Author's Chapter Notes:
Sorry updates are taking ages on this one... I will only be able to update once a week at the moment on this one.. I am very sorry everyone!!! I go on holiday in a week for three weeks.. I am hoping I can get someone to update for me while I am away *hint hint ciley!!*
Oh well best get on with the chapter.. thank you to everyoine who keeps reviewing this one it means a lot to me... has kept me writing.. so thank you!!!
Chapter 18: Second date

When Elizabeth went down to the kitchen the following morning, she found William stood in the centre of it talking with Maggie, just as she had half expected him to be. Trying to pretend like she didn’t know what was going on, she started mulling around the kitchen while casting little glances at William. When he finished talking a few moments later, he excited the room, but not before throwing a smirk Elizabeth’s way, making her blush brilliantly. When he had fully left the room, Maggie turned to the people present.

“Well, it seems Master William’s little gathering went well last time, and he has planned another one for today. Apparently this one may last a little longer as it seemed everyone involved enjoyed it last time. Thankfully this time he was kind enough to tell me in advance. He gave me ample warning yesterday of this event, therefore we aren’t quite as rushed this morning. Master William was coming to merely check that everything was prepared for today. I’m grateful to say that yes everything is nearly ready, there are just a few last minute things to do. Daniel and Larry could you go and sort the horses out, and Wesley could you please go and bring me the baskets. Tara, when Wesley has brought the baskets could you pack them. The rest of you, except for Elizabeth, could you all get on with your normal chores.”

With that said, everyone deserted the kitchen, leaving just Elizabeth, Maggie and Tara. “Elizabeth, it seems you did a satisfactory job last time as once again Master William has specifically asked for you to be his personal servant for the day again. I admit that I can be a little hard at times but that is just how I run my household. However, don’t think that this means your work has gone unnoticed. You do work well, Elizabeth, even though you do slip up when it comes to servant etiquette, don’t think that’s gone unnoticed either.” Maggie gave Elizabeth a rare smile. “I think you have good potential. I also think that there’s more to you than meets the eye.”

Elizabeth stood there shocked. Maggie never showed praise and certainly not to Elizabeth. She was unsure what to say or do now. “Now, no point in standing there like a stuffed fish. Master William made it quite clear that this was an important day to him, therefore I wish for you to go and find either Miss Rosenberg or Miss Chase, as both of them have immaculate aprons on, whereas you on the other hand have managed to spill something on yours. I would like you to swap aprons with either girl for the day. Understand?”

Elizabeth just nodded, her mind still reeling over the praise she’d just received. With that, she hurried out the room determined to find Willow before she found Cordelia, knowing that if she found Cordelia it would be evening before she saw Willow again, and right now, she needed her best friend.


Finding Willow, she quickly changed aprons and told her everything that Maggie had just told her. Willow giggled in awe, Elizabeth then promising to tell her everything as soon as she got back hurried off to go and find William. Hurrying out to the courtyard, she found Master William sitting at the front of the carriage waiting for her. Climbing up into the front next to him, they set off, heading off in the direction of the newly risen sun.

When they reached the clearing where they had had their last picnic, they both climbed down and wordlessly went about setting up the blanket and food. When everything was set, they sat down, grinning at each other like teenagers in love. They worked so well together without even communicating. In William’s mind it just showed how perfect they were together.

“So, Buffy, have you eaten yet?” He asked and Buffy giggled as he looked at her with a smug look on his face. She felt like she was no longer a servant when she was in this special place that seemed to transcend time and space, where they where simply Buffy and Spike, two friends who enjoyed spending time together. It made her feel special and she loved this feeling and wished to bask in it and that’s exactly what she planned to do today.

“No, I haven’t actually. A certain someone, not mentioning any names but I happen to be looking at him at this very moment, managed to drag me away before I could eat anything.” Buffy giggled again as Spike looked at her with a shocked, almost outraged, look on his face.

“Oh that’s bad, love, I’ll just have to find that certain person and make sure they are properly punished. We can’t have such a pretty girl being taken away from her food. I guess while we are waiting for the perpetrator to show up, because I certainly can’t see him, I’ll just have to let you have some of this delicious food.”

Reaching over Buffy picked up a roll that was still warm; clearly Maggie had got up early to make the bread. Taking a plate that Spike offered her, she placed some of the cold meats onto it and then picked up one of the hard boiled eggs and placed that there as well. She then sat back and started to eat.

Spike watched as she merrily got on setting about deciding on what she wanted to eat. Reaching into the basket, he pulled out a tin slowly taking off the lid. “Have you ever tried one of these, love?”

Buffy looked apprehensively into the tin, seeing several small round cake type things sat at the bottom. Slowly she withdrew one and bringing it to her nose, she smelt it, pulling a strange face as she did, before finally dropping it on her plate.

Spike watched amused as she studied it. “It won’t bite, Pet, I promise.”

“What is it?”

Spike chuckled as she stared at it, almost afraid to get too close to it.

“Well, when I was in England it was the height of society to eat them. We called them crumpets, although here they call them English Muffins. Go ahead, try it, promise I’m not trying to kill you. You’re far to pretty to kill.”

Buffy blushed at the compliment, before picking up the cake type food and taking a small bite. “Mmmm, this is really good actually, how’s it made? My sister would love these.”

“Afraid you’d have to ask Maggie how they are made. I think it’s just flour and butter and milk.”

“Silly, I can’t ask Maggie!” she said, lightly hitting him on the arm she looked over at him.

“And whys that exactly?”

“Well don’t you think it would look a little suspicious Mr, that I just happen to know what these things taste like even though I’m not suppose to have tasted them, as, unless you have forgotten, I am your servant for the day!”

“Ahh I get your point. Oh well, I guess I’ll just have to find a way to get the recipe out of her. We can’t have your sister going without.”

Giggling, Buffy carried on eating her breakfast. She was so carried away that she didn’t even notice that Spike wasn’t eating; he was simply sat there watching her. He loved to see every little attribute she had, every facial expression, she was a goddess in his eyes.

When she had finished, she placed the plate back into the basket, before turning to look at Spike.

“What? Have I got food in my teeth or something?

“No, you don’t, love, you’re beautiful.” He said and Buffy blushed again at the compliment, a sight that he found endearing.

“Well, then Mr, what are we going to do now? Seeing that you seem to have everything all planed out.”

Spike held up his hands in mock surrender. “Hey, pet! I think I’ve done enough organising; I got us here didn’t I? Can’t be expected to have a detailed plan of what we are doing as well, why don’t you think of something missy?”

Buffy giggled at him.“Ok, no need to take the offensive. Maggie was pleased you told her yesterday by the way. She was really stressed when you only told her the morning you where going.”

“Ahh, I’m glad I didn’t cause her too much hassle, else she might not have let us come out again.”

“You make it sound like we are naughty children sneaking out. Maggie wasn’t pleased about me coming though. She thinks Willow is better suited. I think she’s afraid I’ll disgrace the household.” Suddenly her face dropped. “If she knew how stupid I’d been she’d sack me on the spot. I’ve certainly disgraced the household. Oh, Spike, am I stupid for falling for his lies? For believing he could actually like me? I mean look at me? I’m so stupid, what did I think was going to happen, we’d live happily ever after?” A single tear slipped down her cheek.

Though she seemed strong, Spike knew the truth, what Liam had done to her had torn her apart and it could be a while before she properly healed, or trusted people again. Time that Spike was willing to give.

“Hey, listen to me, love, you are not stupid.” Reaching a hand out to touch her cheek, he quickly put it back on his lap when he felt her pull away. “You are not stupid for believing he loved you. My father can be very persuasive when he wants to be. Don’t ever blame yourself for what happened. It’s not your fault for following your heart.” Though it had tore out Spike’s heart to say it, he knew it was what Buffy needed to hear. He decided it would only make her feel worse to know that she wasn’t the first girl Liam had done it to.

“I do though, Spike, blame myself that is.” The statement hung quietly in the air.

Feeling his heart ache for her, Spike decided to lighten the mood. Jumping up, he stood in front of her, holding his hands out to her.

“Come on, pet.”

Looking at him quizzically, Buffy gently placed her hands in his, squealing as he hauled her to her feet. Not letting go of her hand, he ran down the small slope leading to the river. As they stood on the riverbank, Spike let go of her hand, stripping off his boots and his knee stockings. It had never gone unnoticed by Buffy that Spike didn’t seem the typical male, he wore neither wig, nor wore the standard buckle shoes, every time she had seen him his boots had seem to be present.

“Spike! What are you doing?”

Smirking, Spike looked across at her where she stood stock-still. “What does it look like, love? I’m going into the river. What can I say, it’s getting warm and I want to cool down. So are you going to stand there staring or are you going to join me?” he stood there barefoot in front of her with his eyebrows raised.

“Well… umm are we allowed?”

Spike smirked again. “Don’t see anyone coming to stop us, do you?”

Agreeing with his sentiment, she finally gave in. “Fine, but I still think this is very wrong.”

Sitting down on the grass, she took off her shoes, then peeled off her stockings and placed them inside her shoes. She then took off Willow’s apron and laid it on top of her shoes. Just as she was about to wade into the water, she deliberated whether or not to take her dress off. She had all her undergarments on, so it wouldn’t be like Spike would see anymore than what he was at the moment. Ok, so that was a lie, he’d be seeing her ankles,--her mother would kill her if she knew. However, if she got her work dress wet then her life wouldn’t be worth living anymore. Making her decision, she slowly undid the back of her dress. Feeling Spike’s eyes boring into her, she quickly stilled her hands.

“Spike! Will you turn round, please?”

Turning round, Spike grit his teeth to tried and control himself.

Checking she was decent, she called to Spike, “Ok you can turn back round I’m decent.”

Nervously she rung her hands in front of her.

Turning around, Spike was shocked by her beauty and innocence. Although he had seen women in less, he couldn’t help being incredibly aroused by the sight in front of him. Feeling a familiar stirring in his groin, he quickly dropped his hands to cover the bulge. Hoping the cold water would help calm him, he suddenly decided a cold paddle was exactly what he needed.

“Well, are we going in or what?” he silently cursed himself when his voice came out more strangled than he had expected.

Buffy was glad when Spike had finally spoke, she was starting to feel open and exposed under his gaze and had started to re-think taking her dress off. Reaching over, she took his hand, impervious to his quiet groan at the action.

Together they walked into the water. This was certainly going to be an interesting experience for them both.


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