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Reviewer: MadBrillianT Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 01/20/2007 - 08:29 pm Title: Chapter Forty-One


Reviewer: BuffyRat Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/15/2006 - 04:17 am Title: Chapter Forty-One

Poor alcoholic Spike. Maybe he can't see what's happening, but maybe, if they actually talk about it they can figure it out together. And as gut wrenching as it is, I love Spike thinking that maybe she did leave him and he didn't notice for two days. Such a man... Loved this chapter and I love this story and anyone who can read this story and not completely love it is crazy. Thank you so much for creating such an amazing work of fiction.

Reviewer: Dirktavian Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/13/2006 - 07:39 am Title: Chapter Forty-One

I appreciate the way you have Oz giving sage advice to Spike. At least with Spike willing to communicate, they can work through a lot of their stuff. I also like how Joyce is reaching out to Buffy. With the pressure off in a couple of areas, I have faith that despite the angst, they'll conquer their "stuff" together. And Spike, my boy-- don't you know it's never a good sign when you "need" a drink. Only drink when you "want" a drink, but don't need it! I think everyone will be jumping back on the "hooray" band-wagon. You did a nice job of keeping the tone a little lighter, while not magically resolving all of the foils to their relationship. Now if Spike can gather his courage and tell Buffy about how his insecurities are fueling his behavior-- Good work. I'm glad you came back so strong in this chapter-- Don't let any feedback get you down. I understand your need to defend your "baby," but trust me, the work speaks for itself. No defense needed!

Reviewer: Lili Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/13/2006 - 05:13 am Title: Chapter Forty-One

Wonderful chapter !! Full of angst ! I LOVE LOVE LOVE angst !
Spike is drinking again ? neat !
Maybe he's going to cheat on Buffy too?

This is REAL LIFE stuff ! Depressing and heart-breaking !
Exactly what I'm looking for !

Reviewer: Amanda Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/13/2006 - 04:39 am Title: Chapter Forty-One

Is it wrong to feel bad for spike right now? I mean I got back and forth between the two but ugh, spike is just so down right now.

Reviewer: MARGARET Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/12/2006 - 10:24 pm Title: Chapter Forty-One


Reviewer: Wolfspider Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/12/2006 - 09:27 pm Title: Chapter Forty-One

I LOVE YA ADDIE!!!!!!!!!!!! you rock. Ok this was AS ALWAYS a fantastic chapter. I can't constructively critise you because, I a shelp when it comes to any of the things Nia mentioned as being constructive. I am so sorry that people with their big fat brains,can't handle having ANGST in a story. You are the Queen of Angst and NO ONE will take that title from you and it is one that I admire about your work .
I could go on about damn awesome a writer you are and how this story speaks volumes and bring reality to a serious smack in the face. If people can't deal with reality,go watch reality TV,because that is ALL real. or wait they could go read FICTION!!!!!!!!! but I bet it will have too much ANGST in it..

Enough of my banter

You worked this chapter well. Spike in a stupor again,.Buffy not sure which way to handle this. Buffy thinking to try to work things out with her mom,that is progress. It's not going to be easy at all. GO Oz speaking out to Spike. Well done with his character. OMG does Buffy know Spike or what? I mean really that was fantastic. BRING ON THE ANGST your highness. Though I have a feeling things are going to get much worse before they get better. Oh Wait isn't that sometimes how LIFE IS????????

YOU ROCK!!!!!!!! keep writing

Reviewer: Ar-Feiniel Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/12/2006 - 06:59 pm Title: Chapter Forty-One

This whole talk about angst got me thinking for a while, so here it goes again:
This discussion is piontless cause it's not about the quality of the story but about turn of events.It makes me crazy when people mix it together. It's exactly the same thing with Buffy tv show. People were constantly bitching about how it was worse after 3th season and what happend after 5th - that wasn't "Buffy" anymore.
Bollocks! Sure "Buffy" got darker and quite angsty but it was sill our beloved tv show! We got some adult themes to deal with and that was real to me.In fact, three last seasons of Buffy are the most valuable, cause they show that Buffy isn't only about kicking ass & making jokes, but that it's about real & often very scary life. I've always had the problem with people saying things like: "They killed such and such character!", "They almost let one person rape another!", "OMG! That's SM!", "Nooo,those characters were mean to each other!" and the conclusion is "They did so many BAD,BAD THINGS. Everybody is in a really DARK,DARK PLACE! This show SUCKS!"
Many things and themes in "Buffy" were not easy to deal for us,viewers, I get that. But we can't say that because it was harsh sometimes - its quality was down. Angst is harder to handle,it makes us face our own problems, fears, demons (!) and a lot of people don't want that. But this is what makes a tv show powerful, same goes to fanfiction.I'm not saying that heavy angst always has to be there, but a little of realism is OK, really! Otherwise, we'll get some fairy tale a'la Disney, which gets really quickly,really boring.

Author's Response: Thank you. You've summed up very nicely what I was really trying to say all along. Comments about the overall quality of the fic I can see, but it's just the general "I don't like angst" that doesn't sit well with me, and this puts it in very nice terms why. Personally, I like to deal with darker things in my writing sometimes--I feel like it's one way I can express myself. I know some readers enjoy reading that sort of story as well, and I welcome them to read it. Others don't, so I've warned them about angst and suggested they may not want to read this story if they don't like it. It's crazy that that got turned into this.

Reviewer: Lilly Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/12/2006 - 05:34 pm Title: Chapter Forty-One

Oh dear... Now I'm really worried. ( I wish I knew how to write in italics here..) This is a definite sign for an alcohol issue. Spike "needs" a drink...

Apart from that, I have some things to say. I wondered about adding something concerning this author/reader issue here, but as there are always two sides of the story and everybody has their own opinion and with the main thing that this area is a review area for the STORY, I decided not to do it. So to the chapter:
It was, again, a great one. Going for a walk, maybe into a café, is exactly what I would do myself if I needed a free mind. These missings, when they don't meet each other, were very skilled handled, and I think a bit space between them is just what they are needing right now.

I understand Buffy's worries concerning her mother and this complicated relationship, and I wonder what she will do when she finds out that her boyfriend is on the best way to become an alcohol abuser. Not an easy time for Buffy... I'm looking forward to the next chapter!

Author's Response: Thanks for keeping the subject of the review to the story itself. This is really what I'd prefer, and I hope it can get back to this now.

Also, if you want to italicize something here, you use these < i > < / i > around the word, just without the spaces between the characters.

Reviewer: Ar-Feiniel Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/12/2006 - 05:24 pm Title: Chapter Forty-One

Hey, Addie, don't stop the angst! I love it! This way the happy ending (I hope we'll get there eventually;) isn't cheap or too easy, but it's something that has to be fought for. And frankly speaking, I've read a fair share of angsty stories, and I can say for certain that this is quite a light fic in comaprison with them. So all the complaining readers should stop bitching and start enjoying well written piece of prose;)

Reviewer: Stephanie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/12/2006 - 04:55 pm Title: Chapter Forty-One

I have one thing to say, Addie. You write, I read. If I wanted a story to be the way I though it should be then I'd write it myself.

Now, I'm gonna do something novel and actually comment on the content of the chapter. I love how Buffy can read the situation. Spike would have automatically jumped to the wrong concluson (still not sure if he didn't jump to that conclusion). I'm thinking that Spike needs some help though. Taking up residence in the bottle is never a good thing. Hopefully he'll recognize that. Buffy and Joyce for a whole weekend? Seems like a disaster. I'm hoping I'm wrong about that cause then Buffy will feel guilty.

Thanks for the lovely chapter Addie (see how mature and nuetral I am when I really think those laying in to you are morons?). Can't wait for the next update

Author's Response: Thank you so much. I appreciate the maturity and keeping it to the topic of the actual chapter.

Spike definitely does need some help. He's being a moron. But hey, people don't always do what they should, even in ficiton. lol

Reviewer: Pamy Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/12/2006 - 04:36 pm Title: Chapter Forty-One

So now there's a kerfuffle because someone has an opinion and talked about it ?

What's this world coming to?

I' m sad that you took what Caroline ( or others ) said as some sort of personal insult against your work, or yourself.
It wasn't.

Putting a warning of Angst in a story doesn't mean that we will like each and every development made.

I'm not happy to see Spike becoming an alcoholic.
He has no reason to do , he 's not that weak.
( According to me , but not according to you , I get it )

That doesn't mean that I will stop enjoying this great story.

Author's Response: I didn't want a kerfluffle. I didn't take anything personally until people started leaving second reviews telling me how to behave, and yeah, I took that personally. Anyone would, seeing as they were about me as a person and all.

All I have asked is that people don't complain about this story being too angsty, because after 40 chapters, I'm really tired of it. I know, I'm writing it anyway, people can deal with it.

Spike does, in my opinion, have reasons to turn to drinking. In all honesty, he often did on the show as well. However, I have no intention of turning him into someone who's living in a cardboard box unable to function without another drink or something like that. He is strong, and it is something he can deal with--as the story progresses.

I don't expect people to like every development made. I haven't asked anyone to do that. I've simply asked that reviews that amount to "This is too much angst. I don't like it" stop. That's all. Your review, I have no problem with at all. I explained my point of view on the subject and where I'm coming from as a writer. You can agree or disagree, that's fine. I've gotten plenty of reviews in the past where people have not liked a development. Fine. It's just general angst complaints I don't want to see anymore.

I responded to Caroline's the way I did both because it was after I got several other reviews about angst and because I disagree with her. She gave her gut reaction and I gave mine.

What I really want now is for people to just stick to reading the story and commenting on the story's plot points, not my personality, how I handle reviews, or the genre itself of the story. None of that is going to change.

Reviewer: gimli Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/12/2006 - 04:21 pm Title: Chapter Forty-One


Since you've felt free to correct everyone else on what concrit "really" is, let me correct you right back. I'll keep it short and to the point: you're wrong. Or at the least, you're guilty of taking your own opinion and making a hard and fast rule about it. I want to post this publicly because that comment deserves a public response.

I'm sorry, but good concrit is most definitely *not* based only on hard and fast grammatical rules, and your saying so doesn't make it true. An important thing to remember is that this is fanfiction, and so things like characterization and knowledge of the source material are hugely important. Good concrit can and should include issues like characterization, as well as any other story-telling elements. In the more general sense, this is a reviewing section, not a concrit section. (See the little label at the top?) The author is not allowed to dictate the type of respose he/she gets.

I'm trying to be as polite as possible, but frankly, Niamh, you don't have the right to decide for other people what is "concrit" and what is "personal attack" based on your extremely narrow definition. That's not the way the real world works.

Author's Response: AHHHHHHHH! Can we just stop this? God people, knock it off. Either you like the story or you don't. I asked for complaints to please stop, and it turned into some kind of freaking war. I just want the drama over. So end it, everyone. If you've got something to say about the way I handle reviews, email me. Otherwise, just stop. I can't take any more of this.

Furthermore, there has been very little--if any--concrit involved in any of this. It's been 'I don't like angst, and if Addie says anything, I'm going to jump all over her and attack her personally." And yes, when you move away from anything about the story at all and go after me and my personal choices, it's a personal attack. So just stop it.

Reviewer: Miriam Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/12/2006 - 03:48 pm Title: Chapter Forty-One

Drama queen!

Author's Response: Me or one of the characters? Because I can assure you, the last thing I want in my life right now is more drama.

Reviewer: Niamh Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/12/2006 - 03:01 pm Title: Chapter Forty-One

Perhaps a little lesson in diplomacy and definition of word usage is being called for herein. I've read some of the reviews and, for the most part they are nicely worded reviews. However, I think there are some deeper issues that aren't being touched upon. First of all -- and this is very important. Constructive criticism does not consist of one wond reviews; nor does it consist of "I don't like it" followed by a reason. Constructive criticism is, was, and always will be based upon grammar, usage, dialectics, style and other hard and fast grammatical laws. Personal opinion is kept out of constructive criticism -- why? Because personal opinions are subjective. To effectively criticisize one must be personally removed from tthe equation. Not personally invested. The second "I don't like" is introduced into the criticism, it becomes personal. And can be construed as an attack on the person presenting the work -- and that is something that seems to be getting lost in the kerfluffle.

I have remained neutral in this discussion, haven't commented at all, however, I felt the need to straighten out that misconception.

What various reviewers are doing here, and by no means do I mean all of you, but there are enough to warrant an intervention.; however, this is my opinion and take it as such -- if you have a problem with this feel free to contact me, but I know you won't because its much easier to incite a mob mentality than it is to face someone one on one. -- telling someone you don't like their work is personal. Telling someone you donl't appreciate their defense of their work is personal. Telling someone you don't think they have a right to defend their work is personal. Giving them hard and fast reasons why stylisticallly or grammatically their work is inconsistent, error ridden and full of grammatical mistakes is not personal., and by the way, is constructive.

If you can't understand or need further clarification on the differences between onstructive criticism and personal attacks, I'll be more than happy to elaborate. If you want to do it on a public forum, I can give you plenty. If you want to use private means, that's fine with me. My email address is readily available on the author's page. Feel free to use it. Directling any flames or further vitriol at Addie will not be productive and will just prove my statement about mob mentality


Reviewer: kirra Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/12/2006 - 12:58 pm Title: Chapter Forty-One

Don't worry, I may not go along your wish about second reviews, but I can assure you, it will be at least the last one and I won't discuss with you further the others points you made.
No, I won't email you, nor will I give you my email address and you're free to think whatever you wish to about it. I don't see a point in doing so, there are tons of email adrress' providers, that would allowed me to have a dozens of emails with names that didn't have to be my real, so I really don't see how it would change the anonymity. I give my adrress to people I want to discuss things outside the board I have met them nor things that could be solved on the board or via pm's.
You may think it's coward, that's your choice, I can think that coward is posting reviews like my last one behind the eyes of others, even though the misunderstandment was caused by something written here.
But since you don't want to discuss it here, I will respect it from now on.

Author's Response: If you'd rather talk through PM, I can do that as well. I ask for these things to be taken off the board because this is a review board--not a discussion board. I don't want your email address so I can know who you really are, nor do I care if you use a fake one. It's just very difficult to have an actual discussion in this format, and it is also difficult for me to completely express what I'm trying to say. I use yahoo messenger under the screen name addie_logan if you'd like to discuss this in a setting more condusive to actual discussion.

Reviewer: kirra Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/12/2006 - 09:35 am Title: Chapter Forty-One

Considering the latest development I have also decided to crawl out of the lurkdom.
I haven't commented any of your story yet, and I have to say shame on me for not doing so, I want to tell you I have enjoyed the ones I have read so far. 'Been here too few years' including.
I think you trully are talented writer and it pains me even more that the main reason (even though not the only one) is more the way you respond to your readers and the author's note than the story itself.
I myself don't write fanfiction, because writing is not my passion, but like almost everyone here I have written some kind of work in my life that was needed to be written, too. So I think I have something to say about this.
It's always easier to listen to the praises than to the words of critique. I'm saying this from personal experience. Regardless of the fact that what I have written was a necessary work that wasn't published anywhere, I was glad when someone liked it and praised me. However that wasn't the only thing I received. Someone pointed also the mistakes to me and you know what? At first I didn't like (and maybe part of me still doesn't like it), but they pointed to me things I didn't notice myself. Things, so I could write it better next time. Even something negative can have positive efects.
I understand you might be getting tired of constantly repeating this story contains angst (something I don't have problem with, quite contrary), but not everyone is saying that rudely, or at least not as much as some of your replies sound. It might be easy for me to say, but maybe if you just said 'Well sorry, but I mentioned that in the warning', it would sond better, I trully believe not everyone means it in offensive way, maybe they just overstimated their ability to take angst.
But what iritates me much more is, that you can't take ANY negative comment. Even the constructive. As an example I will mention Caroline's comment. I can see that some people could take B&S's kinship not very well, but on the other side I can see as for someone else this could be a reason, that' s just not good enough. And Caroline explained her reason, why the comming angst is not adequate (the reason not the angst itself) and she did so in a polite way.
I'm all for authors replying to reviews and I don't see nothing wrong with you telling her why you see the reason as the right one, but why to tell her 'If you don't like it then don't read it/comment it'. This way someone could tell you 'Don't you like even constructive critique? Then don't ask for feedback.'
You are so adamant about explaining that the angst you mentioned at the beggining is what we can read now, that I ask myself, if someone doesn' t have to explain to you what the word feedback means.
[I]....think about how you criticizing something they've worked hard on without asking you for anything in return will make that person feel.[/I]
The feedback is what you ask for, that's what you get in return. But you can't expect everyone to have the same taste or to like your story. Feedback means positive, but also negative comments. And by negative comments I don't mean insults, but stating the fact you don't like it and why. But I' ve got the impression you don't want feedback in fact, you want only praises, and when someone doesn't go along with this, you are offensive and getting praise-me-or-get-out. Maybe in your next author's note you could clarify how you see the definition of feedback, so no misunderstandments will happen.
I will say it again, I like your stories, but with the kind of attitude you have showed towards some of the reviews, it doesn't make me sorry when I see reviews I usually don't like (for example 'yuck'). Because in a way I feel like you asked for it.

I know this is very long comment, but I hope you will find time to read it. And if you want to suggest me to post this kind of reviews via mail, I believe that when I want to say something about your story, replies, author's note , etc. it belongs here, where you posted it.
It would be kind of hypocrite, have all the nice reviews here and the ones not so nice elsewhere.

Author's Response: Look, I can take negative comments and I have. I disagreed with Caroline, I stated as much, and she came back at me. I have never stated people have to praise me or say nothing at all. I've gotten negative reviews in the past that I've simply ignored. I have simply asked for people not to complain about the level of angst in this story. That's it. If they want to say they don't like something else, fine. I may not agree, and yes, I have a right to defend my stories or to explain where I'm coming from. It doesn't mean that I can't take negative comments at all, and I don't think explaining my choices contemplates having an attitude.

If anyone has an attitude here, it's you. I spend literally hours of my life writing these stories, and all I ask in return from this one is that people not hound me about angst. That's it. Instead, I'm getting personal attacks on my character, and no, those do not belong on the review forum. I have never deleted a bad review, and I don't plan to delete this one. However, I would prefer if people have something to say about me as a person, they have the decency to email me so I can respond to them personally as well. It's a bit cowardly, I think, for people to attack me like this on a message board anonymously. This is also why I have to post author's notes--it seems the people with bad things to say never have the courage to give me an email address.

I'm sorry if you seem to think I'm a person deserving of having something I pour myself into with no thought of payment simply to entertain other deserve reviews like "yuck." As I stated in the note, I'm fine with contructive critique. I'm a writer online and off, and believe me, I've gotten plenty of it. I've sat in a room and had people look me in the face and rip my work to shreds. I can more than take it. However, I have not found the reviews I responded to to be in the least bit constructive. People seem to think they can leave a negative review and then call it "constructive criticism." No, that isn't what it is, and that's not how it works.

Furthermore, what I mean by saying "If you don't like it, don't read it," is this: This story is an angsty one. Some people don't like angst, and the response I've gotten to this is people telling me to change my story to suit their tastes. I've been getting this for over a year, and yes, I'm tired of it. I'm not going to change my story, and if someone has a problem with that, I'd rather they stop reading than harass me to change it. I don't think this is a totally out there request. This story has a lot of angst; others don't. If you don't like angst, go read something else. It's really just commonsense.

If you have anything further to say to me, yes, email me. The review forum isn't the place for long, drawn-out discussions about me personally. I'm tired of people responding to my notes with second "reviews." If you have something more to say to me, stop hiding behind fake names and no email addresses.

Reviewer: Samantha_78 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/12/2006 - 09:13 am Title: Chapter Forty-One

Spike you dummy! I hope Buffy doesn't come home to find him drunk AGAIN!

Thanks for the update Addie, looking forward to the next one!

Reviewer: AnononA Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/12/2006 - 07:49 am Title: Chapter Forty-One

Well, Addie, you've tempted me from FanFiction all the way to The Spuffy Realm with your stories. And I must say, you never disappoint. I'm loving this story. I also love how you are the first person to ever deal with Spike's alcoholism. Interesting.

Keep up the excellent writing!

Reviewer: cordykitten Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/12/2006 - 07:24 am Title: Chapter Forty-One

*hugs Addie and calms down for more angst* ~ So Joyce asked her to spent the weekend with her? I wonder what it will do to the relationship with Buffy&Spike, the problems. Normally I think it would do them good to have time to think but I fear Spike will continue to drink if these two aren't able to speak out what they really think/feel. ~ Oh Oz is speaking... A working relationship isn't all about one person's problems. Whatever one of you is going through, it becomes a collective burden whether you want it to or not, and you can either face that and work through it together or you can try to ignore it and let it fester. Either way, both your problems and hers are going to between the both of you. Good said! *nods* ~ And Buffy knows his reactions good indeed; she knew he would panic if he didn't find her and saw her note without reading it. To know there was a note was enough for him to panic. Too bad that Spike thinks the bottle is his friend. ~ Good chapter, Addie, don't worry if someone says otherwise!

Reviewer: Glycerine Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/12/2006 - 05:34 am Title: Chapter Forty-One


Author's Response: Okay, is this just a general overall feeling about the badness in the story, or is it directed at me. The first one I can understand, but if this is your feeling about the story itself, it's in no way constructive criticism, and is really the sort of comment you can keep to yourself.

Reviewer: Mali Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/12/2006 - 05:04 am Title: Chapter Forty-One

AA meetings in dear Spike's future?

Reviewer: zoe Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/12/2006 - 04:43 am Title: Chapter Forty-One

i think the readers here are rude, you're writing a great story , i hope it won't make you stop writing.

keep up the good work *hugs*

Reviewer: Carrie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/12/2006 - 04:01 am Title: Chapter Forty-One

Hmmm, I never thought Spike would end up an alcoholic. lol. Makes sense tho. Another great chapter!!

Oh, and about the author's note, I totally understand where you're going with that and I hope I've never said anything to offend you. I love this story a ton, and can't wait for more!

Reviewer: DaniD Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/12/2006 - 03:38 am Title: Chapter Forty-One

Looks like alcohol is becoming a much bigger issue to Spike and Buffy's relationship than his jealousy or any other smaller issues they may have. In my last review I said I couldn't believe that he chose to go to a bar rather than home to Buffy to make sure she was ok..*sigh* The big question..Will Buffy and Spike be able to work through his issues with alcohol? Will they be strong enough to get through that?

Glad that Buffy is spending some time with Joyce to reconnect..Nothing but good in that corner..

BTW...I am really sorry that you have had a hard time with reviews on this story..Just so you know..I think this story is FANTASTIC...angst and all.. I love to hate the know what I mean? lol Keep up the great work!

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