Reviews For A Loss Of Pride
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Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/25/2008 - 06:26 pm Title: Is It Progress?

Will try to find it (the more than meets the eyes).
Yeah, Spike underestimated Andrew's ability to keep a secret (or not). ~ So Buffy is at least now up to date with Spike's recent history.
Being in the wheelchair will give Spike a bit more freedom. I'm sure he'll appreciate it. And he did good on his own.

Author's Response: Yes although he dreaded it - it should give him a bit more self esteem! :) I'll be interested to see what you think when you get to that chapter! :) thakns for reviewing!! x

Reviewer: Spikesgrl43 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/25/2008 - 04:26 pm Title: Is It Progress?

Really love the story so far. Looking forward to the eventual reunion.
I've read several of your stories and have loved them all. Keep up the great work.

Author's Response: Hey there Spikesgrl43! Thanks so much for such a lovely review! you sure know how to make a girl grin! LOL! Glad you've liked my other stuff too - got ideas running away with me for the sequel to changing lives!! please keep letting me know! it's much appreciated! :)

Reviewer: Sotia Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/25/2008 - 11:58 am Title: Is It Progress?

Good to see Spike's spirits even slightly lifted! Can't wait for his next interaction with Buffy, please update soon!


Author's Response: Hi sotia!! I'm so pleased that i've got you hooked in!! *hugs* Won't keep you waiting too long! :)

Reviewer: Nicka Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/25/2008 - 06:57 am Title: Is It Progress?

Loved it, and I hope he and Buffy are together soon.

Author's Response: glad you liked it Nicka! Thanks for letting me know! :)

Reviewer: kw Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/25/2008 - 12:56 am Title: Rejection

good emotional chapter

Author's Response: Thanks!! Glad you liked it! :)

Reviewer: kamla Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/24/2008 - 01:43 am Title: Rejection

you killed my at the chapter title. poor spike, poor buffy!

Author's Response: thought that was a bit of a giveaway! lol thanks for reviewing!! :)

Reviewer: JO Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/24/2008 - 12:05 am Title: Rejection

Come on Mabel , he;s got to see her again , and soon , he's got to know he's not alone in this and that she DOES LOVE HIM. Don't let him go through this without her now, or i'll have to get on a plane and come see you, Tee Hee, there goes that violent streak again. This chapter was fantastic kiddo, I had tears in my eyes, so emotionally charged . Guess what? I like Moira, can you believe it ? I see her as a good staunch ally for buffy. Update again soon , ok.

Author's Response: good job i was sitting down when you said that you liked Moira!!! Tee hee!! I'm sending you a few dollars towards the airfare!! So glad you liked the chapter, won't kkep you waiting loon! Thanks for reviewing -always appreciated! :)

Author's Response: oops need a beta for my responses now!! the words were keep and long - i'm the loon!! LOL!!

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/23/2008 - 08:36 pm Title: Rejection

Oh I'm reading, I'm just late sometimes.
Spike seems to believe Buffy knew that he was alive but Andrew didn't tell her. No wonder he is hurt.
But he hurt Buffy too. Poor one, he didn't let Buffy tell her own version of the story.
Looking forward to more (to the more than meets the eye too = your answer).

Author's Response: I look forward to your reviews! Talking of eyes there's a bit coming up in a couple of chapters i think that you might notice!! :)

Reviewer: Sotia Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/23/2008 - 06:02 pm Title: Rejection

I knew it! I knew how that stupid, proud ex-vampire would react!!! I only hope Buffy doesn't give up, cuz she's not exactly known for her perseverance in safeguarding her personal life when her heart is at risk!!!

Can't wait for more, honey, really loving this!

Author's Response: thanks so much for saying you love it! really appreciate it! *big grin* xx

Reviewer: k Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/23/2008 - 05:38 pm Title: Rejection

aw... poor buffy :( Hope Spike learns the truth soon!

Author's Response: it's tough on both of them right now!! :) thakns for taking the time to review :)

Reviewer: scaryscouse Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/23/2008 - 05:06 pm Title: Rejection

such a good story, really lovin it right now

Author's Response: Hi there scaryscouse! Thanks for taking the time to let me know that you're loving it! :)

Reviewer: Nicka Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/23/2008 - 03:41 pm Title: Rejection

Damn Andrew for not being a gossip for once. Loved it and I can't wait for more.

Author's Response: I couldn't resist putting that in cos in series i couldn't believe hadn't told her !! LOL!! thanks for reviewing!! :)

Reviewer: kamla Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/23/2008 - 01:17 am Title: Rosedene House

oh this shaping up to be my new check the website everyday story! I know that Buffy is in for a crabby Spike. I hope she's prepared. I love this story.

Author's Response: Wow Kamla! thank you so much! I can't promise daily updates but I'll try my best!! thanks for letting me know you love it! It makes my day!! :)

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/22/2008 - 11:05 pm Title: Rosedene House

Hard for Spike to be under (how he called it) other cripples. He's depressed enough already.
At last Buffy knows now more. But bad news the his injuries could be permanent even if the other don't know yet. But meeting Buffy again? I hope she won't give up if Spike hurt her again (thinking he doesn't want her).

Author's Response: spike is definately sinking in to depression bless him. He thinks Angel's just abandoned him too! thanks for reviewiing - it means a lot that you're reading!! :)

Reviewer: serinah Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/22/2008 - 07:59 pm Title: Rosedene House

oh god, i hurt for spike. it's so painful to read and yet i can't stop. why isn't there at least 5 chapters out yet?! you sadistic writer! oh poor me! *whailing for spike now* please update.

Author's Response: And there was me thinking that i was being pretty quick at the old updates!! Will post as quickly as i can i promise!!! Thanks for reviewing and sorry that I'm torturing you!! (well a little bit of me is pleased *grins evilly* LOL!!

Reviewer: puska Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/22/2008 - 06:03 am Title: Rosedene House

ooh. I just found this. Cant wait till Buffy see's Spike. Great stuff!

Author's Response: Hi puska! Welcome aboard!! and thanks for letting me know!! Won't keep you waiting too long! :)

Reviewer: Nicka Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/22/2008 - 05:24 am Title: Rosedene House

Loved it but just one question, what did she say she was to spike in order to get the info. Loved it and more please soon.

Author's Response: Hi Nicka!!Yes didn't make that totally clear sorry - it was clear in my head!! LOL!! I did say she'd used Angel's name and he had contacted the hospital before she arrived, as next of kin he could give permission. for her to be told - sorry I didn't write it properly - a little editting me thinks!! thanks!! :)

Reviewer: Francine Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/22/2008 - 03:02 am Title: Rosedene House

Ooooo, so close now. You have to hurry up with the next chapter, I don't think I can wait.

Author's Response: Hi francine, won't keep you waiting too long i promise!! Thanks for reviewing :)

Reviewer: Roxy Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/22/2008 - 12:05 am Title: Rosedene House

ARGH noo! you gotta give us more than that! Eaaahh, I'm dying here! ...*pout* I'm so impatient...Man I hope you update soon, I can't wait for Buffy and Spike to finally meet! Ooh poor Spike it's so bad for him...that stupid rehabilitation place, places like that er meant to be like 'homey' or whatever, but they're just all sterile and depressing and unpersonal and stuff...*sigh* I hope Buffy'll cheer him up...or maybe at first she'll just depress him more, because he doesn't want her to see him all weak and broken and stuff. hm hm...
I can't wait for mooooooore! love it!

Author's Response: Hi Roxy - i do love your reviews!!! You know by now that I'm a pretty quick updater once i get a story going and i'm thinking you know how my mind works too!! LOL!!! :)

Reviewer: JO Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/21/2008 - 09:47 pm Title: Rosedene House

O this reunion isn't going to go well , is it? Spike's gonna be ornery and abusive and hopefully Buffy will overlook it and stick by him, You probably know by now that I like guessing at what will happen next, i do it all the time. Update again soon , i need more.

Author's Response: I like you guessing!!! Thanks for the review my cheerleader pal you!! Won't keep you waiting too long!! :) oh and on the reunion thing.....

Reviewer: aoife Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/21/2008 - 09:47 pm Title: Rosedene House

Oh wow, i leave for a while and you finish changing lives and start a whole new story without me! i'm very insulted =P

This is great (as was changing lives, i will go back and review when i get the chance), can't wait for more!

Author's Response: hi there!! Welcome aboard!! Glad you like - would love it if you do go back to review!! :) Won't keep you waiting too long I promise!! :)

Reviewer: Sotia Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/21/2008 - 09:47 pm Title: Rosedene House

But he's going to get better, isn't he?? Please make it better!!! *bats eyelashes*

Buffy seems determined to be with him, but I'm really afraid he's gonna think it's out of pity!

*pouts* I want mooore!!!


Author's Response: Your fluttering eyelashes are doing the trick! LOL!! I will mend him i promise!! :) xxx

Reviewer: Michelle D. Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/21/2008 - 02:35 pm Title: Crossed Wires

I'm excited to see a new update, but there's a little bit of dread mixed in. I'm always thinking - what is she going to do with poor Spike and Buffy in this chapter? I'm glad you gave Spike some hope.

Anxiously awaiting the next update!

Author's Response: I am so mean i know!! But i promise you there will be happy times - just can't say quite when!! LOL!! Won't keep you waiting too long!! :) Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/21/2008 - 02:07 pm Title: Crossed Wires

Oh my, Buffy better had called, huh? That would have saved Angel the trip *gg*.
If it wasn't for that reason it was almost fun to see Angel and Buffy miss the phone.
At last there is hope again for Spike. If he is better maybe he'll react better for seeing Buffy again :))

Author's Response: Now we just need them to find out where the each other are! :) Thanks for reviewing :)

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/21/2008 - 01:58 pm Title: He Needs You, Buffy

Good for Dawn to gave Buffy the right 'kick' to fly to Spike now. Even if he won't like that, ill that he is.

Author's Response: Bout time someone told Buffy what to do!! :) Thanks for reviewing.

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