Reviews For Speak Now
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Reviewer: scaryscouse Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/04/2008 - 10:07 pm Title: “Want to let go with me?"

likin' this-its romantic and sappy and fun. just wondering what Buffy will be like when reality strikes and what will happen if her family or fiance find her with Spike

Author's Response: Thanks, scaryspouse! Definitely wanted this to be a fun fic. Reality won't strike for a bit, but when it will I can't guarantee it will be pretty...

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/04/2008 - 10:00 pm Title: “Want to let go with me?"

Awe, Spike is falling hard for Buffy :)
And Buffy isn't unaffected either.
Love how supportive Spike is for Buffy, wanting her to make decision for herself.

Author's Response: Definitely some mutual falling going on...and coming from a place of honesty and caring, not selfishness. Thanks for reviewing, cordykitten!

Reviewer: BreathesStory Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/04/2008 - 01:41 pm Title: "What are we toasting?"

I'd definitely like to see more of this story. I like how naturally the interactions between the characters flow from the initial set up.

Just for me I'm kind of wondering how long a story this will eventually be since it still feels like it's in the introduction phase. A lovely introduction of course, but really not much has happened yet, and since a story is about what happens... Well, I am just eager to see what the point will be. Hopefully something original and not cliche.

Once I can predict what's going to happen next I get bored and stop reading--because what's the point? I read somewhere once that the art of telling a story consists of giving the audience what they want without giving it to them in any predictable way. Or something like that.

You have great dialog instincts by the way. The people sound TRUE.

So...suprise me. Give it to me good.

Author's Response: Definitely agree that a predictable story is an uninteresting story--why read if it's just confirming what's already in your imagination? Hopefully I can surprise you, while retaining the same elements you already like about the story. Thanks for your comments on my dialogue and characterization, those are the elements I work the hardest at so I'm glad to hear it's paying off. Hope I continue to entertain, and maybe surprise if I can.

Reviewer: Evelyn Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/04/2008 - 07:04 am Title: "What are we toasting?"

Awesome start. I'm really enjoying where you're taking this. This is a completely unique and interesting way for Buffy and Spike to meet and thus far, the characterization and voice are great. Please update soon! You rock my world.

Author's Response: Thanks, Evelyn! Glad to hear you think the story is unique, pretty much the best compliment I can receive. Thanks so so much for the sweet review!

Reviewer: djonie Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/02/2008 - 07:25 am Title: "What are we toasting?"

Love it! Great plot, fantastic characterisation (love your spike!), can't wait to read more!

Author's Response: Thanks, djonie! This particular Spike is so fun to write, but definitely makes me want one of my own! Sigh.

Reviewer: Rakkle Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/02/2008 - 01:06 am Title: "What are we toasting?"

Glad to see more of 20 questions - loved Buffy's response to the whole Cecily situation.
Enjoying drunk giggly Buffy much more than if she was all mopey.
Very much looking forward to 'the story'. Hope she's able to make some true friends out of this rather than just having nowhere else to turn when dealing with the fall out.
Sort of reminds me of the first episode of FRIENDS, the idea that she might get true and lasting relationships out of this rather than it being an any port in a storm situation.
Best of lucking settling in in the new place, I for one will be waiting patiently for the next update.

Author's Response: Mopey drunks are no fun at all, but giggly Buffy is just too fun to write! Hadn't even though of the "Friends" connection, but you're right, there's definitely a similar theme going on. So glad you're liking it, Rakkle!

Reviewer: Brunettepet Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 04/01/2008 - 05:46 pm Title: "What are we toasting?"

The alcohol fueled heat building between Spike and Buffy is very entertaining, and I'm enjoying her opening. Her upbringing sounds oppressive, and the idea of her marriage to Angel being nearly arranged is intriguing. Buffy won't be able to wriggle free from her family and Angel easily.

I'm loving this brassy, opne Faith. This made me laugh: “I’m classy, what can I say! Now drink up, B, and then I want to hear your story.” Yeah, she's loaded with class!

Author's Response: You're dead on, Buffy's family and lifestyle aren't going to be that easy to wrangle free from. I'm happy the chemistry between the pair is sizzling for you, and so glad you like my Faith! She's a classy broad for sure. :) Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: Sam Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/31/2008 - 07:40 am Title: "What are we toasting?"

Love this story and these are good questions, giving an excellent insight into Spike and Buffy's history. I am really looking forward to your next update - can't wait. Fab chapter.

Author's Response: Thanks, Sam! They're definitely bringing out the good questions, no boring, "Do you have any pets?" At least, not yet, who knows if they'll run out of topics. :) So glad you're loving it!

Reviewer: Heidi Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/31/2008 - 05:04 am Title: "What are we toasting?"

Oooh this is just plain old ENJOYABLE!!

Spike and Buffy are really opening up which gives me a real jolly! It gives such an excellent background on both our heroes. Good questions too.

And Spikes appartment is only a few meters away you say? *hopeful smirk*

Hope you update soon!

Have a good flight!

Author's Response: Thanks for the review and the well wishes! So glad you're finding the story so enjoyable. Yes, yes, Spike's bedroom is just a short walk away. *wink* I have no ulterior motives for that decision. None. At. All. Update as soon as I can, thanks so much for all your support Heidi!

Reviewer: sanityfair Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/31/2008 - 02:02 am Title: "What are we toasting?"

Great update! Looking forward to the next. Safe trip!

Author's Response: Thanks, sanityfair! Glad you're excited for more, I'll give it to you soon.

Reviewer: Shadowsbabe Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/30/2008 - 11:21 pm Title: "What are we toasting?"

I love watching the way Spike is trying to get to the core of Buffy. And trying at the same time to make her see that she is stronger than she knows.

Author's Response: So true. He's definitely seeing something within her she can't see herself, and his gentle nudging is going to do far more for her than her family ever did.

Reviewer: synomonous Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/30/2008 - 05:19 pm Title: "What are we toasting?"

squeee you updated this one too!!! that makes me really happy!!! good chapter!!!

Author's Response: I'm so glad I made you happy, and that you enjoyed the chapter! Thanks muchly for reviewing.

Reviewer: Im_bloody_English Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/30/2008 - 02:50 pm Title: "What are we toasting?"

Now that my houseguests are gone, I'm catching up on reading and reviewing. I loved these last two chapters. I mean, really, Spike didn't have to spend that much time with her at all, and yet two strangers managed to find something they like about eachother in the process. And yay - love an automatic possessive Spike. More soon please sweety. Hugs you tight.

Author's Response: Glad to have you back, hope you had fun with your houseguests! Spike is definitely going far above and beyond any sort of call of duty, and the connection between the two will definitely keep getting stronger. Possessive Spike is Hot Spike, at least to me. :) So glad youre enjoying, IBE, more ASAP! Hugs!

Reviewer: Pet Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/30/2008 - 09:53 am Title: "What are we toasting?"

I love the way Spike and Buffy are slowly getting to know each other with the questions. I can't wait for more of this story, I'm so hooked! :)

Author's Response: 20 Questions is definitely a great way to get to know someone, without all those awkward pauses like on a first date. So happy I've hooked you, Pet, thanks so much for the feedback!

Reviewer: pixiecorn Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/30/2008 - 07:45 am Title: "What are we toasting?"

haha i'm loving it.... a drunk buffy is always a funny buffy and i can't wat to see what happens in the next few chapters to come:).... i hope you update again soon

Author's Response: Thanks so much, pixiecorn, glad you're enjoying! Drunk!Buffy is definitely entertaining, hopefully her antics amuse! Update as soon as I can!

Reviewer: GoldenUsagi Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/30/2008 - 07:36 am Title: "What are we toasting?"

Still loving it! Buffy is settling in very nicely with her new friends... I was surprised at first that it was Faith and not Anya with Xander, though. Nice to see Faith and Xander, they definitely could work, especially without all that "she tried to kill him and is evil" baggage. :)

Author's Response: Yay, glad you're still loving! Buffy is definitely fitting in seamlessly with this crowd, despite their vastly different life experiences. Yeah, once you get rid of Faith's, well, psychosis, she's a pretty fun chick, yeah? Thanks so much for reviewing!

Reviewer: Maia Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/30/2008 - 03:39 am Title: "What are we toasting?"

I really can't get over how much I am enjoying this story! Spike and Buffy certainly do seem to be getting close, and things can only get more interesting with alcohol involved!

YAY! Please update soon!

Author's Response: I'm so happy you're enjoying it so much! Alcohol is definitely, what's the phrase, a social lubricant? They'll start to relax even more around each other and that's allllways fun. :) Updating as soon as I can, thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Nicka Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/30/2008 - 02:57 am Title: "What are we toasting?"

I do love this story though I want more 20 questions.

Author's Response: Definitely more 20 questions over the course of the night, they have lots to learn about each other. Glad you love it, thanks for the review Nicka!

Reviewer: Dee81 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/30/2008 - 02:02 am Title: "What are we toasting?"

Hee, what a fun read. I'm looking forward to hearing Buffy's story. And of course for your next update :)

Author's Response: Thanks, Dee81! Glad you're having fun, 'cause I certainly am.

Reviewer: hotlipedjen Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/30/2008 - 01:30 am Title: "What are we toasting?"

I do want to hear the story but I'm afraid of where this is heading (the morning after) and the angst if it's not good......

Author's Response: There's a bit of a bumpy road ahead, but don't worry, the angst isn't too much to deal with, or at least I hope not. They at least have a few more hours of fun togethr before the sun comes up, don't worry about it till then. :) Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Maddy Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/30/2008 - 12:49 am Title: "What are we toasting?"

Beautiful. I'm enjoying this story more and more. Well done.

Author's Response: Thanks so very much, Maddy! So glad you're enjoying it!

Reviewer: Mark Evans Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/29/2008 - 11:42 pm Title: "What are we toasting?"

Whenever I see that you've updated, it brings a smile to my face :D . I loved this chapter, and I love the pace of the story. I can't wait for the next installment.

Author's Response: Oh, I'm so glad I can make you smile! Good to hear the pace is working for you, I was afraid it might be too slow for some people. Next installment as soon as I possibly can. Thanks so much for your feedback, Mark!

Reviewer: Cas Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/29/2008 - 10:52 pm Title: "What are we toasting?"

First I thought she might get too drunk, do the wild thing, and then blame Spike for it. Now I'm thinking Spike's gonna have one sick Buffy on his hands.

Author's Response: She'll be okay on both fronts, just has to slow down a bit on the drinking and maybe get some food in her. Sick Buffy would NOT be fun, as we all know!

Reviewer: Francine Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/29/2008 - 10:43 pm Title: "What are we toasting?"

I don't know how many questions each have, but I can't wait to hear more. I smell big trouble now that we know Hank works for Angel's dad. Don't suppose Buffy leaving his son at the alter is going to go over to well with the old man. I look forward to more of this story when you get a chance to settle in. Good luck on your adventure.

Author's Response: They both still have plenty of questions to go, the night is far from over! Definitely trouble brewing with the business connection between Buffy and Angel's families, not good for her. Hopefully internet is easy to come by once I get moved in, can't wait to hear what you think of what's to come! Thanks for the well wishes and the review!

Reviewer: letitia Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 03/29/2008 - 09:46 pm Title: "What are we toasting?"

This is something that Buffy really needed. I really do hope that she can let loose to see what is really out there. She mad ea decision to leave the wedding, now she has a chance to really look at things. Playing 20 questions is going to be great for her. And really what is Spike going to do once the night is over?

Author's Response: Good points, all. Buffy definitely needs a night of no responsibilities and no regrets, but when the night's over it's definitely up in the air as to what will happen. Well, not to me, but to the characters. :) Thanks for reviewing, letitia!

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