“I can’t believe you agreed to go with Spike,” Willow said as the girls got ready in Buffy’s room.

“He was the only one who asked,” Buffy replied, and Willow frowned. “And I guess I kind of wanted to go with him. What’s the worst that can happen?”

“He hurts you even more than before?” Willow suggested, crossing her arms. “Are you sure this is a good idea, Buffy? I mean, you’re not falling for him again, are you?”

“A world of no,” Buffy said, curling her hair. “We’re trying to be civil… again.”

“I just don’t want you to get hurt again,” Willow said. “You’ve lived through enough already.” Buffy smiled softly. “But at least I’ll be around with Wesley.”

“Yes, good old Wes,” Buffy said, smirking. “Have a crush on him?”

“What? No,” Willow said quickly before blushing and looking down. “Yes, of course I do. He’s good-looking, intelligent, and not as much of a bad-boy as the other guys are.”

“So you think there’s some spark-age between you two?” Buffy asked curiously.

“I hope so,” Willow answered. “I guess I wouldn’t object to dating him.”

“Maybe he’ll ask you out tonight,” Buffy said, looking in a mirror. “That’d be sweet.”

“I just can’t wait until he gets here,” Willow said nervously. “Do I look alright?”

“You look beautiful,” Buffy answered, smiling. “And if Wes doesn’t fall madly in love with you, he’s stupid.”

“Okay, you’re making me even more anxious, but now you’re causing a hint of giddiness, too,” Willow replied, sitting on her bed.

“Don’t worry,” Buffy said quietly. “Everything is going to work out.”

‘I hope.’

* * *

“I think it’s safe to say that you are the most magnificent girl in the building,” Spike said as he looked around the decorated gymnasium, Buffy’s arm linked with his.

“You’re only flattering me so that I’m not too rough on you when I win,” she replied, nudging him before looking at Willow. “I wonder where Xander is.”

“Walking in with Anya,” Willow said, looking at them as they passed through the doors. “I can’t believe they’re here together. I didn’t think he liked her.”

“Everyone needs someone,” Buffy replied, shrugging. “They’ll be good together.”

“So, who wants punch?” Wesley asked, looking at his date and then at Buffy.

“Only if we’re spiking it,” Lindsey said, appearing beside them with a girl named Lilah on his arm. “Who’s got a flask?” Spike pulled one out of his jacket’s pocket and handed it to his friend. “This only reaffirms where you got your nickname from.” Spike smirked and looked at Buffy as she tugged on his arm.

“That could get us kicked out,” she said sternly, looking at him. “I thought you said you wouldn’t do anything bad tonight.”

“I’m not doing anything,” he replied. “I believe it’s Lindsey that’ll be doing the honors.”

“Fine, just make sure you’re sober when I’m crowned,” Buffy said, and he laughed. “What’s so funny?”

“Don’t you mean when I’m crowned?” he asked, grinning. She glared at him before looking at Willow. “So, what do you say we go find Cordelia and kick off the dance?”

“Who is she here with?” Willow asked, looking around.

“Riley Finn,” Buffy answered, smiling softly. “Spike’s competition.”

“I could break him like a twig,” Spike replied sternly. “Just because he’s a jock doesn’t mean I’d lose if we fought.”

“That’s because you fight dirty,” Gunn said, coming to stand beside his friends. Buffy smiled at Gwen, his date. “So, what’s first on the agenda?”

“Spiking the punch and dancing with my girl,” Lindsey said, smirking at Lilah.

“Amen to that,” Spike said, grabbing Buffy’s hand in his and pulling her out to the dance-floor.

* * *

When it was time to announce Homecoming King and Queen, Buffy took a deep breath and looked at Spike.

“If you win, I’ll be happy for you,” Spike said, looking back at her. She smiled softly.

“Same goes for you,” she said. “Even though I want a pretty tiara.” He chuckled and wrapped his arm around her waist as a girl named Amy Madison walked up to the microphone, holding two envelopes in her hands.

“Good luck,” Spike said, kissing Buffy’s temple softly. She smiled and leaned into him more.

“I’ve been asked to announce the winners tonight, so let’s get right to it,” Amy said, opening up one of the envelopes. “Our Homecoming King is…Jonathon Levinson.” Spike froze and stared at Amy and then at a shocked Jonathon as he walked to the stage.

“What?” Spike asked, stunned. “How did he win? If it wasn’t me, it should’ve been Finn.”

“People wanted to vote for the underdog,” Cordelia said, coming to stand beside Buffy and Spike. “Seems like people got sick of both you and Riley.” Buffy frowned and looked at the stage again. “Excited?”

“I don’t know,” Buffy said quietly, becoming nervous.

“And the new Homecoming Queen is…Harmony Kendall,” Amy said cheerfully. Spike looked at Buffy with a surprised expression.

“Apparently they were sick of me, too,” she said quietly, surprised.

“Are you kidding? That skank won?” Cordelia asked, outraged. “I demand a recount!”

“Cordy, settle down,” Buffy said, giggling, looking at her friend. “It’s not a big deal. Harmony won- let her dance with Jonathon.”

“This is probably the best night of the ponce’s life,” Spike said. “Let’s not ruin it.”

“Are you saying that I’d ruin it if I had to dance with him?” Buffy asked, crossing her arms.

“No, I’d ruin it because I’d take you away from him,” Spike replied, smiling at the girl beside him. She smiled and looked down. “Want some punch?”

“Please,” she answered quickly, and he pulled her towards the snack table.

* * *

When the last song played that night, Buffy and Spike slow-danced together, something they hadn’t done in years.

“This seems kind of surreal,” Spike said as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him. “I never thought we’d go to another dance together.”

“And it didn’t turn out too shabby,” she replied. “Not like freshman year.” He frowned.

“I’m sorry it was that bad,” he said, looking into her eyes. “I’m sorry these last few years have been like that, as well.”

“I don’t want to talk about it right now,” she said, resting her head on his shoulder. “I just want to enjoy this moment.” He smiled and kissed her bare shoulder as they continued to dance.

“So, what’re we going to do about the bet? I’m assuming neither of us win,” he said. She sighed.

“Nope, it would appear that we both are unpopular losers,” she replied, and he smiled.

“People voted for Jonathon out of pity- you’re the one who is unpopular,” he joked. She glared at him.

“Take that back,” she said in a warning tone.

“Sorry, only kidding, luv,” he said, smirking. “What happens from here, then?”

“I don’t know,” she answered. “I guess we’ll figure it out as time passes.”

“Okay,” he agreed, nodding. “We’ll wait and see.”

A/N All of you who guessed that neither of them would win were correct:) I've always had a soft-spot for Jonathon, and I guess I thought it'd be better if he could dance with a girl like Harmony. That way, Spike and Buffy could continue on their path to patching up their relationship...maybe.

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