Author's Chapter Notes:
Here it finally is the brand spanking new cxhapter that has never been posted ANYWHERE else before. I dont mean to sound needy but i do like reviews and they help to know what way the stary is being recieved so i can change the direction in which it is going so please read and review even if all you type is a smily face...
When Spike walked into the coffee shop, he did a quick look around. Luckily Angel wasn’t there and even better, Buffy was. He slid into the seat next to her and gave her a quick peck on the cheek, “morning luv. How you today?”

“I’m all good,” she replied with a smile “feeling better than I have in a while” she paused “or I would be if Angel hadn’t sent one of his lackeys to keep an eye on me” she said as she motioned her head over to the counter where Xander was standing “God, is he never going to give up, I mean you where there last night its not like I lead him to believe we’d ever get back together was it? But oh no will the prick just let me go, nope!”

“Eh, well let me just say that Angel isn’t the reason why Xander is over there looking over here at us. I bumped into him on the street when I was on my way over to meet you and he explained a few things that’s been going on since I’ve been gone”

“What so you just stood there and listened to his tale of how he abandoned me, that when I needed him most, the person you said would look out for me he left me to fend for my self with Angel. Christ you must be slipping. Jesus I don’t see a single bruise on him. So I see that the protectiveness that you showed last night was a one time only gig, well at least I know that now, suppose I’ll just have to go back to looking after my self again!”

“And you did such a good job of that last time didn’t you, how long was it going on before you did anything about it?? But you know what if that’s what you think about me then fine! I don’t know why I even bothered. If you had just listened to me fore a few minutes you would have realised that Xander didn’t actually abandon you like you believed and as far as not feeling protective towards you well if you don’t realise that I am then you don’t bloody know me at all. See you around Summers” Spike spat at Buffy as he left the café leaving a shell shocked Buffy behind him without spearing her a second glance.

“He always was tightly wound wasn’t he, always just like a bomb ready to go of at any minute! But he was right I didn’t abandon you, you know?” Xander said gently to Buffy “Do you mind if I join you, if only to explain my self?”

“I suppose so but without meaning to sound rude, you better make it quick. I want to find Spike before he spends to long sulking about the fact we fought, and if I leave him too long knowing him he’ll have managed to put all the blame on himself/me and then it will be even harder to get through to him!”

“Is he still at that?”

“I don’t really know. He only just got back and I haven’t really had a chance to really talk to him about everything yet, there was some stuff that had to be sorted out between us before we could do anything of that sort, you know? And before he came back I hadn’t been talking to him in over a year, so I’m sure he’s changed I know I have in that time but I just don’t know in what ways and if everything can ever go back to being the way things where before he went, maybe there is too much stuff hanging over us. I mean a year of stuff is a lot”

“I heard about you two losing contact with each other, I suppose if I think back Angel only told me of it to see what I’d say, I still kind of think of that as my first test, seemed to have passed it though.”

“First test? What do you mean?”

“When Spike left, he told me in no uncertain terms that I was to keep an eye on you, and to make sure nothing happened to you. Keep you safe more or less. And as I’m sure you remembered I really did try at the start, but it wasn’t enough”

“Yeah I remember that, back when you were a friend to me, and not one of Angels boys. Guess you found it too hard did you? Just take the easy way out, let Angel get away with it and you get to be popular. Was it worth it?!”

“Would you believe me if I said I joined his crew for you?”

“No. I honestly believe that it was for the women and ‘respect’ of the school. Just like you told me that night, or don’t you remember. I pleaded with you to help me and you just acted like I wasn’t even there”

“I joined it to keep you safe the only way I knew how. I’m not as Spike was I couldn’t do it from the outside, or maybe I’m just not as brave. I don’t know if Spike told you or not but Angel was dealing in drugs. Instead of trying to help you as a friend who as you saw was doing nothing fast my new plan was to find out where and when any of the deals was going down. Then I’d let the cops know and hope that they got him but he always seemed to get away, never managed to get caught. How could I have done that unless he thought I was working with him?”

“Why wouldn’t you just tell me that? I might have understood, or at least it would have been better that thinking that the guy who had been a ‘big brother’ to me for years just left me alone to suffer! Would that not have been a good plan?”

“If Angel thought that I was helping you or even still on friendly terms with you he would have told me nothing! I don’t mean to upset you but to Angel all you ever were was a trophy or a prize that he had won. The fact that you went with him instead of waiting for Spike, he just loved that! Any anyway it was easier not to talk to you about it, and then you just would have been involved in it all. You even made my job easier by the fact that you kept bitching to Angel about me, so he believed that I was truly on his side”

“How much of this does Spike know??”

“Only the basics of the revised plan. I couldn’t exactly ring him and tell him, what would I say, ‘sorry man need to let everyone think I’m leaving Buffy to the dogs’ my life may not have been great but I did like being alive. He nearly floored me today on the street when he saw me in the team jacket. It took some fast talking to explain my way out of it let alone to talk my way in to letting him meet you”

“Oh shit. That’s why he was uber-pissed. I told him that he didn’t seem to be his protective self and he flipped. At the time it seemed like there was no reason but now after hearing what you had to say I can see why. Why didn’t he just tell me all this himself?”

“We decided it was best if I told you my self, he said and I quote the man himself ‘I'll talk to her, and you can then explain to her yourself. I'm not getting on the bad side of her, not this early on’”

“Xander, look I’m sorry but I’m going to have to run. I have to find Spike and apologize. Give me a shout later if you want and we can talk ok? See ya around”

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