut and tenderness, and want you to know I more than appreciate your words.

As I said, I am not going to change anything about it (I have a complete outline and I'm sticking to it) but, since I've only been writing since Novemeber, I need con-crit to help me improve, and if readers are leaving because of a specific reason I just wanted to know that reason so that I could improve in the future.

Again, thank you so much for the review and for your encouragement,

*hugs you tight*

Reviewer: quirks Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/09/2008 - 06:15 am Title: 11

just found this story a little while ago and i've been reading non-stop! very, very hot! and willow is about to walk in! oh no! :D

Author's Response: :D I'm so glad that you found it and that you like it. Yup, poor Willow *winks*
I hope you like the rest of it as well!!


Reviewer: zombiegirl Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/05/2008 - 03:39 am Title: 22

Loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hot chapter.

Author's Response: Glad you did :D Thank you very much!!!

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/04/2008 - 09:16 pm Title: 22

Hot begin of the chapter and sweet and romantic later :) A good mix *smile* (And aren't Mondays always bad?) So this update makes it better.

Author's Response: Thank you sweetie! I'm glad you liked my 'Monday mix' ;-)
*hugs you tight*

Reviewer: lindsay Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/04/2008 - 09:16 pm Title: 22

tee hee, such a naughty chap... as per usual and i loved per usual !!
im desperate to find out how this is gonna play out lol, as soon as i see the msg for the update from you i fly to the site :)
hope more is coming soon

Author's Response: :D glad you still like it, honey! There will be more coming on Monday. As for how it will all play out... I just cannot stress out enough how much of a Spuffy gal I am :P

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