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Reviewer: kim Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/05/2006 - 11:02 pm Title: Chapter Fifty-Three

Totally with you, here.

You finally had Buffy admit that her "good idea" was really just a lie. She got fed up with things not being easy for her, and she ran.
And yeah, asking about those simple, little things makes a HUGE difference to most guys, even though they're usually too macho to tell you until you force them to. My boyfriend is tons happier just because I stop what I'm doing when he gets home and listen to him for 20 minutes or so. It helps him decompress from the office, then he goes and does his thing and I go back to my stuff.

Eve! Someone must be feeling really threatened! This is not going to go well.

I'm glad she finally did the right thing where Robin is concerned, and I was also glad to see Spike get those issues out. This is therapy, even if they never do get back together. They can't possibly make another relationship work in the future if they don't understand what went horribly wrong in the past. Buffy never examined it that hard, but since Spike has already been in therapy to get his life back together, I bet a lot of this came up with his psychologist.

I'd love for her to tell Dawn the truth finally, too.

Reviewer: Samantha_78 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/05/2006 - 10:58 pm Title: Chapter Fifty-Three

Can you please post another chapter tomorrow night? I can't wait until Thursday; Addie you're killing me here!!!

I hope Buffy/Eve have a catfight! *meow*!!!

Author's Response: I really can't. I'm working on another story that I post Mondays and Wednesday, and I just don't have the time to come home from work and get two chapters of fic ready for posting. Sorry!

Reviewer: Shelly Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/05/2006 - 10:50 pm Title: Chapter Fifty-Three

Well, you really left me hanging there. I can't wait to see what Eve has to say.
I happen to like the pace you are keeping with this story. And if others don't, well, they don't have to read it.
Keep true to YOUR story. There are alot of us out there that are enjoying it very much.

Reviewer: k Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 09/05/2006 - 10:39 pm Title: Chapter Fifty-Three

I actually thought they were moving rather quickly, and was glad you weren't drawing it out. I thought the part prior to the break up was drawn out and frustrating, but now that they're on their way back together I'm enjoying it more again:)

Good chapter anyway- I am SO glad that Buffy finally got the message- too bad she wasn't willing to talk years before.

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