A/N: I'd like to thank everyone for their wonderful
reviews.  I'm glad this story is getting such a great reception and I hope
that everyone keeps enjoying it:) 


The lair was deserted when Spike arrived with Buffy’s dead weight draped over his arms. Angelus and Dru must still be out, hunting. It was just as well. Their absence gave Spike mose time to hide the slayer with the elder vampires away and no minions to tattle on him.
Not bothering to stop, Spike entered the chambers that he now or rather used to have to himself since Drusilla’s mating with Angelus, and laid the slayer among the satin pillows. He smirked in satisfaction. His nights of sleeping alone ware officially over. His pretty little slayer was a loyal chit. Angelus won’t be able to touch her with a sodding ten foot pole. Spike groaned as the crouch of his jeans tightened as he thought of all the things he and his child would do together. Ah, they’ll paint the bloody town red, starting with the death of that pain in his ass Angelus. Then there would be Dru, crawling back to him, begging for his forgiveness and the return to her place by his side that she had so quickly vacated. Of course, he’ll reject her. He was a one woman vamp, after all and the slayer was a right catch. Oh yeah. It was going to be perfect.
“You and me, baby,” Spike sit at the edge of the bed, gently touching the girl’s golden tresses. “You and me, against the bloody world.”
Drusilla’s body pressed against Angelus’s with giddy desire as they returned to the lair. The night had been one full of sex and blood and it wasn’t over yet. He planned to pound into his insane childe/mate until the town rang with her voice shrieking his name.
“To my chamber with ya, wench,” he grabbed her roughly. He was pushing her into the chambers they shared when she erupted in painful moans and bent over as she was over come by one of her visions.
“What is it Dru? What do you see?” Angelus asked, his voice full of wonder and a touch of fear. Dru’s visions were always cryptic, yet they were always true. Whether they were good or bad…well that was a matter of opinion.
‘Mmmm…Sweet William has gotten himself a new playmate…a pretty little dolly…mmmm….it’s dark where she is…like the slayer…”
“So Spike turned someone did he? Well, introductions are sure to be in order, but for now let’s leave them. I have more to show my sweet girl,” Angel continued his ministrations, ignoring Dru’s giggles. He wasn’t the least bit curious about who Spike’s new childe could be. Was probably just another minion that he would have dust by morning. No need for concern, really.
Joyce Summers again checked her watch and cursed the hour. Buffy was usually back by now. Bright, vibrant, and in need of a shower; but she wasn’t back. In fact, she was four hours late! She had never been gone for so long before. What if something had happened and she met the same fate as all the slayers before her? What if her daughter was hurt and bleeding somewhere?
Trying to calm her own nerves, Joyce picked up the phone and dialed Giles. He would know how to find Buffy. After all, he almost always did. Hopefully the watcher would know where Buffy was and send her home safe and sound. Alive to fight another night.
Giles picked up on the second ring. His voice was tired and strained. He had been up a while, continuing his research on Angelus and how to best beat the monster that used to be the man his slayer had once loved. He researching nonstop since Jenny’s death, but like all other research sessions, there was nothing. “Rupert Giles.”
“Yes, Mr. Giles. This is Joyce…Buffy’s mother. Um…Buffy hasn’t returned home from patrol yet and she always home at this time. I was wondering if maybe you’ve seen her and can send her home?”
Giles cleared his throat as worry rose into his chest. In his mind, he saw Buffy facing off against Angelus, completely unprepared, and then he saw Angelus twist his slayer’s neck and watched as her lifeless body fell to the ground. Another woman he loved, killed by Angelus’s hand. He closed his eyes and forced the image away. It wouldn’t do to imagine such things while speaking the girl’s mother. Buffy was fine. She probably stopped off at Willows or had to fight a big demon, making her late in returning home.
“She’s not here, Joyce. Perhaps she’s at Willows. I know the two girls are close. I’m sure Buffy will be home soon.”
Joyce’s frown was evident in her voice. “Oh. Are you sure she’s ok?”
“Listen, give her another hour. If she’s not back by then…I’ll go out looking for her myself,” Giles placed the freshly cleaned glasses on the bridge of his nose, forcing the confidence he didn’t feel into his voice. “Trust me Joyce. I’ll get your daughter home.”
She couldn’t help the smile. Mr. Giles sounded so confident, as well he should be. After all, if anyone knew her daughter better then she did, it would be the watcher. “Ok. One more hour. Thank you, Rupert. Hearing your so confident…it’s what I need to hear.”
“Anytime Joyce. Do try to rest. Call me if Buffy fails to return.”
“I will,” Joyce smiled, before setting the phone back into it’s stand. It sure was nice to know that she had a partner in worrying about her daughter. She couldn’t pick a better watcher for her daughter if she tried.

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