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Reviewer: jamies_lady Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/06/2007 - 08:55 pm Title: Chapter 2. Constructivism

wonderful, you fulfilled the promise of the first chapter. looking forward to number three. love the speed you're taking the story. would love to see riley's face when his credit card bill arrives:)
like the idea of a few trusted humans...sort of carpathian.

Author's Response: Thank you for your lovely words, sweetie, I'm very relieved to read that you're still enjoying. : D

Reviewer: Pam S Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/06/2007 - 08:38 pm Title: Chapter 2. Constructivism

Enjoyed.. and Spike has a thrall. Poor Riley-literally.

Author's Response: Hee, yes, poor Riley. Maybe I should have warned all of you that there'd be Riley-bashing in this story? *lol* Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: Aidan Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/06/2007 - 08:10 pm Title: Chapter 2. Constructivism

Oh thank god. I am soo happy you updated. this is a great story. i LOVE the mystery. its great. i only hope for another update soon.

Author's Response: Hee, thank you for your lovely comment, Aidan! :D

Reviewer: Jin Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06/06/2007 - 07:35 pm Title: Chapter 2. Constructivism

I was so excited when I saw this had updated! And you didn't disappoint. ;)

“Good night, my sweet girl. Don’t forget me, I know I shan’t forget you.”

Awwwww! Really good chapter. I'm excited to see what Spike is planning. =)

Author's Response: Thank you, Jin! I'm so glad (and relieved) I didn't disappoint you. :D

I so love that line, too. *sighs*

You'll find out what he'd planning very soon. ;)

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