Author's Chapter Notes:
Sorry it has been soooooooooo long since i last posted. I have been away and forgot to leave chapters for someone to post for me. It was once i was in Rome i remembered. So i appologise.
Chapter 38; looking to the future.

When Elizabeth finally woke up it was light outside. Glancing over at the grandfather clock against the far wall, she saw that she had been sleeping for the last 12 hours. After being in a coma for so long, Elizabeth would have been sure she couldn't have slept any more even if she tried, but it seemed she was wrong. It appeared that after all the emotion and tears of yesterday’s talks it had worn her down.

Fear that William was no longer with her, she sat bolt up right. Looking to her left, she saw him. He was propped up on his hands, just staring at her with love in his eyes. Relaxing, she gently lay back down against the soft feather pillow.

"Good morning sleepy head. How are you feeling this morning?"

‘‘Strangely enough, I feel sleepy. You would not think I had been asleep as long as I have. How about you though? How are you feeling this morning?"

"Like I am in the present of an angel."

His honest tone made Elizabeth giggle and turn away embarrassed. Thankfully her stomach grumbled loudly enough for them both to hear, sparing her from having to say anything.

She looked at William red faced. "It is getting late we should probably get up before people start asking questions."

"Let’s go and get you some food missy."

"Thank you William, for everything." Sitting up she swung her legs over the edge of the bed.

"Elizabeth?" She turned back to look at him with a perplexed look on her face. "Why is it always William now? Why do you not call me our nicknames, you have only called me William since when you woke for your illness."

Elizabeth once again looked at him ashamed. "I thought you wouldn't like me to call you that anymore. Not since you are now the master of the house. I didn't think you would want our silly names for each other."

"Oh Buffy, I would like nothing more than to go back to where we were."

Giving him a shy smile, she looked at him. "Ok, Spike. I would like that too."

A wide smile split his face. "Come on then, pet, let’s go and get you some food."

Smiling, the two lovers left the room together, proud to show the world their love.

When Buffy and Spike got downstairs, Buffy started heading towards the kitchen to go and get some food, when she felt Spikes hand on her arm. "Where are you going, pet?"

She looked at him puzzled. "What do you mean, Spike? I'm going to the kitchen. Getting food."

"Why are you going to the kitchen? Come to the dining room with me, we will get something to eat."

Sighing, she turned back to William. Facing him she held both his hands in hers. "William, I can't be that person anymore. I am not a sit-there-and-be-waited-on person anymore. I'm a sit-in-the-kitchen-not-get-in-the-way-girl. Understand?"

"Yeah I guess I do. Well then, if you won't come to me, I’ll just have to come to you." Walking in front of her, he started to walk with Buffy being dragged behind him.

"Spike! Where are you going?"

"Kitchen. Come on, not going to get fed out here."

Spellbound, she followed him into the kitchen."

Once they had eaten, Buffy and Spike went back up to the bedroom. Feeling a little tired, she went and sat down on the bed.

Walking over to the window, William watched as the sun spread over the gardens. Turning back, he looked at the girl he loved spread on the bed.

"Well then missy, you have spent long enough in this house."

Buffy looked at him shocked, was he really about to kick her out after everything they had talked about?

"Hey, don't look so scared. I just meant, time we got you back out in that sunshine where you belong. You are going to get dressed, while I go and find us a good book and get Red to sort us some food. I will see you downstairs in half an hour my lady."

Bowing gracefully like the gentleman he was, he left the room, leaving Elizabeth just as confused.

Standing up she decided to do as he asked, ringing the bell by the side of her bed she waited until someone arrived. When they did, she asked if it was possibly she could have some clothes, as she knew all she had been wearing when she had been brought here was her undergarments.

William paced the floor at the bottom of the stairs. Was he being too forward asking her to join him? As he looked up his breath was suddenly taken away. There at the top of the stairs stood his angel, looking resplendent. She wore a simple dress, which he could only assume was either one of her sister’s or one of the servants. Her loose hair was covered with a simple hat, and she wore gloves that covered her delicate hands.

As she descended down the stairs, William wondered what he had ever done to deserve a girl as wonderful as this one.

"You look wonderful, my lady."

Buffy giggled, "Thank you, kind sir."

Taking her arm he led her towards the door and out in to the garden. "Now I know that you won't be up to much, and I know the doctor said you needed rest. So bearing all this in mind, I have had the pavilion set up, with a selection of delectable treats. I just hope that you approve."

As Buffy saw the pavilion in question come into view before her, her breath was stolen from her. There on the table seemed to lie every delicious food imaginable, and then in the center of the table, lay a brand new copy of ‘Love in Excess’ by Eliza Haywood. Walking over to it, she ran her fingers along the leather bound cover. "William." She knew her voice sounded in awe but she didn't care.

"It’s for you, it’s all for you."

Smiling, she picked up the heavy book and carried it over to William. Handing it to him, she looked longingly into his eyes. "Would you read to me?"

Nodding, the two lovers, sat down and together they read page after page of romance, getting swept away by the emotions in the pages.

They repeated this every day for the next week. William would come and wake Elizabeth with delicate kisses. Together they would then stroll down to the pavilion, and seemed to spend the rest of the day reading together.

On the eighth day, Elizabeth was snuggled up close to William. As he closed the book on the last page, she held him a little bit tighter, happy that she had found her soul mate. "What are we going to read tomorrow then sir?"

"No can do, princess. I'm not here tomorrow. You will have to entertain yourself for a little while. I have to go out of the country for a couple of days. I'm sure though Red will need some helping planning this wedding I hear nothing else of." Smiling, he kissed her forehead. "Now then, let’s get you back inside before you get cold."

Holding hands they walked back to the house together.

When Elizabeth woke the following morning, her first reaction was one of loneliness. She had grown accustomed to Williams’s way of waking her, and had secretly hoped it would never stop. Now however, without him there next to her she felt a loneliness she hadn't felt in a while.

Getting dressed, she decided that she would do as William had said and went to go and find Willow.

She wasn't as hard to find as Elizabeth had first thought she would be. She was sat in the laundry room, surrounded by mountings of washing. Rolling up her sleeves, Elizabeth went and joined her. "Hey, Let me help."

Pushing her sweaty hair off her face, Willow gave her a gratefully smile. As the two started to work, Willow immediately started talking about her impending wedding. The day was only about a week off, and her nerves where starting to show slightly.

"My mother said I could wear her dress. So at least Oz will see me in something other than my uniform. Priest Charlton will do the service. I think the whole village will turn out. It’s all so exciting. I am so glad that you will be there with me; don’t think I could have done it without you with me.

"Although it’s unorthodox, we will both have to carry on working, that’s until I am with child. We can't afford to leave work, not yet anyway. At least we will be together. Oh Elizabeth it’s all so exciting."

"You sound happy."

"I really really am. I have found the man that I dream about."

"I know the feeling." Unashamed to tell Willow of her relationship with William, the two girls spent the rest of the afternoon talking about their men and weddings.

When Elizabeth woke on the fourth day of William’s absence, she had grown used to no longer being woken by his kisses, but she still missed him with a burning passion. Nobody really knew what he was doing; all anyone knew was that he was out of the country. Elizabeth knew that whatever he was doing must be very important. She had faith in that.

Getting dressed, she decided to carry on what she had been doing for the last three days. Her inquisitive nature had finally taken over, and she had relished the chance to explore the household fully.

As she walked downstairs, she saw Amy rushing around. "Hello Amy."

"Hello Elizabeth. I bet you are happy this morning."

"No more than normal, I bet Willow is excited though, only three more days and she is Mrs. Osbourne."

"Silly! I don't mean you will be happy because of Willow, I meant because Master William is due back today."

"What? When did you find out?"

"Oh he sent word last night, it was late when the messenger got here though, you might have been asleep, I wouldn't have blamed you. Apparently he has managed to achieve what he needed to do, and will be back late this evening. He wouldn't say what he had to do though. It’s a mystery to everyone."

Elizabeth could barely contain her smile her prince was coming back to her. She knew she would be on tender hooks all day waiting for his return.

"Thank you for letting me know, Amy."

"Your welcome, 'fraid I really must get on though.” And with that she ran off back into the kitchen.

Happily, Elizabeth walked in a dreamlike state back to her bedroom.

By 7.00 o' clock there was still no sign of William, it appeared that he had been delayed. Deciding that if it got much later she would have to give up hope of seeing him tonight, Elizabeth sat on the bed and pulled the book from off the bedside table closer to her.

Hearing what she thought where horses hooves on the gravel outside, Elizabeth bookmarked the page she was reading and set the book down. Glancing over at the wall, she saw that it was approaching 10.00pm.

Placing her feet into the delicate slippers that had been provided, she went and stood by the window. Sure enough there was William riding his horse up on towards the house.

Turning away from the window, she smoothed down her dresses, pinching her cheeks to create a glowing persona, she checked herself in the mirror, before finally settling herself down on the chaise long, just in time for William opening the door.

“Spike!” Jumping up from the chaise she looked at him. “I was starting to wonder if you weren’t coming back at all.”

Taking his riding coat off, he threw it over the end of the bed. “Of course I was coming back, baby. I have something for you.”

Producing a newspaper from behind him, he handed it to Elizabeth.

Giving him a puzzled look, Elizabeth looked down at the paper. As she read the headline, all the air suddenly left her body, with a shocked expression; she sunk down onto the chaise again. Unable to comprehend what the piece of paper in front of her was saying.


Please leave me a review!! And thank you to Louise for beta-ing this chapter for me!! You're a little star.

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