A/N: Thank you for everyone who reviewed!!! Thank you to Mariana, Ciley, sarah g, Brat, lynn Jo, Jerzeyanjel. It means so much to me that you all reviewed! Please continue reviewing it would really make me smile! Hope you all enjoy the next chapter....

Chapter 2: Friendships

“Hi I’m Willow” the redhead turned and looked at Elizabeth, shyly putting her hair behind her ears yet never once did she stop walking.

“Hi I’m Elizabeth” she tried to look up and tripped slightly on the steep wooden stairs that they were walking up. Willow caught her and helped her to her feet again before making sure there were no marks on her uniform, they were expensive and you were only given one.

“Don’t mind Maggie she does talk really fast and can get really stressed especially on days like this.”

“Why what’s special about today, I’m guessing it’s not all about me coming.”

“Lady Darla called for Maggie this morning to inform her that she had invited the Mayor and the Chase family over for dinner and that it had slipped her mind to inform Maggie, however they would require the Mayor’s favourite despite already having arranged all today’s meals. So Maggie’s been running round all day preparing. I feel sorry for Tara, she is Maggie’s helper. She’s the one in the direct firing line, at least we can all keep out of the way. She has been pealing and chopping vegetables all day her hands must be red raw.”

Elizabeth realised that the quiet girl in the corner must have been Tara. The girls had come to the top of the small staircase. Despite passing lots of other doors they had carried on to the very top, this had not surprised Elizabeth these were servant quarters. The door opened into a thin corridor with doors on both sides and the girls carried on.

“Did you have a reason to come into the kitchen then or did you just really want to check on Tara?”

“Actually it was because of you, not that Tara’s not important we are really good

“How did you know I was here?”

“Well I was in the stables with Oz, sorry Daniel, he’s the stable boy. We are really good friends and I spend time with him all the time. Anyway, Jonathon came in to tell him he’d seen you. He said you looked lost.”
Elizabeth got the impression that there was more going on between Willow and Oz than what the redhead had let on. She seen the way the girls eyes had lit up when she had mentioned his name but she wasn’t about to press.

“So you thought you’d come and nosy at me? See told you I was an exciting thing to happen.”

“Don’t get me wrong you are an exciting thing to happen but actually I was coming to save you.”

The girls had reached the end door and willow was currently using a key that was above the doorframe to unlock the door.

“Usually Maggie has all the keys but she knew she wouldn’t be able to show you to your room so she left it there for whoever could show you. Anyway I came to save you because like I said I know what she can be like on days like this.”

The two girls entered into a small room that had a small but firm looking bed with a small wooden bedside table in one corner and a sink in the other. Near the door there was a single chest of draws. The room was very plain with no colour and a very small window that looked out onto the stables. On the bed lay a neatly pressed dress with a high collar and next to it a starched white apron.

“The rooms not much, but don’t worry it’s not like we ever get to spend much time in it any way. You are lucky most of us don’t get a window.”

“It’s alright. At least I don’t have to share it with anyone like at home. Anyway back to you saving me, is that why you told me not to ask any questions?”

“Yeah. Maggie frowns on questions especially on days like this. But don’t worry if you have any questions I’ll answer them.”

The two girls went and sat on the bed being careful of the dress , Elizabeth placed her bag on the floor between them.

Willow nodded towards the bag. “Do you want to unpack that now or wait till later 'cause you might be bored this evening?”

“There’s not exactly much to unpack, I’ll do it later it’s not like it’ll take any harm there.”

“Do you want to come and have a look round then now?”

“Definitely, but are you sure that we won’t get caught? I don’t want to get you in trouble”

“Nah they are all in the library and I know every way to avoid them now, you learn to when you’ve been working here since you were 14.”

“Wow, that’s the same age as my sister”

“Come on lets go this room is depressing” with that the two girls left the room. On the way out they didn’t lock the door this time but willow did pocket the key ready to give back to Maggie later.

Two hours later the girls had explored all aspects of the house and had even managed to avoid everyone. Elizabeth was slightly in awe of the house the furnishing and everything was very elegant.

“See it’s really not that hard to find your way round. If you stick to the servant ways, they all lead to the main rooms and there are bells in the kitchens and all of the servants room so you can see who wants a servant and where they are needed. It gets really annoying especially when they want things at night.”

“Its all quite impressive, I still reckon I’ll get lost. Do you reckon I can get sacked on my first day?”

“Don’t be silly. Trust me you’ll be fine. Come on we’ll go get a drink out the larder, just keep quiet” with Willow in the lead the two girls headed down another narrow servant quarter leading to what Elizabeth could only assume was the larder.

“Will, can I ask you something?

“Haven’t you learnt anything about me yet? You can ask or tell me anything”

“Well obviously in the village you hear rumours.” Elizabeth paused chewing on her lip, nervous of asking her next question in case willow laughed at her. “Is it true they call Master Liam, Angel?”

Willow who had turned to look at Elizabeth when she had paused, turned back to the way they were walking and started giggling.
“I can’t believe the village knows about that. Yeah that’s what we call him among us lot.”

They had reached the larder and willow stared searching on one of the shelves for something to drink and after hearing Elizabeth’s stomach rumble a few times during her ‘tour’ something to eat as well.


Still searching Willow carried on answering. “He’s so lovely to all of us; he really is like an angel. Sorry it’s not more interesting it’s just because he’s like an angel trust me you’ll see for yourself soon enough”

“Is there anyone I should be wary about?” Elizabeth had wanted to ask that since she had first started talking to Willow but was too scared to.

“Miss Darla can be a little harsh; she doesn’t like anyone going too near her boy if you get my meaning”

“When you say her boy, you mean Master William?”

“No I mean Master Liam, their relationship is a bit weird! But mine is not to judge. Master Williams is alright, a bit quiet…nooooo!” Willow had just tipped a jug of milk down her black dress. “What am I going to do, I have to work tonight and only have one dress”

Elizabeth thought quickly while looking at the white covered willow. “It’s not a problem. You are the same size as me, so you use my uniform tonight and as I have nothing to do tonight I’ll clean yours and hand in back to you before you go to bed.”

“Really? Oh you are so the best friend, it’s going to be so good having you round”

“Come on lets go get you changed” with that the two girls sneaked back out of the larder making sure that they hadn’t been seen and stole a few apples on the way out.

“You do look slightly funny though covered in milk” with that they broke out into fit of giggles and ended up running back to Elizabeth’s room.

However they hadn’t gotten away totally without being seen. Watching from the shadows stood a tall man with blond hair. He had been drawn by the girl’s giggles after finding the library totally dull. Watching all William could wonder was who the beautiful angel with Willow was.

TBC …..

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